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Kat a lisis: Bridging knowledge gaps around water

Kat a lisis: Bridging knowledge gaps around water. Sergio Larrea World Neighbors-Bolivia. Outline. I. Where we work II. Katalysis --discovering the water that surrounds III. Outcomes IV. Follow-up. Alejandrina, President of the Wapage Irrigation Committee. Where we work: remote Andes.

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Kat a lisis: Bridging knowledge gaps around water

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Katalisis: Bridging knowledge gaps around water Sergio Larrea World Neighbors-Bolivia

  2. Outline I. Where we work II. Katalysis --discovering the water that surrounds III. Outcomes IV. Follow-up Alejandrina, President of the Wapage Irrigation Committee

  3. Where we work: remote Andes Northern and Central Ecuador Central Highlands Peru (Ayacucho, Apurimac) Central Highlands, Bolivia (N. Potosí)

  4. Landscape: semi-arid highlands North Potosí, Bolivia

  5. Katalysis: discovering the water that surrounds Calculating the value of water that goes unharvested on our farms

  6. Katalysis:the learning-action process… • Endogenous design • Heterogeneity of local experience • Group-based discovery-based learning and action

  7. Guided encounters Farmer-to-farmer cross-vists

  8. Guided encounters (cont.) Community weather stations Long-term rainfall trends

  9. Learning through technology Recycled plastics for holding tanks Lollipop sticks as drip jets

  10. Learning through technology (cont.) My family’s transformation…

  11. Concerted action Mink’a: a collective work party in N. Ecuador

  12. Concerted action (cont.) Strategic planning with local promoters from N. Potosí

  13. Katalysis: employing biology • Water • Pasture improvement • Manure • Crops, food, and diversification… “Con agua y mierda no hay cultivo que se pierda….” -- motto of the Granjeros Orgánicos

  14. Creating an oasis in the desert Vitalio’s farm in San Pedro, Potosí

  15. Creating an oasis in the desert:Case of Alfonso and Olga Juma Alfonso tells his story

  16. Going to scale Plugging in to regional movements and networks

  17. Thank you! Sergio Larrea National Representative World Neighbors-Bolivia (slarrea@wnandes.org)

  18. Theory behind Katalysis:people-centered development

  19. Strengths and weaknesses of local technical knowledge (-) Ease of observation (+) (influenced by size, time, and scale) (-) Perceived importance (+) (perceived relevance) (based on Bentley, 1989)

  20. A classification of rural technical knowledge (-) Ease of observation (+) (influenced by size, time, and scale) Scientists learn from farmers (-) Perceived importance (+) (perceived relevance) Farmers learn from scientists

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