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What's New in Information Resources for Chemical Engineering

What's New in Information Resources for Chemical Engineering. Michael Fosmire (Phys and MSE) Head, Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology Division fosmire@purdue.edu Jeremy Garritano (Chem and ChE) Acting Head, Chemistry Library Chemical Information Specialist jgarrita@purdue.edu.

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What's New in Information Resources for Chemical Engineering

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  1. What's New inInformation Resources forChemical Engineering Michael Fosmire (Phys and MSE) Head, Physical Sciences, Engineering & Technology Division fosmire@purdue.edu Jeremy Garritano (Chem and ChE) Acting Head, Chemistry Library Chemical Information Specialist jgarrita@purdue.edu

  2. Engineering Library Web Sitehttp://www.lib.purdue.edu/engr

  3. Chemistry Library Web Sitehttp://www.lib.purdue.edu/chem

  4. Easy to Use Search Box Including e-Journal and specialized database finders

  5. Chat Reference

  6. Engr Browser Toolbar • Reach Databases from any Web Page! • http://engrtechlibrary.mylibrarytoolbar.com/

  7. Key Resources Pages

  8. Chemical Business and Industry Page http://www.lib.purdue.edu/chem/guides/busandind.html

  9. e-Books

  10. Process Engineering &Design Resources Process Engineering Equipment Handbook Ludwig’s Applied Process Design for Chemical & Petrochemical Plants Handbook of Chemical Processing Equipment Albright’s Chemical Engineering Handbook Chemical Process Engineering: Design & Economics Chemical Reactor Design Process Automation Handbook Springer Handbook of Engineering Statistics Handbook of Petroleum Processing

  11. Searching for Data • CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics and CRC ChemNetBase • Knovel (includes Perry’s) • Cambridge Structural Database (crystallography) • NIST / TRC Web Thermo Tables • Thermophysical Properties of Matter Database • CCOHS Occupational Health and Safety Databases – MSDS and Chemical Safety

  12. Examples of Materials Information CES/Edupack – Materials Selector Binary Alloy Phase Diagrams

  13. Technical Information Patents Standards TechnicalReports

  14. Want Us to Buy Something? Links on Chem and Engr Library web sites Just Ask!

  15. Institutional Repository Purdue Theses, Presentations, Technical Reports, Articles

  16. Visualization Tools and SoftwareChemistry Library’s Cyberchemistry Lab • Also, personal installs or downloads via site licenses for: • Cambridge Structural Database • ChemBioDraw • MestRe Nova • Origin • and more…

  17. Course-Integrated & Drop-In Instruction

  18. Questions: Michael Fosmire Jeremy Garritano fosmire@purdue.edujgarrita@purdue.edu Chemistry Library Web Site: http://www.lib.purdue.edu/chem Engineering Library Web Site: http://www.lib.purdue.edu/engr Thanks for your attention. What are your needs?

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