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BioInnovation . Kelly Freed, Jenny Heffernan, Emily Rautenberg Client: Dr. Philip Leopold. Computational Biology. Modeling biological reactions using mathematical means to produce simulations to be used in real world applications

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BioInnovation Kelly Freed, Jenny Heffernan, Emily Rautenberg Client: Dr. Philip Leopold

  2. Computational Biology • Modeling biological reactions using mathematical means to produce simulations to be used in real world applications • Allows user to compare computed results with in-lab experimentation • Computational means provide a faster and inexpensive substitute to in-lab research • Digital data can be used to predict real life results • OUR PROJECT: Computationally Model Viral Infection

  3. Cell Nucleus Microtubules Microtubule Organizing Center (MTOC) Intro to Cell Biology Virus (adenovirus)

  4. Viral Infection Virus attaches to a cell encapsulated in an endosome, releases into the cytosol, then attaches to the microtubule.

  5. The Unknowns • What happens after viruses travel along microtubules? • Can the virus bind to the nucleus at any state? • How do viruses move from the the MTOC to the nucleus? • Is there another intracellular transportation mechanism?

  6. Solution • Provide method of testing both known and unknown • Create unique experiments through path manipulation • Edit state transitions virus can make

  7. Possible Experiments

  8. Possible Variables • Cell Size • Cell Type • Normal • Cancerous • Number of Viruses • Various Rates in a Given State • Over 2 million possible experiments!

  9. Autodesk Maya Model Creation Implementation • Unity 3D • GUI: Javascript • Simulation: C#

  10. Input

  11. Output

  12. Demonstration Now let’s see it in action!

  13. Future • Randomized Microtubule Creation • Animation playback and saving capabilities • Data Exportation • Various Cell Customizability

  14. Questions? kfreed@stevens.edu, jheffern@stevens.edu, erautenb@stevens.edu

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