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DRAFT. Guaranteed Loan Program - Single Family Housing-. Agenda. USDA, Rural Development Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program Benefits Lender Approval Applicant Eligibility Property Eligibility The Process Resources Available. United States Department of Agriculture.

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  1. DRAFT Guaranteed Loan Program - Single Family Housing-

  2. Agenda • USDA, Rural Development • Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program • Benefits • Lender Approval • Applicant Eligibility • Property Eligibility • The Process • Resources Available

  3. United States Department of Agriculture

  4. Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program (SFHGLP) • Loan made, held, and/or serviced by an approved SFHGLP lender • Guaranteed against loss by USDA

  5. Lender Approval An Approved Lender must be: • A State Housing Agency, Farm Credit Service, or: • Approved by HUD, VA, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, or: • A participant in other Rural Development or Farm Service Agency Guaranteed loan programs

  6. Home Buyer Benefits • 102% LTV • No Mortgage Insurance • 30 Year Fixed Rate • Partner with other Funding Sources • No Loan Limit • Fees & Repairs may be Financed • Unlimited Gifts or Seller Contributions • No Reserves Required

  7. Lender Benefits • Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) • 102% LTV • Saleable in the Secondary Market • Lender Profitability • Guaranteed by Government • Expand Market Share • Lender Underwrites Loan • Quality Customer Service

  8. Rate and Term • 30-Year Fixed • Interest Rate Set by Approved Lender • Not higher than the 30-year, 90-day actual/actual Fannie Mae rate plus 60 basis points - Or - • Lender’s Published VA rate • One-Time Guarantee Fee • 2.00% Purchase • .5% Refinance

  9. Loan Purposes • Purchase New • Stick or Modular • Manufactured • Purchase Existing • Stick or Modular

  10. More Loan Purposes • Repairs • Refinance • Direct Loan (by Rural Development) • Guaranteed Loan • Typical Loan Closing Costs

  11. Prohibited Purposes • Construction Draws • Furniture & Personal Property • Existing Manufactured Home • Income Producing Property • Non-Essential Buildings & Land • In-Ground Swimming Pool

  12. Income • Household adjusted annual income may not exceed the MODERATE INCOME limit. • Limits based on family size & county/township/parish where the property is located • Income & Property Eligibility web site at: http://eligibility.sc.egov.usda.gov

  13. Adjusted Annual Income • Income of all Adult Household Members • Gross income • OT, commissions, bonuses, etc. • Net self-employment income • SS, child support, unemployment, etc.

  14. Adjusted Annual Income • Adjustments • $480 per minor or full-time student • Verified child care expenses • $400 where borrower or co-borrower is elderly or disabled

  15. Repayment Income • Adequate & Dependable Income • Repayment Income ≠ Adjusted Annual Income • OT, commission, self-employment, & bonus income should have a 24 mo. history • Earned Income Credit may be added • Non-taxable income may be “grossed-up”

  16. Repayment Ability • PITI – 29.0% • TD – 41.0% - Include all debts ≥ 6 months • May exceed Ratio Limits with documented compensating factors such as: • Zero or little payment shock • Credit score • 2+ years on the job • Cash reserves • And More… • Agency concurrence required for DTI waivers

  17. Credit Verification • Verification • Residential Mortgage Credit Report (RMCR) • Tri-Merged Credit Report • Credit Alert Interactive Voice Response System (CAIVRS) • Rent History – 12 months • Required only if credit score < 620

  18. Credit History • No Credit Lines ≠ Bad Credit • Scores – NO MINIMUM • ≥ 620 – no further review of credit • < 620 – review per Rural Development Regulations • Credit Waiver from Lender’s Underwriter • Temporary circumstances, • Beyond applicant’s control, • and circumstances removed; or • Justifiable dispute

  19. Risk Layering • Payment Shock • Ratio Wavier • Credit Waiver • 2-1 Buy Down

  20. Other Criteria • Do not own a dwelling • Insufficient resources to secure conventional credit without the Guarantee • U.S. Citizen. U.S. Non-Citizen National, or Qualified Alien • Legal Capacity • Primary Residence

  21. Site Eligibility • Must be in Rural Area http://eligibility.sc.egov.usda.gov/eligibility • Access from a Street, Road or Driveway • Environmental Review by Rural Development Staff • Site Value ≤ 30% of total value • Leasehold Estates (where applicable)

  22. Flood & Mudslide • Financing Restricted in These Areas • Exceptions • Existing Homes • Obtain flood insurance • Meet basic conditions

  23. Appraisal • Less Than 6 Months Old • ‘As Is’ or ‘As Improved’ • Qualified State Licensed or Certified Appraiser • Reviewed by Rural Development

  24. Inspections • Lender determines who is qualified to inspect properties. • Wells and septic systems need to be approved by state, local government, or qualified inspector.

  25. Existing Property Inspections • Certify property is structurally sound, functionally adequate, & placed in good repair

  26. Repairs • May be included in the Loan • Typically completed prior to issuance of the Loan Note Guarantee • Escrow permitted under certain limited circumstances

  27. Construction Inspections Three Required Inspections with 1 Year Builder’s Warranty Footing, Rough-In, & Final OR Final Inspection with 10 year warranty OR Certificate of Occupancy with a 1 year Builder’s Warranty Plan Certification Certification Qualified individual or organization OR Certificate of Occupancy ** OR Building Permit** New Construction Inspections and Plan Certification

  28. New Construction • Stick & Modular • Built in accordance with approved building codes-varies by state • Certification official must meet Agency approval • Conform to Rural Development thermal codes

  29. New Construction • Manufactured • New Units ONLY • Agency Approved Dealer Contractors • Includes unit & related site development work • Must meet Agency thermal standards based on where the unit will be located • Unit must be placed on a permanent foundation

  30. Escrow Accounts Existing AND New Construction • Exterior work only when due to weather • Escrow at least 150% of the cost of completion

  31. The Process Lender accepts application. Lender pre-qualifies application. Lender reserves guaranteed funds with Agency. Lender processes application. Lender submits complete application to Agency.

  32. The Process Rural Development issues Conditional Commitment within 48 hours. Lender closes loan. Lender submits closing package to Rural Development. Rural Development issues Loan Note Guarantee to Lender.

  33. Reservation of Funds • When lender has: • Pre-qualified Applicant • Signed Purchase Agreement • Fax RD Form 1980-86, Request for Reservation of Funds • Reservation valid for 60 days

  34. Application • Agency reviews underwritten package for compliance to SFHGLP. • Conditional Commitment issued within 48 hours. • Agency informs lender if package incomplete.

  35. Submission Checklist • Lender’s Loan Underwriting Analysis • Uniform Residential Loan Application • Income Verification • Credit Verification • Purchase Agreement • Appraisal • FEMA 81-93, Standard Flood Hazard Determination

  36. Post-Closing • Repairs • Submission Checklist • 1980-19, Loan Closing Report • Guarantee Fee • Lender Certifications • Copy of RD Form1980-21, Request For SFH Loan Guarantee • Loan Note Guarantee issued.

  37. Servicing/Reporting • Online Reporting • Servicing • Early default intervention • Loss mitigation • Liquidation • Timely liquidation • Timely disposal (if applicable) • Timely loss claim to Rural Development

  38. Resource Websites • Eligibility Website http://eligibility.sc.egov.usda.gov/eligibility • National Web Site www.rurdev.usda.gov • RD Instruction 1980-D http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/regs_toc.html • Administrative Notices http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/regs/an_list.html • Fannie Mae Rates http://www.efanniemae.com/singlefamily/reference_tools/net_yields/db_rate_chart.jhtml • Credit Alert Interactive Voice Response System (CAIVRS) http://www.hud.gov/offices/hsg/sfh/sys/caivrs/caivrs.cfm

  39. Questions?


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