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English language 4 WEEK 2
HANDBALL • Handball is a game played between two teams of seven players who try to throw or hit an inflated ball into a goal area at either end of a rectangular playing area while preventing their opponents from doing so. • A game consists of two 30-minute halves with an intermission, and players wear no protective equipment.
HISTORY • Ancient Greeks and Romans played a type of handball, and handball was also played by the Inuit in Greenland and the French in Europe as early as the Middle Ages. • By the 19th century, handball was played in countries such as Ukraine (gandbol), Denmark (håndbold), Germany (torball), Slovakia (hádzaná) and Czech Republic (házená). • Team handball as we know it today developed in northern Europe by the end of the 1800s. It was especially popular in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Germany during this period. • Denmark is widely recognized as the birthplace of modern handball.
HISTORY • The rules for modern handball were drawn up by Danish gym teacher Holger Nielsen in 1898 and published in 1906. Rasmus Nicolai, also a Danish teacher, drew up similar rules in 1897. • The International Amateur Handball Federation (IAHF) was set up in 1928 on the occasion of the Olympic Games in Amsterdam, leading to the first Field Handball World Championships being played in Germany in 1938, following its appearance at the 1936 Berlin Games. • Between 1938 and 1966 both forms of handball were played at separate World Championships: an outdoor, 11-a-side game played on a football pitch and a new 7-a-side indoor version preferred by the Scandinavians.
HISTORY • After 1936, field handball was no longer played at the Games, except as a demonstration sport in 1952 in Helsinki. Indoor handball was presented for the first time at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. Yugoslavia was victorious and won the first gold medal after a competition between 16 men’s teams. • The introduction of women’s handball to the Games took place in 1976 in Montreal. The Soviet Union won this first women’s Olympic competition, taking home two gold medals after the 11-team men’s competition and the six-team women’s one.
EQUIPMENT • The ball is made of leather or a synthetic material. It must be spherical. The surface must not be shiny or slippery. The size of the ball is as follows: • 58-60cm and 425-475g (IHF Size 3) for Men • 54-56cm and 325-375g (IHF Size 2) for Women • All the court players on a team must wear identical uniforms. The players must wear sports shoes. • The players must wear visible numbers. The numbers used shall be from 1 to 99.
THE PLAYING COURT • The playing court is a 40 meter long and 20 meter wide rectangle, consisting of two goal areas and a playing area. • The longer boundary lines are called side lines, and the shorter ones are called goal lines (between the goalposts) or outer goal lines (on either side of the goal). • There should be a safety zone surrounding the playing court, with a width of at least 1 meter along the side lines and 2 meters behind the goal lines.
THE PLAYING COURT • A goal is placed in the center of each outer goal line. The goals must be firmly attached to the floor or to the walls behind them. They have an interior height of 2 meters and a width of 3 meters. • The goals must have a net, that should be attached in such a way that a ball thrown into the goal normally remains in the goal. • In front of each goal there is a goal area. The goal area is defined by the goal-area line (6-meter line), which is drawn as follows:
THE PLAYING COURT • a) a 3 meter long line directly in front of the goal. This line is parallel to the goal line and 6 meters away from it; • b) two quarter circles, each with a radius of 6 meters connecting the 3 meter long line with the outer goal line. • The free-throw line (9-meter line) is a broken line, drawn 3 meters outside the goal-area line. Both the segments of the line and the spaces between them measure 15cm.
THE PLAYING COURT • The 7-meter line is a 1 meter long line, directly in front of the goal. It is parallel to the goal line and 7 meters away from it (measured from the rear edge of the goal line to the front edge of the 7-meter line). • The goalkeeper’s restraining line (the 4-meter line) is a 15cm long line, directly in front of the goal. It is parallel to the goal line and 4 meters away from it (measured from the rear edge of the goal line to the front edge of the 4-meter line).
THE PLAYING COURT • The center line connects the midpoints of the two side lines. • The substitution line (a segment of the side line) for each team extends from the center line to a point at a distance of 4.5 meters from the center line. This end point of the substitution line is enhanced by a line which is parallel to the center line, extending 15cm inside the sideline and 15cm outside the sideline.
PLAYING TIME • The normal playing time for all teams with players of age 16 and above is 2 halves of 30 minutes. The half-time break is normally 10 minutes. • Overtime is played, following a 5-minute break, if a game is tied at the end of the regular playing time and a winner has to be determined. The overtime period consists of 2 halves of 5 minutes, with a 1-minute half-time break. • If the game is again tied after a first overtime period, a second period is played after a 5-minute break. This overtime period also has 2 halves of 5 minutes, with a 1-minute half-time break.
PLAYING TIME • If the game is still tied, the winner will be determined in accordance with the rules for the particular competition. In the case that the decision is to use 7-meter-throwing as tie-breaker to decide a winner. • The playing time begins with the referee’s whistle for the initial throw-off. It ends with the automatic final signal from the public clock or from the timekeeper. If no such signal comes, the referee whistles to indicate that the playing time is over.
THE THROW-OFF • At the start of the game, the throw-off is taken by the team that wins the coin toss and elects to start with the ball in its possession. The opponents then have the right to choose ends. • The teams change ends for the second half of the game. • A new coin toss is undertaken prior to each overtime period. • After a goal has been scored play is resumed with a throw-off taken by the team that conceded the goal.
THE THROW-IN • A throw-in is awarded when the ball has completely crossed the side line, or when a court player on the defending team was the last one to touch the ball before it crossed his team’s outer goal line. • It is also awarded when the ball has touched the ceiling or a fixture above the court.
PLAYING THE BALL • It is permitted to: • throw, catch, stop, push or hit the ball, by using hands (open or closed), arms, head, torso, thighs, and knees; • hold the ball for a maximum of 3 seconds, also when it is Iying on the floor • take a maximum of 3 steps with the ball; • While standing or running: • bounce the ball once and catch it again with one or both hands; • bounce the ball repeatedly with one hand (dribble), and then catch it or pick it up again with one or both hands; • roll the ball on the floor repeatedly with one hand, and then catch it or pick it up again with one or both hands. • As soon as the ball is held in one or both hands, it must be played within 3 seconds or after no more than 3 steps.
A team consists of up to 14 players. • No more than 7 players may be present on the court at the same time. The remaining players are substitutes. • At all times during the game, the team must have one of the players on the court identified as a goalkeeper. A player who is identified as a goalkeeper may become a court player at any time. Similarly, a court player may become a goalkeeper at any time. • A team must have at least 5 players on the court at the start of the game.
OFFENSIVE AND DEFENSIVE FORMATIONS OFFENSE (BLUE) DEFENSE (YELLOW) G = Goalie OD = Outside Defender FD = Front Defender HD = Half Defender LD = Inside Defender • LW = Left Wing • RW=Right Wing • LB = Left Back • CD = Center Back • RB = Right Back • P = Pivot
THE GOALKEEPER • Is allowed to: • touch the ball with any part of his body while in the act of defense inside the goal area. • move with the ball inside the goal area. • leave the goal area without the ball and participate in the game in the playing area. • to leave the goal area with the ball and play it again in the playing area if he has not managed to control it.
THE GOALKEEPER • Is not allowed to: • endanger the opponent while in the act of defense. • leave the goal area with the ball under control; this leads to a free-throw. • touch or take the ball when it is stationary or rolling on the floor outside the goal area, while he is inside the goal area • re-enter the goal area from the playing area with the ball.
PIVOT • The role of a pivot in handball is that of an attacking player. The pivot player is also called the 'line player'. These handball positions play most of the game along the 6 meter line at the opposition baseline. • This circle runner (or pivot) forms a close partnership with the centre back. They both try to exploit gaps and weaknesses in the defence of the opponents. Number 5 in handball is also required to shoot and often has to do so while unbalanced or in the air. • They would generally play in front of their defense trying to intercept the ball. A pivot would also try to prevent the opponents from passing when they attack. • Their chief role is either creating openings for teammates or getting into a good scoring position themselves.
SUBSTITUTION • Substitutes may enter the court over their own team’s substitution line, at any time and repeatedly without notifying the timekeeper/scorekeeper, as long as the players they are replacing have already left the court. • A 2-minute suspension of the player is a result of any infringement of the above mentioned rule.
SCORING • A goal is scored only when the entire ball has completely crossed the goal line. • A goal that has been awarded can no longer be disallowed, once the referee has blown the whistle for the subsequent throw-off to be taken. • The referees must make clear (without a throw-off) that they have awarded a goal, if the signal for the end of a half sounds immediately after a goal is scored and before a throw-off can be taken.
THE REFEREES • Two referees with equal authority shall be in charge of each game. They are assisted by a timekeeper and a scorekeeper. • The referees monitor the conduct of the players and team officials from the moment they enter the premises until they leave. • The referees are responsible for inspecting the playing court, the goals, and the balls before the game starts; they decide which balls will be used. • The referees also establish the presence of both teams in proper uniforms. They check the score sheet and the equipment of the players.
THE REFEREES • They ensure that the number of players and officials in the substitution area is within the limits, and they establish the presence and identity of the «responsible team official», for each team. Any discrepancies must be corrected. • The coin toss is undertaken by one of the referees in the presence of the other referee and the ‘responsible team official’ for each team, or a team official or player (for instance, a team captain) on behalf of the ‘responsible team official’. • In principle, the entire game shall be conducted by the same referees.
HEALTH AND FITNESS BENEFITS • Playing handball has a number of health and fitness benefits, including the following: • Improves arm muscles and upper body strength. • Develops agility of hands and feet, with sudden changes of pace and direction required. • Boosts the body's flexibility. • Improves mental focus and self-confidence. • Provides the body with a good cardiovascular workout, feeding more oxygen to the muscles via the bloodstream.
PASSIVE • Passive is used to emphasise the action rather than who or what is responsible for it. • Passive is formed with the verb to be in the appropriate form + the past participle of the main verb. • Agent is the person who causes or carries out the action. (by + agent) • The agent is omitted when: • The emphasis is on the action • The agent is unknown • It is easy to decipher who the agent is
TRANSFORMATION • Active sentence is transformed into passive sentence by applying transformational rules: • replace the active verb phrase by the matching passive one • make the object of the active clause the subject of the passive clause • make the subject of the active clause the agent of the passive clause. The agent is the noun phrase which occurs after the preposition by in the passive clause.
TRANSFORMATION • His father promised him a new car. ( active) • A new car was promised to him by his father.( passive) • So the formula is: • Active: agent + active verb phrase + pacient • Passive: pacient + passive verb phrase + agent ( by agent)
ACTIVE AND THE OPPOSITE PASSIVE FORMS • Present Simple: kisses is kissed • Past Simple: kissed was kissed • Modal: may kiss may be kissed • Perfective: has kissed has been kissed • Progressive: is kissing is being kissed • Modal + perfective: may have kissed may have been kissed
EXAMPLES • My father made this violin .( active) • This violin was made by my father. ( passive) • The results hardly justify this conclusion. ( active) • This conclusion is hardly justified by the results. ( passive) • The results encourage us to go on with the project. ( active) • We are encouraged to go on with the project. ( passive).
BIBLIOGRAPHY • Rules of the game, International Handball Federation http://www.ihf.info/upload/pdf-download/rules_english.pdf • https://www.britannica.com/sports/team-handball • Handball worksheet, Learn English British Council https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/sites/podcasts/files/sports-worksheetshandball-1.pdf • https://www.realbuzz.com/articles-interests/sports-activities/article/the-beginners-guide-to-playing-handball/ • Team handball positions diagram: https://www.holmen.k12.wi.us/site/handlers/filedownload.ashx?moduleinstanceid=9532&dataid=3489&FileName=Team%20Handball%20Positions%20Diagram.pdf • The rules of handball video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=69Ap8WsenXc • Top 10 famous handball tricks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaVe1N_2dII • https://www.google.rs/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enRS795RS795&biw=1280&bih=694&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=j02iW7PKPLLSrgS-2KTYBg&q=handball+&oq=handball+&gs_l=img.3..0l8j0i67k1j0.1159.3668.0.4501. • https://www.google.rs/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enRS795RS795&biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=nE2iW7j-GvDmrgTFiZ_ABA&q=handball+history&oq=handball+history&gs_l=img.3..0i19k1j0i5i30i19k1j0i8i30i19k1.207300.209629.0.210235.
BIBLIOGRAPHY • https://www.google.rs/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enRS795RS795&biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=nE2iW7j-GvDmrgTFiZ_ABA&q=handball+history&oq=handball+history&gs_l=img.3..0i19k1j0i5i30i19k1j0i8i30i19k1.207300.209629.0.210235. • https://www.google.rs/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enRS795RS795&biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=nE2iW7j-GvDmrgTFiZ_ABA&q=handball+history&oq=handball+history&gs_l=img.3..0i19k1j0i5i30i19k1j0i8i30i19k1.207300.209629.0.210235. • https://www.google.rs/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enRS795RS795&biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=nE2iW7j-GvDmrgTFiZ_ABA&q=handball+history&oq=handball+history&gs_l=img.3..0i19k1j0i5i30i19k1j0i8i30i19k1.207300.209629.0.210235. • https://www.google.rs/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enRS795RS795&biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=cE6iW4T3F_KDrwSLmqGYBQ&q=handball&oq=handball&gs_l=img.3..0l10.2413616.2414855.0.2415088. • https://www.google.rs/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enRS795RS795&biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=cE6iW4T3F_KDrwSLmqGYBQ&q=handball&oq=handball&gs_l=img.3..0l10.2413616.2414855.0.2415088. • https://www.google.rs/search?q=handball&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CSoeRBQh7CMdIjixy_1f1gnZwNMyh6YBcF4e0SJT_1CEFNmL23jxIc0AvOZW4XIrgRwfCHT3Ca5yCaVt7FmB6tLYP6ryoSCbHL9_1WCdnA0EW9FnnGzQMl3KhIJzKHpgFwXh7QRInhY1n0gXEsqEglIlP8IQU2YvRHR_13EQa3wGSCoSCbePEhzQC85lEegyw4ngb7vNKhIJbhciuBHB8IcRicQRFqr4pAQqEglPcJrnIJpW3hHu5RUPMoxczCoSCcWYHq0tg_1qvEUYcga8fnCGZ&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwis54POnsfdAhVL3KQKHQRKCzMQ9C96BAgBEBg&biw=1280&bih=645&dpr=1#imgdii=ElLhflow0H54YM:&imgrc=5u105XMX4qACvM: • https://www.google.rs/search?q=score+board+handball&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjw5Jb4osfdAhVjlIsKHQc1AmIQ_AUICigB&biw=1280&bih=645#imgrc=hYnuKiqLA6RDjM: • https://www.google.rs/search?biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=Zl2iW8y_LejsrgSPwJLgBA&q=coin+toss&oq=coin+toss&gs_l=img.3..0i19k1l10.26100.26100.0.27726. • https://www.google.rs/search?biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=hF2iW4GaJc_prgTJxZzYBA&q=direction+arrows&oq=direction+arrows&gs_l=img.3..0i19k1l6j0i5i30i19k1l4.88506.91750.0.91998.
BIBLIOGRAPHY • https://www.google.rs/search?biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=4l2iW4-XIq7SrgTJ6rHwAw&q=throw-in+handball&oq=throw-in+handball&gs_l=img.3..0i5i30k1j0i8i30k1.135049.139120.0.139514. • https://www.google.rs/search?biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=lF-iW6Bu7fqrAYzHjugE&q=srbija+rukometasice&oq=srbija+rukometasice&gs_l=img.3...29199.33539.0.33775. • https://www.google.rs/search?biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=tWCiW9bXF6jprgSK0r9I&q=reprezentacija+srbije+rukomet&oq=reprezentacija+srbije+rukomet&gs_l=img.3...4455.13077.0.13254. • https://www.google.rs/search?biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=xWCiW-7OAcP1qwH-46LYAw&q=handball+scoring&oq=handball+scoring&gs_l=img.3...136494.139661.0.139991. • https://www.google.rs/search?biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=xWCiW-7OAcP1qwH-46LYAw&q=handball+scoring&oq=handball+scoring&gs_l=img.3...136494.139661.0.139991. • https://www.google.rs/search?biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=U2GiW_6QD7DrrgTw54GABA&q=2+minute+suspension+handball&oq=2+minute+suspension+handball&gs_l=img.3...287971.293058.0.293461. • https://www.google.rs/search?biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=U2GiW_6QD7DrrgTw54GABA&q=2+minute+suspension+handball&oq=2+minute+suspension+handball&gs_l=img.3...287971.293058.0.293461. • https://www.google.rs/search?biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=EWOiW-biPIbNrgS5oojgBA&q=rukomet+klupa&oq=rukomet+klupa&gs_l=img.3...73530.76206.0.76808. • https://www.google.rs/search?biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=YGOiW-HbNMvQrgSfgaeoBQ&q=rukomet+sudije&oq=rukomet+sudije&gs_l=img.3...86072.86945.0.87297. • https://www.google.rs/search?biw=1280&bih=645&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=YGOiW-HbNMvQrgSfgaeoBQ&q=rukomet+sudije&oq=rukomet+sudije&gs_l=img.3...86072.86945.0.87297.