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Vocabulary Level F. Unit 12. ABSOLVE. (v.) to clear from blame, responsibility, or guilt Syn : acquit, exonerate, vindicate, excuse, pardon Ant: condemn, convict, incriminate, inculpate. The detective SOLVED the case and ABSOLVED the defendant from any guilt!. CARICATURE.
Vocabulary Level F Unit 12
ABSOLVE • (v.) to clear from blame, responsibility, or guilt • Syn: acquit, exonerate, vindicate, excuse, pardon • Ant: condemn, convict, incriminate, inculpate
The detective SOLVED the case and ABSOLVED the defendant from any guilt!
CARICATURE • (n.) a representation (especially a drawing) in which the subject’s characteristic features are deliberately exaggerated • (v.) to present someone or something in a deliberately distorted way Syn: cartoon, burlesque, Parody, lampoon
He was so frequently the subject of CARICATURE that he seemed almost a fictionalCHARACTER.
CLANGOR • (n.) a loud ringing sound • (v.) to make a loud ringing sound • Syn: din, clamor, uproar • Ant: silence, stillness, peace and quiet
The CLANGOR of the bells summoned everyone to the town square. CLANG! CLANG!
CONTIGUOUS • (adj.) side by side, touching; near; adjacent in time • Syn: adjoining, abutting, next door to • Ant: detached, apart, distant, remote
Zoning laws attempt to add some CONTINUTIY to businesses and other buildings that are CONTIGUOUS to each other.
CUPIDITY • (n.) an eager desire for something; greed • Syn: avarice, rapacity, craving, lust • Ant: generosity, contentment, satiation, gratification
CUPID’s only STUPIDITY may be found in his CUPIDITY for love.
DELETERIOUS • (adj.) harmful, injurious • Syn: detrimental, destructive, pernicious, damaging • Ant: helpful, beneficial, harmless, innocuous
When I accidentally DELETED my entire paper, it was DELETERIOUSto my grade.
ENHANCE I think I’ll do my homework to ENHANCE my grade in English • (v.) to raise to a higher degree; to increase the value or desirability of • Syn: improve, magnify, heighten, elevate • Ant: diminish, reduce, lessen, degrade
The quality of animage is often ENHANCED by police in the movies.
ENTHRALL • (v.) to captivate, charm, hold spellbound; to enslave; to imprison • Syn: fascinate, enchant, attract, bewitch • Ant: bore to tears, repel, put someone off
The crowd was so deeplyENTERTAINEDyou could say they wereENTHRALLED
EXTENUATE Would it be okay to steal bread in an EXTENUATING circumstance? • (v.) to lessen the seriousness or magnitude of an offense by making partial excuses • Syn: moderate, mitigate, diminish, downplay • Ant: intensify, aggravate, worsen, exacerbate
Those TEN YOU ATEcan only be explained by the EXTENUATING circumstances of your extreme hunger.
IMPLICIT • (adj.) implied or understood though unexpressed; without doubts or reservations, unquestioning; potentially contained in • Syn: inferred, tacit, unspoken, unconditional • Ant: explicit, expressed, stated, revealed
Something IMPLIED -- Even if it is not said –is IMPLICIT.
INCISIVE • (adj.) sharp, keen, penetrating (with a suggestion of decisiveness and effectiveness) • Syn: acute, cutting, perceptive, trenchant
Her remarks had great INSIGHT. Her words were INCISIVE
OSTENTATIOUS • (adj.) marked by conspicuous or pretentious display, showy • Syn: flashy, overdone, affected, flamboyant • Ant: modest, plain, simple, demure, retiring
Old OSSENBERGER was so full of himself, but was his building as OSTENATIOUS as this one?
PARAGON • (n.) a model of excellence or perfection • Syn: exemplar, ideal, paradigm, model, good example
M.C. Escher is a PARAGON ofPARADOX
PARAPHRASE • (v.) to restate in other words • (n.) a statement that presents a given idea in new language • Syn: reword, rephrase, a rendition, version • Ant: repeat verbatim, duplicate, quote
I’ll use a PAIR OF PHRASES toPARAPHRASE what he said.
POLITIC • (adj.) prudent, shrewdly conceived and developed; artful, expedient • Syn: tactful, diplomatic, judicious, circumspect • Ant: unwise, injudicious, imprudent, rash
APOLITICIAN must be POLITIC with his or her words!
PROSAIC • (adj.) dull, lacking in distinction and originality; matter-of-fact, straightforward; characteristic of prose, not poetic • Syn: commonplace, humdrum, literal, pedestrian • Ant: remarkable, distinctive, poetic, inspired POETRY vs. PROSE
Writing that is filled withPROSE instead of poetry can be called PROSAIC
REDUNDANT I, myself, prefer steak over hot dogs. • (adj.) extra, excess, more than is needed; wordy, repetitive; profuse, lush • Syn: unnecessary, superfluous, verbose, prolix • Ant: succinct, terse, laconic, scarce, inadequate
It was REDONE so many times it was REDUNDANT
SANCTIMONIOUS • (adj.) making a show of virtue or righteousness; hypocritically moralistic or pious, self-righteous, canting, holier-than-thou • Ant: heartfelt, sincere, humble
He was soSANCTIMONIUS in his speech it was as if he wanted us to think he was a SAINT
SCINTILLATING • (adj./part.) sparkling, twinkling, exceptionally brilliant (applied to mental or personal qualities) • Syn: stimulating, lively, glittering, flashing • Ant: dull, boring, insipid, flat, tame vapid
Can a SCENT be so stimulating thatit can be called SCINTILLATING?
WINSOME • (adj.) charming, attractive, pleasing (often suggesting childlike charm and innocence) • Syn: winning, engaging, delightful, prepossessing • Ant: unattractive, unappealing, repulsive
He was charming and WINSOME.Even when he lost, he’d simply say,“You WIN SOME, You lose some.”