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T.A.K.O. & S.E.X.Y. How to write a Response to Text essay so that you score a ‘bullseye' every time. By Elise Macadam. What’s it all about?. You’ll be learning an essay writing strategy this strategy has been proven to improve the writing of students of all abilities.
T.A.K.O. & S.E.X.Y How to write a Response to Text essayso that you score a ‘bullseye' every time. By Elise Macadam
What’s it all about? • You’ll be learning an essay writing strategy • this strategy has been proven to improve the writing of students of all abilities. • We will learn the strategy and apply it in our own essays.
Step One - the writing purpose • What is a response to text essay? • “A response to text essay is an essay where you write about a particular aspect of a text that you have studied and show your knowledge and understanding of this aspect and why it is important or interesting.”
It’s really all about YOU … In pairs answer these questions: • Have you done this type of essay before? • How did you go? • What do you remember about this type of essay?
To sum up - a good response to text essay has: • a clear introduction that lets the reader know what text you are writing about and how you are going to address the topic/question in your essay. • focuses on the one aspect that the question/topic is asking you to write about • makes at least three points about this aspect • contains specific details, quotes or references from the text to support each point • makes clear statements explaining how each point/example links back to the topic and addresses the question
What is the purpose of the essay skill ? • To write exam essays So let’s get started! • Here’s a question from a past paper: Describe a memorable character in the text. • Explain how verbal and / or visual features of the text were used to help you remember this character.
T.A.K.O. (Take out) • T.A.K.O. – This acronym instructs you to provide this information in the introduction: • Title (MUST be underlined), Author, Key words from question, Outline of points/ideas
Step Two – TAKO (introduction) • Example of an introductory paragraph for a film essay, using a character question. • In the film ___________ directed by _____________ a memorable character is __________. ________ is memorable because he develops the key ideas in the film of _________ and ____________. Some of the film techniques that are used to help us to remember this character are: ________, ________ and _________ .
Highlight the TAKO information you are given in this opening paragraph • A memorable character in Christopher Nolan’s film, The Dark Knight, is Commissioner Gordon. Commissioner Gordon is memorable because in a film where lots of characters change, he remains heroic and doesn’t choose evil, and through this, heroism is developed as one of the key ideas of the film. Some of the film techniques that are used to help us to remember this character are: dialogue, shot types and props.
Step 3 - S.E.X.Y (Writing body paragraphs) • This is a mnemonic for the parts of a good body paragraph in a film essay. • S: the Statement at the start of the paragraph that says what point/idea this paragraph is making, focusing on. Sometimes called a Topic Sentence because it introduces the topic of the paragraph. • E: the Explanation that explains how this statement is relevant to the text and/or question. (can be #3) • X: the eXample(s) from the text that support(s) your statement and develop(s) your point. (can be #2) • Y: explain whY this example/point is relevant to the question/topic.
S.E.X.Y … what does each letter stand for? • S: • E: • X: • Y:
Underline SEXY in different colours to show its use in this example paragraph. One reason why Commissioner Gordon is memorable is because he shows us the key idea of heroism, by always choosing to be honest and brave. An example of how brave he is, is shown through a close up of his face when Two-face has a gun to Gordon’s son’s head. The close up shows his eyes looking worried, but at the same time, his face is calm and determined. He is willing to be a hero and offer himself in his son’s place. This visual technique of the CU makes Gordon truly memorable because it shows that a hero is willing to sacrifice for others; it reminds me of the story of redemption that the Bible teaches about Christ’s dying on the cross for our sin.
Now copy this paragraph into your book. Use labels to show where the Statement, Explanation, eXample, explain whY sentences are. One reason why Commissioner Gordon is memorable is because he shows us the key idea of heroism, by always choosing to be honest and brave. An example of how brave he is, is shown through a close up of his face when Two-face has a gun to Gordon’s son’s head. The close up shows his eyes looking worried, but at the same time, his face is calm and determined. He is willing to be a hero and offer himself in his son’s place. This visual technique of the CU makes Gordon truly memorable because it shows that a hero is willing to sacrifice for others; it reminds me of the story of redemption that the Bible teaches about Christ’s dying on the cross for our sin.
TAKO Let’s keep practicing what we’ve learnt. What mnemonic does this follow? In the film The Dark Knight, directed by Christopher Nolan, a decision that Rachel has to make is whether to oppose and challenge the Joker at the party, or whether to be submissive and quiet. Through the use of verbal and visual features like camera techniques and dialogue, the director reinforces the theme of good vs evil, and how important Rachel’s decision is to the future of Batman and Gotham City. Copy this down in your book.
What is the question? Based on what you know about how a first paragraph will include words from the question, fill in the missing words in this question: • Question: Describe one ………. that a ………. had to make in the text. • Explain how …….. and/or ………. feature(s) were used to show you this decision was ……....
SEXY What mnemonic does this follow? Tracking is a visual camera technique that the director uses for a few minutes during the party scene to show the consequences of Rachel’s decisions to confront the Joker. The camera moves around Rachel and the Joker, showing the people around them (the mise-en-scene) and uses shot/reverse shot of the two central characters. Nolan’s circling shows us over and over how Good, in the character of Rachel, is confronted by Evil - represented by the Joker. I felt afraid for Rachel because the camera movement made me feel a bit sick suggesting that the evil Joker would do something sick.
What paragraph does this sound like? An examination of Rachel’s decision to confront the Joker in The Dark Knight is important because through this, viewers realise that evil will always prosper when good people do nothing. This essay has examined how visual and verbal features are used by the director to assist the development of the character and confirm the theme of Good vs Evil. I now understand that Film Techniques are used deliberately to highlight important things, like decisions that characters make – and no technique is ever used randomly or casually. I will definitely be watching films with greater awareness from now on!
YES! It’s a conclusion. • Conclude the essay by writing about why you care about the topic (even if you don’t you have to pretend you do! ) Use this sentence as a starter in your conclusion if you are stuck. “An examination of these …(name what your essay has examined) is important because ….(state why you think it is important). • The conclusion refers to key words used in the body of the essay. In my example essay, key words were ‘important’ and ‘features/techniques’ (and the name), so the conclusion sentences remind the reader of the discussion that you presented. DO NOT INTRODUCE ANY NEW INFORMATION INTO THE CONCLUSION.
First we’ll select an essay topic and write an opening paragraph for the essay • Then we’ll use the graphic organiser chart on the page after the essay topics to help us to plan the essay, if that works for you. • Refer to all the notes about your character that we made while studying The Dark Knight. • Once you have identified what you need to look for, we will watch the film again and you will take notes in 3 scenes of techniques you need to include in your essay.
Essay Questions – write 300 word responses • 1. Describe your first impression (or impressions) of a character in the text.Explain how at least TWO of the following were used to create this impression (or impressions): • Camera work Sound effects LightingProps Costumes Dialogue Special effects • 2. Describe ONE decision that a character or individual had to make in the text. • Explain how verbal and/or visual feature(s) were used to show you this decision was important. • 3. Describe a memorable character in the text. • Explain how verbal and / or visual features of the text were used to help you remember this character.
Describe a relationship and explain how and why it changed. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas John Boyne – Maria/Bruno – They become friendlier – Bruno realises she is a real person Relationship - Maria & Bruno How - Maria and Bruno become friendlier Why - Bruno realises she is a real person • p17: always considered her one of the family • p60: but never fully considered her to have a life until she opened up about what Father had done for her • their strengthening relationship helped him feel more at home at Out-With – p187. • Bruno sought her advice – P135 • P187: realises that he had become much more friendly with her after going to Berlin • maid in Bruno’s wealthy household • helps him to pack, unpack - tidies his room • subservient - p1:always kept her head down. • P57: just got on with the job – no sign of life • p17: Bruno always liked her and felt as if she was one of the family.
Choose a character who changes during your text. Describe him/her at the beginning and the end of the text and explain how the changes came about. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne - Father – career orientated, in command and well respected - disliked, desolate - was responsible for the death of his son. Beginning - career orientated, in command and well respected End - disliked, merciless desolate How - responsible for the death of his son.
Getting started – a 5 paragraph response to text essay • Introduction – Paragraph 1 • Using ………. say what your essay is about. You should use some of the wording used in the question, and try to outline three points/techniques/ideas (in your planning, identify the examples of each of these that you will use). TAKO
Paragraph 2 SEXY • Use the ……….. Mnemonic. • Take the first of the points in the introduction (paragraph 1). State it again, explain it more fully and give examples/quotes (Ideally 2 examples/quotes). • There should be 3 to 5 sentences.
Paragraph 3 SEXY • Use the ……….. Mnemonic. • Take the second of the points in the introduction (paragraph 1). State it again, explain it more fully and give examples/quotes (Ideally 2 examples/quotes). • There should be at least 3 to 5 sentences.
Paragraph 4 SEXY • Use the ……….. Mnemonic. • Take the third of the points in the introduction (paragraph 1). State it again, explain it more fully and give examples/quotes (Ideally 2 examples/quotes). • There should be 3 to 5 sentences.
Conclusion - Paragraph 5 How is the conclusion written? Look back at the question, read your first paragraph again and refer to the same three ideas – NOTHING NEW! State again the question or topic, wording it differently, but similar in content to the introduction.
It’s your turn to write on your own now! We’ll look at some essay questions on theme now.
Acknowledgements • Mrs Halkyard – literacy specialist teacher • Shawn Hawthorne – NZATE conference presentation 2008