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Suburban Prosperity: GI Bill, Baby Boom, and Urban Shifts in America

Explore the rise of American suburbs, fueled by the GI Bill and Baby Boom, leading to mass consumerism and cultural uniformity. Discover how recent immigration trends have shifted the demographic landscape with skilled immigrants from Latin America and Asia.

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Suburban Prosperity: GI Bill, Baby Boom, and Urban Shifts in America

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  1. Ch. 17-3 Prosperity and Consumption • Consumerism- urge to acquire lots of possessions • Rise of suburbs increased the amount of automobiles, TVs and homes • TV led to cultural uniformity

  2. Rise of Suburbs

  3. GI Bill- helped millions of veterans attend college • Baby Boom- dramatic increase in the birthrate between 1946-1964 (50 million babies) • Led to massive consumption of goods

  4. Suburbs • Levittowns- town in NY were all the houses look the same and built at low costs • Cities- minorities occupy the inner cities as whites moved to the suburbs

  5. Levittown, NY

  6. Recent Immigration • Immigrants from Latin America and Asia began to flock to the U.S. • Recent immigrants need to possess a skill (doctor, engineer, scientist etc.)

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