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European airtightness association committee Internet Meeting 07/03/13

European airtightness association committee Internet Meeting 07/03/13. Participants. Czech Republic: Jiri Novak ( Asociace Blower Door CZ” (A.BD.CZ)) France : Cédric d’Haene ( Syneole ) Germany : Oliver Solcher ( FliB ) Sweden : Eva Sikander (Informal network in Sweden)

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European airtightness association committee Internet Meeting 07/03/13

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Presentation Transcript

  1. European airtightness association committeeInternet Meeting07/03/13

  2. Participants • Czech Republic: Jiri Novak (Asociace Blower Door CZ” (A.BD.CZ)) • France: Cédricd’Haene(Syneole) • Germany: Oliver Solcher (FliB) • Sweden: Eva Sikander (Informal network in Sweden) • UK: David Unwin, Tom Jones (ATTMA) • TightVentmembers: Stefanie Rolfsmeier (BlowerDoorGmbH) • TightVent Operating Agent: RémiCarrié • Guest: Valérie Leprince • Apologies: • Denmark: Walter Sebastian (Klimaskaerm) – Apologies • Belgium: Xavier Loncour, Clarisse Mees - Apologies) (Observers) • UK: Rob Coxon – Apologies • TightVent Operating Agent: Maria Kapsalaki – Apologies, Peter Wouters • No answer ? • Italy: Guenther Gantioler (ATTA)

  3. Agenda Review of previous action list Analysis of questionnaires on competent tester schemes Information on events (conferences, workshops and webinars) and publications Hannover meeting AOB Next meetings

  4. Actions

  5. Previousaction list

  6. Analysis of questionnaires on competent tester schemes Seepresentation of V. Leprince

  7. Information within committee • Latest documents available on private area of TightVent website • http://tightvent.eu/partners/airtightness-testers-associations • Password is TVAAC2012 , please do not disclose it.

  8. Events • Quality of ventilation systems in Brussels • 18-19 March 2013, http://tightvent.eu/events/qvs-workshop-2013, attractive programme • Airtightness workshop in Washington DC • 18-19 April 2013, attractive programme • BUILDAIR symposium in Hannover • 7-8 June 2013 • AIVC-TightVent 2013 conference in Athens • 25-26 September 2013, call open: http://www.aivc2013conference.org

  9. Events • Webinarwithpresentation of competent tester schemes ? • Interestfrom DE, CZ, FR • Changes in process in the UK soprobably not appropriate • DK ? • Tentative date = June 25, 10:00-12:00

  10. Publications Availableat: http://www.aivc.org/frameset/frameset.html?../publications/publications.html~mainFrame

  11. Hannover meeting • Proposalis to have a physical meeting of the committeefrom 09:00 until 15:30 on June 6, justbefore the BUILDAIR symposium • Whowill attend? • Yes • Oliver, Jiri • Not sure • Eva • Maybe • Rob, Stefanie • No • Cédric (probably) • To check : DK ? Walter

  12. AOB

  13. Next meetings • Internet meeting • Friday 3 May 2013, 10:00-12:00 (WebEx) • Physical meeting • Thursday 6 June 2013 in Hannover, 09:00-15:30

  14. Annexes

  15. Discussion on reference value used for airtightnessindicator • The uncertainty on the reference value has a direct impact on the uncertainty on the airtightnessindicator • 10% error on volume implies 10% error on n50 value • This maybe important for compliance to a givenlimit value of the airtightnessindicator • On the other hand, thisuncertaintycanbeeliminated in the energycalculationsince the energycalculationuses the total leakageflowrate • For example, assume energy use iscalculatedfrom the calculated infiltration rate and degree-days • where Einf is expressed in kWh, Vbld is the building’s volume, and DD is the number of degree-days in Kelvin days • And assume ninfcanbeestimatedwith

  16. Discussion on reference value used for airtightnessindicator • Equation becomes • And therefore the building volume has no influence on the calculation of the energyuse as long as you use the same value for calculating the n50 as the one you use in the EP calculation. • The same conclusion canbedrawn if the indicatorisnormalizedwith the cold area. • In sum, • The uncertainty on the reference value to normalize the airtightnessindicator affects directly the uncertainty on the airtightnessindicator • But, as long as you use the samereference value to normalize the airtightness as the one whichisused in the EP calculation, thereshouldbe no impact on the energycalculation.

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