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.NET Compact Framework 2.0 Visual Studio 2005

Mobiiliohjelmointipäivä TTY 19.12.2005. .NET Compact Framework 2.0 Visual Studio 2005. Aali Alikoski Academic Developer Evangelist, Microsoft Oy aali@microsoft.com http://blogs.msdn.com/aalialikoski. Agenda. Microsoftin mobiilivisio .NET mobiilikehityksessä

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.NET Compact Framework 2.0 Visual Studio 2005

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  1. Mobiiliohjelmointipäivä TTY 19.12.2005 .NET Compact Framework 2.0Visual Studio 2005 Aali Alikoski Academic Developer Evangelist, Microsoft Oy aali@microsoft.com http://blogs.msdn.com/aalialikoski

  2. Agenda • Microsoftin mobiilivisio • .NET mobiilikehityksessä • Windows Mobile 5 ja Compact Framework 2.0 uutuudet • Visual Studio 2005 työkaluna (demo)

  3. Microsoftin mobiilivisio • Pääpaino ”bisnessovelluksissa” • Mobiilisovellukset eivät ole saarekkeita • Vaan tyypillisesti laajemman taustajärjestelmän laajennoksia • Esim Pocket Outlook • Yhtenäinen kehitysympäristö • Mobiiliohjelmointi samanlaista kuin kaikki muukin (Win, Web, jne) • Kun osaat yhden, osaat kaikki

  4. IntroductionWindows Mobile 5.0 • Next generation of Windows Mobile • Successor to Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition • New naming reflects Windows CE platform version • Codenamed ‘Magneto’ during development • Effectively ‘Windows Mobile 2005’ • Release products now shipping • Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC OS and SDK • Windows Mobile 5.0 Smartphone OS and SDK • ActiveSync 4.1

  5. Pocket PC Phone vs Smartphone • Pocket PC Phone Edition • Touch Screen • PDA Form Factor • 32 - 128MB RAM, ~200 - 400MHz CPU • Smartphone • No Touch Screen • Phone Form Factor • Durable Like a Phone • 16-32MB RAM, ~125 - 200MHz CPU • Both • Storage on Flash • Multimedia Features • Pocket Outlook, Pocket Internet Explorer • GSM/GPRS, CDMA, WCDMA, 3G Radio • SD Card • More…

  6. .NET mobiilikehityksessä

  7. Development For Mobile DevicesDevelopment Platform Overview Visual Studio .NET .NET Framework Server-side Web Apps Client-sideRich Apps Local Code Remote Web Pages Mobile Web Browser .NET CompactFramework

  8. Gaining Momentum 10 million+ Devices with Microsoft .NET Compact Framework in ROM 200,000+ .NET Compact Frameworkdevelopers 600,000+ Downloads of V1 Service Packs

  9. Base Class Library Support Thread Support COM Marshaler Type Checker Exception Manager Security Engine Debug Engine IL to Native Compilers Code Manager Garbage Collector Class Loader .NET Managed Development The Common Language Runtime

  10. FX Rich class libraries to make your life easy! • GUI: Forms • GUI: Drawing (2D & 3D) • Collections • IO, Networking, Crypto • Native interop • Web services • Data & Xml • Globalization CLR Execution Engine provides type-safe runtime for managed code • Type system • Loader • JIT Compiler • Garbage collector • Debugger Windows CE Low level operating system-specific functionality • Threads • Memory • File I/O • Networking • Localization The .NET Compact Framework Visual Studio

  11. The .NET Compact Framework Comparisons with the Desktop Framework • Both • Modern, managed runtime environments • Greatly enhance developer productivity • Provide both C# and VB.NET languages* • Major releases in Visual Studio • Full .NET Framework • Extremely rich, scalable, secure, powerful • .NET Compact Framework • Preserves essence of full .NET Framework • Optimized for small size, portability

  12. Web Services support • Compact Framework supports client-side Web Services development • The same model as in full framework • Mobile platform has its own specialities that need special consideration (although getting better all the time) • Low speed network • Lower processing power

  13. 28% of the surface area in 8% of the size Omitted Server functionality (ASP.NET) Functionality rare for a device (Remoting) Expensive functionality (Reflection Emit) Individual properties, methods, events – classes factored at member level Managed C++, J# The .NET Compact FrameworkSmaller but still powerful

  14. 86% scope of Full .NET Framework Copy Ground-up rewrite Snapshot & Modify Execution Engine JIT, GC, Loader, assembly cache System.Threading Microsoft.Win32.Registry System.Text.Regex System.Collections System.Xml System.Generic.Collections System.IO System.Cryptography System.Data System.Resources Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DMobile System.IO.Ports System.Messaging System.Net System.String 91% scope of Full .NET Framework Windows.Forms Microsoft.VisualBasic System.Text System.Drawing System.Globalization System.Web.Services The .NET Compact FrameworkImplementation

  15. The .NET Compact FrameworkHow do you get it? • OEMs • Adaptation Kits (and AKUs) • Platform Builder (and PB Updates) • Developers • Microsoft Visual Studio (and SPs) • Developer Redistributable on microsoft.com • .NET Developer Platform SDK (New!) • End Users • In ROM on their device • In the setup of their applications • End User Redistributable on microsoft.com

  16. Windows Mobile 5 ja Compact Framework 2.0 uutuudet Kehittäjän näkökulmasta

  17. Development PlatformOverview • Windows Mobile 5.0 extends developer support • New native APIs and functions • New managed APIs • Many updates of interest to developers • User interface operation and appearance • File system and program storage • Database functionality • Application integration • New security model

  18. Development PlatformNew Native APIs • ActiveSync • Start and stop ActiveSync process • Digital Rights Management (DRM) • Common interface to wide range of DRM engines • Global Positioning System (GPS) • Shared access to GPS via GPS Intermediate Driver • Graphics • Direct3D Mobile (D3DM), DirectDraw, DirectShow

  19. Development PlatformNew Managed APIs • Configuration Manager • Configure virtually all aspects of device • Messaging • Support for both email and SMS messages • Outlook Mobile • Access to Pocket Outlook Object Model (POOM) • Telephony • Exposes basic telephone behaviour

  20. Development PlatformNew Common Functionality • Camera Capture API • Camera capture dialog for still and video images • Pocket Outlook enhancements • Contact selection dialog, custom properties, event notifications, mail application management • State and Notification Broker • Unified information storage and event notification • Picture selection dialog • Easy to use picture selection facility

  21. Same things as in the full 2.0 framework Generics Partial classes Anonymous methods Subset of VB.NET ”My” namespace More UI controls New in Compact Framework 2.0 Pocket PC Smartphone

  22. What Version 2.0 Will BringAdditional Managed Libraries from the OS • New in Windows Mobile 5.0 • WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook • Appointments, contacts, tasks • Messaging – Email and SMS • WindowsMobile.Status • Track System State • WindowsMobile.Telephony • Initiate calls

  23. Visual Studio 2005 kehitysvälineenä

  24. Demo • Sovellus joka reagoi vastaamatta jääneisiin puheluihin • Tunnistaa Contactin • Lähettää tekstiviestin soittajalle • Laittaa merkinnän kalenteriin • Tekniikat • Compact Framework 2.0 • Windows Mobile 5 • Kokeile! • Soita 050 5673471 • Laitan koodin jakoon lähiaikoina: http://blogs.msdn.com/aalialikoski

  25. Linkkejä • www.microsoft.com/windowsmobile/5 • msdn.microsoft.com/mobility/windowsmobile

  26. © 2005 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This presentation is for informational purposes only.MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN THIS SUMMARY.

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