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This strategy focuses on monitoring the abundance, productivity, spatial structure, and diversity of the Mid-Columbia Steelhead population. It also evaluates the effectiveness of habitat and hatchery actions and explores the benefits and risks of supplementation. Existing monitoring programs in Klickitat, Deschutes, John Day, Umatilla/Walla Walla, and Yakima Basins contribute to the strategy.
1. Background Information • Only steelhead listed – Mid-C steelhead DPS • Also 10 spring chinook pops; 5 fall chinook; 2 coho; and 2 sockeye (extirpated)
Mid-Columbia Steelhead Population Current Viability Status 4
Strategy Summary • VSP: Ensure moderate to high precision estimation monitoring approaches are in place for abundance, productivity, spatial structure and diversity. Strengthen salmonid status and trend monitoring in the DPS, improve effectiveness monitoring, and facilitate the implementation of a regionally standardized monitoring and evaluation program.
Strategy • Habitat Effectiveness: • Adequately assess habitat status and trends. • Assess effectiveness of specific habitat actions that address key limiting factors. • Determine the effectiveness of habitat restoration actions and to detect fish response in the IMWs (fish in/fish out).
Strategy • Hatchery Effectiveness: Evaluate the benefits and risks of supplementation by monitoring natural origin abundance, productivity, life history, relative reproductive success and make comparisons of hatchery and natural origin fish. Develop a better understanding of origin, abundance and effects of hatchery strays.
Existing monitoring – Cascade East Slope • $2.45 million; 60% Klickitat M&E • Klickitat Adlt/Juv abundance; habitat status & trends; sthd genetic sampling; baseline hatchery effectiveness monitoring (spch and sthd) • Deschutes fall chinook escapement monitoring • Rock Creek habitat assessment • Deschutes sockeye reintro methods • Deschutes spch / sthd natural production monitoring Strategies VSP for Klickitat (all species) and Deschutes Fall and Spring Chinook Habitat status & trends for Klickitat Hatchery Reform effectiveness in Klickitat RPAs 50.6-fish-in/out W. side Deschutes; 62.5-GSI Sthd; 50.3-PIT tagging
New Monitoring to meet RPA Requirements and the Monitoring StrategyCascade East Slope
Contribution to Strategy, Gaps, and RPAs Cascade East Slope Existing + RPA • Fish-in / Fish-out at Fifteenmile (50.6) • Hatchery reform effectiveness in Klickitat • VSP for Fifteenmile, Klickitat • Habitat Status and Trends for Klickitat Additional Monitoring • Deschutes VSP • Deschutes stray abundance and affects
Existing monitoring – John Day • $1.8 million • John Day IMW (50%) • Basin wide steelhead EMAP adult abundance • Spring Chinook and steelhead smolt abundance Strategies VSP for steelhead Habitat status & trends and effectiveness through IMW Hatchery steelhead stray proportion of spawners Freshwater productivity RPAs 50.6-fish-in/out; 50.3-PIT tagging; 57.1-IMW pilot studies; 56.2 Habitat status & trends
New Monitoring to meet RPA Requirements and the Monitoring StrategyJohn Day
Contribution to Strategy, Gaps, and RPAs John Day Existing + RPA • Fish-in / Fish-out in M. Fork and S. Fork • Habitat effectiveness in M. Fork • VSP Basinwide, M. Fork, S. Fork, and 1 rotating population • Improved GSI baseline • SARs for Spring Chinook and Steelhead • Improved estimates of strays Additional Monitoring • Spring Chinook VSP
Existing monitoring – Umatilla / Walla Walla • $2.5 million Umatilla / $0.95 million WW • Umatilla all-species adult abundance • Umatilla steelhead juvenile abundance • Umatilla hatchery effectiveness including supplementation evaluation • Umatilla all-species natural production monitoring • Umatilla RRS • WW VSP monitoring (mostly steelhead) Strategies VSP for steelhead and spring chinook Hatchery steelhead supplementation effectiveness Freshwater productivity RPAs 50.6-fish-in/out; 50.3-PIT tagging; 50.7 hatchery marking
New Monitoring to meet RPA Requirements and the Monitoring StrategyUmatilla / Walla Walla
Contribution to Strategy, Gaps, and RPAs Umatilla / Walla Walla Existing + RPA • Fish-in / Fish-out for Umatilla • Supplementation effectiveness in Umatilla, Touchet • VSP for Umatilla and Walla Walla Additional Monitoring • Touchet fish-in / fish-out • Touchet and Walla Walla GSI
Existing monitoring – Yakima Basin • $5.4 million; 85% Yakima Fisheries Project M&E • Spring Chinook hatchery effectiveness • SpCh relative reproductive success • Predation monitoring • All Species adult/juvenile abundance • Data Management and habitat improvement Strategies Addresses benefits and risks of supplementation Provides essential juvenile and adult abundance for VSP and freshwater productivity for all species RPAs 50.6-fish-in/out; 56.3-habitat status & trends w/ fish-in/fish-out; 62.5-GSI; 50.3-PIT tagging
New Monitoring to meet RPA Requirements and the Monitoring StrategyYakima
Contribution to Strategy, Gaps, and RPAs Yakima Existing + RPA • Spring Chinook supplementation effectiveness in Yakima (incl. RRS) • All Species adult/juvenile abundance at Basin Scale (pop scale SpCh) • Toppenish steelhead fish-in / fish-out and habitat effectiveness • VSP abundance and productivity for all four steelhead populations and Spring Chinook • Fall Chinook and Coho supplementation effectiveness • Predation monitoring (avian and pikeminnow) Additional Monitoring • None
Accord Contributions Warm Springs MOA • Steelhead life cycle monitoring • Spring Chinook & fall Chinook life cycle monitoring Umatilla MOA • Habitat effectiveness program tied to Accord-funded restoration actions for Spring chinook, steelhead, bull trout. • Additional focus on lamprey & mussel RME Yakama MOA • Evaluation of hatchery effectiveness evaluation through YKFP program (includes natural production monitoring for all sps) • Basic fish/habitat monitoring for Klickitat & on-reservation populations • Lamprey RME & Sturgeon
RPA’s Not Addressed 50.4 Estimate precision and accuracy of redd counts including fish per redd Opportunity to conduct this work in the Deschutes, Klickitat,Yakima, Umatilla, and Walla Walla. This would be a collaborative study of Tribal and State agencies.