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All You Want To Know About Presentation Design Agencies

All You Want To Know About Presentation Design Agencies

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All You Want To Know About Presentation Design Agencies

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  1. TABLE OF CONTENT • HOME • Why Opt For Presentation Design Agency? • Services Offered • Different Genres Of Presentation • 4 Simple Steps To Get Wow Presentation • Verticals Catered   • How To Select A Presentation Design Agency? • More About Sales Presentations • More About Report Presentations • More About Conference Presentations • How To Make Presentations Which Leave Long Lasting Memories?

  2. We have all sat through never-ending boring presentations with a lot of text and the rare clip-art diagram. Although the speaker used to try his best to get the point across, the presentation was usually a lackluster background. They say a picture speaks a thousand words! What if a presentation design agency made your PowerPoint Presentations (PPTs) livelier?  Competition is everywhere and strong visuals are necessary to supplement the speaker. This ensures good impact and the impression stays in the memory lanes of the audience. Creative presentation design agencies will come up with an artistically designed PPT with apt content with just minimal inputs from your end. The 3 Cs of presentations are clarity, competency and credibility and agencies make sure that every PPT delivered would conform to these standards. Whether you want to increase engagement with custom designed presentation designs, new templates or you simply want to delegate the making of a presentation to a bankable person, presentation design agencies will get the job done!

  3. Why Opt For Presentation Design Agency?

  4. The Secret Ingredient: Creative Juice Albert Einstein exclaimed that, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” This statement underlines the importance of being imaginative and creative in your presentations. Although, the digital marketing company would not know about your product/service, it brings a new perspective as they would be hearing about it for the first time. This will allow the agency to recommend fine-tuning based on tried-and-tested methods that it has perfected over a period of time. The number one reason why someone must opt for a presentation design agency is because their creativity is at a different level than your internal team.

  5. Be In Vogue – Work With Trend Setters How would you like if you went to a college party wearing retro-style clothes? Unless it is retro-theme party, it would not work for you. Similarly, your presentations should look fresh and up-to-date. The latest design trends should be incorporated. When you delegate your work to a presentation design agency, you will get bankable thought leadership and authoritative views on the designing aspects. As marketing agencies, we are basically storytellers and presentation is often made to the decision makers and it should be a compelling story to sway the decision in your favor.  We also ensure that our presentations are user-friendly, so that you can re-use it by editing it all by yourself!

  6. Horses For Courses – Trust The Experts Cutting edge software coupled with talented people working on those tools would always yield good results. Each member in our presentation design agency brings a unique skill set into the table and they add value to the final output. Why use ordinary when you can get extra-ordinary presentations created by absolute professionals.

  7. Services Offered • Presentation Design • Custom Templates • Info-Graphic Layouts • Existing Template Enhancement • Process Illustration • Custom Animation • Executive / Business Reviews • Interactive Presentations • Slide Libraries And So On!

  8. Different Genres Of Presentation • Sales Presentations • Report Presentations • Conference presentations • Fundraising presentations

  9. 4 Simple Steps To Get Wow Presentation • Send your content to us • Get estimates regarding time and cost • Approve design style and costing • Get your WOW presentation delivered

  10. Verticals Catered   • We cater to any presentation request related to any vertical. Our ambit includes the following: • Sales & Marketing Presentations • Educational Presentations • Financial & Investment Presentations • Professional Services Presentations • Retail & Ecommerce Presentations • Technology & Software Presentations • Startups Presentations

  11. Training Presentations • Media & Entertainment Presentations • Industrial & Manufacturing Presentations • Food & Beverage Presentations • Gaming & Interactive Presentations • Construction & Engineering Presentations • Healthcare & Pharma Presentations • Hospitality & Travel Presentations

  12. Science Presentations • Clothing & Apparel Presentations • Transportation & Logistics Presentations • Real Estate Presentations • Spiritual Organization Presentations • Public Sector Presentations • Energy, Gas, & Oil Presentations • Aerospace & Aviation Presentations • Automotive Presentations

  13. How To Select A Presentation Design Agency? • Self-Belief: Confidence is the key ingredient to success. When you are looking for a presentation design agency gauge the confidence of that team. • Customization: Would your customer be happy if he came to know that you sold the same template to your competitor too? No, right? Although we will not use the exact same deliverables for everyone we are all often guilty of using something nice with minimum modification. Your presentation design agency should be looking to create a cult for itself by creating fresh deliverables for each client.

  14. Out-Of-The-Box Thinking: The difference between ‘ordinary’ and ‘extra-ordinary’ is just 5 characters. However, it creates a huge difference for the client. While ordinary translates to ‘boring’, extraordinary means ‘delighting’ your audience! • End-User Perspective: If at all there is a fight; it should be to make it right for the end-user. You must always keep in mind how your work would matter for the end user and how it will make his life easier. Good presentation design agencies never lose sight of their end-users.

  15. Open Atmosphere: Creativity cannot be commanded or demanded. It flows naturally in a free, open atmosphere. Look for presentation design agencies with less red-tape. Free-thinking should be encouraged and team members should be given a free-hand. • Passion For Underdog Projects: One must always take pride in working for marquee clients. However, this should not mean that the presentation design agency is not ready to put its heart and soul behind underdog projects. Look out for those who are as much passionate about your business as you are!

  16. Extreme Dedication: Commitment is the key and your presentation design agency team should be willing to give it their all for your work. Halfhearted jobs are a strict no-no. • Team Work: If it is a one-man army, then you need to rethink if this is the presentation design agency that you want to delegate your job to. A leader is only as good as this team and a team which communicates better will always come up with amazing deliverables. • Ownership: Each department of presentation design agency like design and content must take complete ownership of their work and there should be no blame game.

  17. More About Sales Presentations Best suited for: • 2D animated brochures • Proposals • Pitch Decks • Sales reports As the name indicates, sales presentations are those which help your enterprise to get more business. Presentations should be persuasive, clear, engaging and of course, pleasing to the eyes.

  18. Presentations That Sell When your presentation is used for a multi-million pitch, it has to be perfect. We will get experienced hands to build that PPT for you. We can design interactive presentations, easily navigable sales decks (with voice-over), conceptual proposals, pitching via storytelling and animated brochures. All these are designed from raw content. Some presentations are deal makers and you will have only a single shot to get it right. Presentation design agencies can help you to put your best foot forward.

  19. More About Report Presentations Best suited for: • Annual reports • Quarterly earnings reports • Forecasting PPTs • Review PPTs It is said that numbers do the talking. But, the presentation running in the background is important too. People remember what they hear and see more than just what they hear. Here is where info-graphics make all the difference. Custom animation also makes the seemingly boring presentation come alive and be engaging. Presentation design agencies develop PPTs for forecasting, reviewing, reporting with flair and finesse.

  20. Right On The Money Some animation, eye-catchy background, suitable graphics make even charts and graphs interesting. Presentation design agency will have the experience in handling similar projects and you can use that to your advantage.

  21. More About Conference Presentations Best suited for: • Leadership Talks • Training seminars • Panel discussions • Product launches

  22. Capturing The Conference, Spell-Bound Conferences are not just business events. They can be training seminars, panel discussions, annual days and so on. Bigger the occasion, bigger is the chance to make to impress a lot of people at once. Instead of being nervous about that big presentation, you can treat it as an opportunity. Guess who will be your event partner? Your presentation design agency! 2-dimensional animations, illustrations, and voice-overs will leave your audience spell-bound.

  23. More About Fundraising Presentations Best suited for: • Investor Pitches • Explainer videos • Credentials PPT • Corporate brochures PPTs designed by presentation design agencies will make sure that your investor pitches are well supported. Every business has to seek for funding. When you are doing the same, make sure that you hire a professional. Also, look for someone who can make even dull things look interesting. Imagine, your business story being told with the help of animated characters. More engaging, isn’t it?

  24. Presentations That Pay For Themselves Presentation design agencies design PPTs for all kinds of enterprises – big and small. Be it start-ups, small and medium businesses, or well-established players, we cater to one and all. Furthermore, you need not to pay for fund-raising PPTs, they support themselves!

  25. How To Make Presentations Which Leave Long Lasting Memories? The Retention Cone: There is no hard and fast rule about what one takes-away from a PowerPoint presentation. It is different for every person. According to a survey, most people retain just 10% of what they see and 30-40% of what they see and hear. Interestingly, they remember 90% of what they see, hear and do. For instance, if you take cooking, would you remember it if you just read about it? How about watching a YouTube video about it? Better right? What if I tell you that I will let you do it yourself under the guidance of an expert chef? The last option is the best, isn’t it? Here are a few tips to make your presentations leave a long-lasting impact:

  26. Only Headshots Beating around the bush is a passé. Be crystal clear and to the point. Key points must be delivered as if you are hitting the nail on its head. Restrict your text/graphics to one slide per message. You need not have all the details on the presentation. It is a presentation and not a Bible on that topic. Keep text to a bare minimum.

  27. The Visual Impact From our early days, our mind was conditioned to learn in a visual manner. Imagine if we were thought “A for Apple” without showing the Apple? Unimaginable, isn’t it? Likewise, delight your audience with suitable image for every slide. Replace text with images where-ever possible. Picture is a universal language. The guy at the back of the auditorium can also see it, unlike text. If you go by John Medina’s Brain Rules, we retain 10% to 65% more when pictures and text are shown together. That is how we learn our A, B, C. Remember?

  28. Yawn-proofing Engagement is the key. As always natural things are always better than artificial ones. So, try and make your presentation as naturally interesting as possible. Deck it up with amazing content and graphics. People love stories. Tell them. Make it a 2-way discussion and not a one-way concert. We always remember amazing things, don’t we?

  29. At Your Fingertips, Quite Literally Give out hand-outs (print-outs) of your presentation to everyone in the audience. Although this might seem a little old-fashioned, it works! You will never be sure if they would ever download your PPT. Giving them a print-out is make them to take-away the entire presentation, quite literally! They can in-fact follow you better. You would have solved the problem of that person with poor eyesight sitting at the peripherals. However, you still can mail your PPT to them as they would use the soft copy for their future reference.


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