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Task TW4 – TSS - SEA 5.5 Validation of EU Safety Computer codes Validation of PACTITER - Feasibility study on ACP deposition experiments. M. GIRARD CEA DTN/STRI - CADARACHE. THE ITEM of the FEASIBILITY STUDY. The Tokamak Cooling Water Systems ( TCWS) have water cooled copper and
Task TW4 – TSS - SEA 5.5 Validation of EU Safety Computer codes Validation of PACTITER - Feasibility study on ACP deposition experiments M. GIRARD CEA DTN/STRI - CADARACHE
THE ITEM of the FEASIBILITY STUDY The Tokamak Cooling Water Systems (TCWS) have water cooled copper and stainless steel components activated corrosion products in the fluid and on the inner surfaces of the pipes The CIRENE loop is devoted to study PWR corrosion product deposition The PACTITER code requires experimental tests to be validated Simulation of TCWS tests in the CIRENE out-of-pile loop of the CEA - Cadarache ?
THE ITEM of the FEASIBILITY STUDY CIRENE / TCWS • Thermal-hydraulic data • Chemistry of the coolant • Materials corrosion products (CP) , ACP • Volumes and surfaces of the circuit TCWS : a new corrosion product to study, Cu
THE CIRENE OUT OF PILE LOOP - CEA CADARACHE devoted to study PWR corrosion product deposition • Operating conditions • Fluid temperature : from 60 °C to 345°C • Pressure : from 20 to 150 bar (15 Mpa) • Mass flow rate 6 m3/hr • Coolant chemistry • Controled chemistry : additive concentrations, O2 and H2 contents • Continuous injection of corrosion products (in soluble state or as particles ) • and radioactive tracers (g emitters) • Transient and shutdown scenariis • Continuous in-line deposition measurements by gspectrometry Under thermal flux section Heat flux up to 85 W/cm2 Fluid velocity : 3.5 - 4 m/s
CIRENE loop areas adapted to PWR tests outlet primary heat exchanger S.G. tubes Ni based alloy PWR CIRENE area ratios Ni based alloys : 20 % ( 0.81 m2) Stainless steel : 70 % (2.67 m2) Zircaloy : 10 %(0.40 m2) Zry 4 claddings 316 L Stainless steel square tube Out-of-flux section (84% of the total area) RCS (main pipes) 316 L stainless steel - 2.3 m² Under thermal flux section (16 % of the total area) ACP source term : radioactive ion injection device Fe, Ni, (Co, Cr) Ion injection device : ionic PC source termFe, Ni
DIV/LIM zone TH data Operating periods (assumed scenario) Cold standby Baking Hot standby Plasma burn Dwell Under flux zone (S. steel and Cu) Fluid T. 50°C 240°C 100°C 100 - 152°C 100 - 106°C Velocity (m/s) 0.02 - 3.2 (S.s) 0.8 - 1.1 (Cu) 0.02 - 4 (S.s) 1 - 1.3 (Cu) 0.02 - 3.8 (S.s) 0.8 - 1.1 (Cu) 0.7 - 6.7 (S.s) 8.5 - 11.7 (Cu) 1.4 - 7.2 (S.s) 8.4 - 11.4 (Cu) Out-of-flux zone (S. steel) Fluid T. 50°C 240°C 100°C 150 - 100°C 100°C Velocity 0.3 - 0.5 0.3 - 0.6 0.3 - 0.5 3 - 5 2.8 - 5.5 ITER OPERATING PERIODS
Comparison between PWR and DIV/LIM loop outlines CIRENE outlines for PWR tests outlines for DIV/LIM tests Under flux section Zy4 claddings area / heating rods Thermal flux section DT ~ 30 - 50°C and v ~ 3 - 4 m/s Stainless steel and CuCrZr alloy area Thermal flux section design to define for DT ~ 50°C and velocity from 1 to 11 m/s Out-of-flux section Stainless steel pipes idem Heat exchanger Ni based alloy, S.G tubes DT ~ 30°C Stainless steel design to define for DT > 50°C and velocity from 0.01 to 1 m/s Circulation pump Fixed flow rate Variable flow rate Implemented devices Ion and radionuclide injections Adapted to PWR corrosion products Idem Adapted to TWCS corrosion products
Outlines required for an ITER TCWS loop DT ~ 50°C Heat exchanger Stainless steel area max.T = 240 °C Out-of-flux section (78 % total area) fluid velocity up to 11 m/s Stainless steel (80%) CuCrZr alloy(20%) Main pipes Stainless steel alloys Under neutronic flux section (22 % total area) Circulation pump (variable flow rate) Auxiliary heater • must be as representative as possible of TCWS situations • must reproduce ITER-like CRUD deposits on piping • must be as representative as possible of TCWS situations • must reproduce ITER-like CRUD deposits on piping
REQUIRED CHARACTERIZATIONS FOR ITER TWCS TESTS • in operation Chemical analyses of Cu, Fe, Ni, Co, Cr...in the coolant : concentrations in soluble ( ~ 10-9 kg/kg H2O) and particulate states In - line g spectrometry analyses in the under and out-of-flux sections : measurements of the injected radionuclides as 58 Co, 59 Fe and 51 Cr 64 Cu ( g )has ashort radioactive half-time ( T 1/2 : 12 hours ) in - situ ( g ) measurementsthrough neutron bombardment ? correlation between a well-known gamma emitter ? • after shutdown Idem above (chemical analyses of the coolant and g spectrometry measurements) Scrapings undertaken on the sections in study Scraping analyses through chemical and spectrometry investigations
thermal neutron+63 Cu 64 Cu (g) Generator 30° In-situ 64 Cu ( g ) local measurements, through neutron bombardment Required faisibility and experimental studies g spectrometer neutronic absorber CuCrZr area Gamma-ray Spectrometer thermal neutron source collimator
CIRENE OUTCOMES heat - exchanger no alternatived (DT 50°C) solution
OTHERS POTENTIAL SOLUTIONS for ACP TRANSPORT STUDIES • In-line analyses of Cu deposits • Transfer correlation between a well-known gamma emitter and Cu ? • Experimental validation of such correlation could be undertaken in • the CORELE loop (LTCD) • Cu equilibrium solubilities in the overall spectrum of T°C and coolant conditionning of a TWCS loop Complementary tests could be carried out in s. steel autoclaves with recirculation (LTCD) • Deposition and release studies Towards a dedicated CORELE ITER test facility : needs some modifications to be devoted to ITER deposit studies
CONCLUSIONS • The CIRENE facility • required some modifications to be representative of an TCWS loop, with designs to define and relevant budgets to evaluate ; • unavailable in-line measurements of copper deposits further investigations on 64Cu (g) through Neutron bombardment • and on a correlation between Cu and a well-known gamma emitter (tests proposed • in the CORELE loop) • the use of external injection devices required data related to CuCrZr* and stainless steel release rates in the overall spectrum of ITER operating conditions (T-H and chemical conditions) • Complementary studies on TCWS Corrosion Product deposits • CuCrZr release rates can be studied in the updated CORELE loop • Modifications of the CORELE loop to be adapted to ITER ACP deposit studies (including Cu element) ?