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narrative research

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narrative research

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  1. Narrative research

  2. Police enforcement • In general the police do not have the right to enter a person’s house or other private premises without their permission. However, they can enter without a warrant: • when in close pursuit of someone the police believe has committed, or attempted to commit, a serious crime, or • to sort out a disturbance • if they hear cries for help or of distress • to enforce an arrest warrant • if invited in freely by the occupant • under various statutes which give the police powers of entry (not necessarily by force) into a number of different kinds of premises

  3. Police officers often bang on the front door to get the persons attention. They knock in a loud and assertive in an authoritative manner to insure that anyone inside can hear them.

  4. Scotland yard Scotland Yard is the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police, the territorial police force responsible for policing the 32 boroughs of London.

  5. Crime/Horror genre • All crime fiction is based on the fact that there is a mystery to be solved. Usually, a crime has been committed and a murderer or a thief must be caught by the protagonist which is usually the police. There are many sub genres • Military thriller • General suspense • Forensic thriller

  6. Conventions of Crime • The protagonist is actively trying to solve a crime to ether bring the antagonist to justice, such as the police trying to arrest a killer. • Investigate Red Herrings - misleading clues • There is a clear threat of escalating danger  • Low key lighting • Tense music • Montage of shots

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