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Introduction. Outline: 1.Basics of SM 2.Need for Supersymmetry beyond SM 3.Basics of Cosmology 4. Need for Supersymmetry in Cosmology 5. Discovery potential of LHC. Supersymmetry and Cosmology. Big problems in physics. Cosmologists : you particle physicists can

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  1. Introduction Outline: 1.Basics of SM 2.Need for Supersymmetry beyond SM 3.Basics of Cosmology 4. Need for Supersymmetry in Cosmology 5. Discovery potential of LHC

  2. Supersymmetry and Cosmology

  3. Big problems in physics Cosmologists: youparticlephysicistscan explainusonly 4% ofthe energyoftheUniverse Idea: Dark energyarequantumfluctuations in vacuum, likeHiggsfields. Problem: measuredvalue 120 ordersofmagnitudesmallerthan calculated. Exact SUSY haszero DE, but SUSY broken. Still many orderstoo large DE in broken SUSY Idea: Dark matter issupersymmetricpartnerof CMB (basically „Spin ½ Photon“) Problem: experimentally DM particles not yetestablished. Manyexperiments in progress: spaceexperiments, undergroundexperiments, LHC If it is not dark, it does not matter

  4. Wahlpflichtfach - Prüfung Hauptdiplom Astroteilchenphysik und Kosmologie Vorlesung Einführung in die Kosmologie II: Supersymmetriede Boer 2 SWS Fr 11:30 – 13:00 kl. HS A Übungende Boer, Eva Ziebarth 1 SWS Mi14:00 - 15:30 Seminarraum 5.1 PHH Vorlesung Einführung in die Astroteilchenphysik II Drexlin,Bornschein 2 SWS Do 8:00 – 9:30 kl. HS B ÜbungenDrexlin, Bornschein1 SWS Mi14:00 - 15:30 Seminarraum 5.1 PHH 6 SWS Übungen auf: http://www-ekp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/~ziebarth/

  5. Literature Standard Model • 1. Vorlesungs-Skript: • http://www-ekp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/~deboer/ • David Griffith: An Introduction to elementary particle physics • Wiley-VCH, 2008

  6. Literature Supersymmetry • 1. H. Kalka and G. Soff, Supersymmetrie, • Teubner Studienbücher, 1997 • Ian Aitchison: Supersymmetry in Particle Physics: • An elementary introduction, • Cambridge, 2007 • 3. H. Baer and X. Tata, • Weak Scale Supersymmetry: From Superfields to Scattering Events, • (Cambridge University Press, 2006). • 4. Summerschool lectures by • de Boer, Kazakov, Martin, Haber, Kane, Murayama, Lykken, • Peshkin, … See collection at: • http://www-ekp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/~deboer/html/Lehre/Susy/

  7. Literature Cosmology • 1. Vorlesungs-Skript: • http://www-ekp.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de/~deboer/ • Matts Roos: An Introduction to Cosmology • Wiley, 3th Edition, 2004 • 3. Lars Bergström and Ariel Goobar: • An Introduction to Cosmology • Springer, 2nd Edition, 2004 • 4. Bernstein: An Introduction to Cosmology • Prentice Hall, 1995

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