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Parli-Pro . BY: Michael Kokesh. Click on one to go to the page . Types of Votes Methods of Counting Votes Precedence Classifications of motions The Main Motion Postpone Indefinitely Amend Commit or refer Postpone Definitely Limit or Extend debate Previous question Lay on the Table
Parli-Pro BY: Michael Kokesh
Click on one to go to the page • Types of Votes • Methods of Counting Votes • Precedence • Classifications of motions • The Main Motion • Postpone Indefinitely • Amend • Commit or refer • Postpone Definitely • Limit or Extend debate • Previous question • Lay on the Table • Orders of the day • Question of Privilege • To take a Recess • Adjourn • To fix the time to which to adjourn
Parliamentary inquiry • Point of Order • Quorum • Call for a division of the Assembly • Object to the consideration of the Question • Suspend the rules • Close nominations • Appeal from the decision of the chair • Take from the Table • To reconsider
Types of Votes • Majority • Plurality • Two-Thirds
Methods of Counting Votes • Voice • Ballot • Raising Hands • Standing • Roll call • Voting by Mail • Absentee Ballot • Proxy • General or unanimous contest
Precedence -- Order in which Motions or items rank, it is the order in which they can considered
Classifications of Motions -- Main -- Subsidiary- Related to the Pending Motion --Incidental- Incidental to the pending motion, Deal with First --Privileged- not Related to the Pending motion --Restoratory - (unclassified)
The Main Motion • Rise and Address the chair • Gain Recognition from the chair • Make the motion- “I move that…” • Motion is seconded • Chair restates motion, its essential descriptive characteristics, and if debatable, opens debate Next page
6. Gain recognition from chair for debate • Maker of the motion had priority • Members who have not spoken have priority over those who have 7.Chair asks for more discussion before closing discussion 8. Chair restates the motion 9. Chair states affect of votes and seals with tap of Gavel (The tap of the gavel is optional)
Postpone Indefinitely Qualifications: Requires Second Is Debatable Is Not Amendable Majority vote Purpose: To reject or kill a main motion without bringing it to a direct vote. Example: Mr./Mdm. President, I move to postpone the question indefinitely.
Amend Qualifications: Second Required Debatable Amendable once Majority Vote Purpose: Change or Modify a motion Means Available: 1. Strike out 2. Inset or add 3. Strike out and insert Example: I move to amend the main motion by adding 500 people at 4:00 o’clock. I move to amend the striking the words, at 4:00 o’clock, and inserting at 3:00 o’clock.
Commit or refer Qualifications: Requires second Debatable Amendable Majority vote Purpose: Gain more information. Act on measure more effectively Example: I move to refer this matter to the membership committee. -If motion is simply: I move to refer the question to a committer • President ask • What committee: Standing Special • If special, how is it to be appointed • Number desired on committee • Their power -- Unless specified committee report is presented at next meeting
Postpone Definitely(Postpone to a certain time) Qualifications: Requires second Amendable Debatable Majority vote Purposes: Delay actions to a certain time To set a time when a matter must be discussed To make time for more pressing business Example: “I move that the question be postponed to the next meeting.” Or “I move that the question be postponed to 3:00 P.M.”
Limit or Extend debate Qualifications: Requires second Amendable Not Debatable 2/3 Vote Purpose: Hold down lengthy discussion, or provide additional time discussion Example: “I move that debate on the pending question be limited to 20 min.” Or “ I move that debate on the pending question be limited to one speech “I move that Mr./Mdm. X be allowed to extend his debate time five mote min.
Previous question Qualification: Requires second Not Debatable Not Amendable 2/3 Vote Purpose: Stop debate and VOTE Example: “I move the previous question.” Not: “Question” – this only indicates on member ready for vote. --May be confined to an amendment, without affecting the main motion
Lay on the Table Qualifications: Requires second Not Debatable Not Amendable Majority vote Purpose: to lay aside an item of business temporally in order to attend to more urgent business. Example: “I move to lay the question on the table.” --Must be brought up at next meeting or it dies. --Requires unclassified motion, of take from the table (To Restore) -- Cannot be Qualified. (Or it is postponed INDEFINITELY)
Orders of the day Purpose: Is a demand for the group to follow agenda. Qualifications: If assembly doesn’t wish to return To orders of day, must defeat motion by negative 2/3 vote.
Question of Privilege Purpose: Permits personal or group to be brought up before assembly immediately • Is ruled on by the chair
To take a Recess Purpose: To take a short break Qualifications: Requires second Not Debatable Amendable -Is a main motion when no other business is pending.
Adjourn Qualifications: Requires second Not amendable Not Debatable Majority vote Purpose: To close meeting - Becomes main motion when qualified Example:I move to adjourn….
To fix the time to which to adjourn Purpose: To set time for another meeting. Had no effect on when the current meeting adjourns. Qualification: Requires second Not Debatable Amendable Majority vote Example: I move that when we adjourn we adjourn until 8:00 A.M. Tuesday at the high school.
Parliamentary inquiry Qualifications: No Second Not Debatable Not amenable No Vote Purpose: Seek parliamentary information Example: “I rise to a parliamentary inquiry.”
Point of Order Qualifications: No second Not debatable Not amendable No vote Purpose: to enforce the rules of parliamentary law when someone had taken action without following correct parliamentary procedure. Form: member: “I ride to a point of order.” President: “State your point” Member: States what he believes is wrong. President: “Your point is well taken” or “Your point is not well taken.”
Quorum Qualifications: more than half vote Purpose: To Determine number of people present so business can be transacted legally. -President’s Responsibly to determine Form: “Mr./Mdm. President, I rise to a point of order, I doubt the presence of a quorum”
Call for a division of the Assembly Qualifications: No second Not Debatable Not Amendable Demand motion to count a standing vote (No vote is taken on whether or not to take the division) Purpose: To obtain a more accurate vote Form: “I call for a division of the assembly.”
Object to the consideration of the Question Qualifications: Requires no second Not debatable Not Amendable 2/3 Vote Purpose: Prevent an item of business from being formally considered. - Must be made before any discussion had occurred on the original main motion
Suspend the rules Qualifications: Requires second not debatable Not Amendable 2/3 vote Purpose: to do something not possible under regular standing rules, suspension cannot conflict with constitution, by-laws, or fundamental parliamentary laws. • Must stare purpose of suspension • Parliamentarians must investigate special cases to suspend the rules.
Close nominations Qualifications: Requires second Not Debatable Amendable 2/3 vote Purpose: usually done either unnecessarily oR illegally is small societies To formally close notations
Appeal from the decision of the chair Qualifications: Requires second Debatable- unless Not amendable original motion is Majority vote Undebaralbe Purpose: means by which to with decision of the chair -Appeal must take place immediately after ruling or before other business is brought to the floor
Take from the Table Qualifications: second Not amendable Not debatable Majority vote Purpose: To take motion previously lain on the table, from the table Not in order unless business had been transacted between time it was laid on table and take form table. (Change of parliamentary Level.)
To reconsider Qualifications: Second Debatable (if motion being reconsiders is debatable) Not amendable Majority vote Purpose: Bring an item back before the group -Must have voted on prevailing side -Must occur on same day or next regular meeting