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2008 National Sunflower Association Survey

Detailed analysis of 2008 sunflower crop survey across several states, including yield data, limiting factors, disease occurrence, insect damage, and weed incidence.

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2008 National Sunflower Association Survey

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  1. 2008 National Sunflower Association Survey Project Leader: Dr. Duane Berglund, Retired NDSU Extension Agronomist and Professor Emeritus- Crop Science

  2. North Dakota-77 Minnesota-18 South Dakota-26 Kansas-14 Colorado-7 Oklahoma 2 Manitoba 18 T0TAL- 162 2008 Sunflower Survey- # Fields

  3. 2008 Sunflower Survey • Only counties with 20,000 planted Acres or more • One field stop per 10,000 Acres • Fields Surveyed in 2005- 146 • Fields Surveyed in 2006 – 162 • Fields Surveyed in 2007 – 158 • Fields Surveyed in 2008 -- 162

  4. 2008 Crop Survey Teams

  5. 2008 Crop Survey Teams

  6. 2008 Crop Survey Teams

  7. 2008 Crop Survey Teams

  8. 2008 Crop Survey Teams

  9. Confection and Oilseed Sunflower-2008 Survey

  10. Sunflower Yield and Plant Population: 2008

  11. Sunflower Yield 2008-NSA and USDA/Ag. Statistics

  12. Yields, 2003-2008 In North Dakota

  13. Sunflower Yield : Lbs/A2007 vs: 2008

  14. Disease 17 Plant spacing 12 Weeds 8 Birds 6 Lodging 6 Other 6 Drought 5 Hail 2 Insects 1 Herb. Dam. 0 Drowned outs 0 No Problem 13 2008 # 1 Yield Limiting Factors- N. Dak. (77 Fields)

  15. Number One Yield Limiting Factors-2007 in North Dakota

  16. Disease 3 Plant spacing 7 Weeds 9 Birds 3 Lodging 4 Other 5 Drought 3 Hail 0 Insects 5 Herb. Dam. 1 Drowned outs 1 No Problem 38 2008 # 2Yield Limiting Factors- N. Dak. (77 Fields)

  17. Disease 10 Plant spacing 1 Weeds 2 Birds 0 Lodging 0 Other 2 Drought 0 Hail 0 Insects 1 Herb. Dam. 0 Drowned outs 0 No Problem 2 2008 # 1Yield Limiting Factors- Minnesota (18 Fields)

  18. Disease 1 Plant spacing 2 Weeds 2 Birds 2 Lodging 2 Other 0 Drought 0 Hail 1 Insects 2 Herb. Dam. 0 Drowned outs 0 No Problem 6 2008 # 2Yield Limiting Factors- Minn. (18 Fields)

  19. Number One Yield Limiting Factors-2008

  20. Row Spacing Sunflowr-2008

  21. Tillage: 2008 Sunflower Survey

  22. Red Rust Incidence in Sunflower Rust Reported

  23. Red Rust Severity in Sunflower Rust Severity Estimated for Fields Where Incidence Reported

  24. Sclerotinia Head Rotin Sunflower 2008

  25. Phomopsisin Sunflower 2008

  26. Insect: Longhorned Beetle

  27. Webbing in Sunflower Heads

  28. Insect Seed Damage-2008

  29. Insect Seed Damage Incidence-2008

  30. Insect Seed Damageby Moths-2008

  31. Moth Damage Incidence in 2008 Sunflower Survey

  32. SF Head Damage in 2008 Sunflower Survey

  33. %Bird Damage

  34. North Dakota Kochia Canada Thistle Marshelder Green Foxtail Wild Buckwheat Biennial wormwood Minnesota Common ragweed Biennial wormwood Redroot pigweed Kochia Top Weeds Observed: 2008

  35. Incidence of Broadleaf Weeds ND/MN 2006, 2007 & 2008

  36. Incidence of Grassy Weeds In Sunflower: ND/MN 2006, 2007 & 2008

  37. South Dakota Redroot pigweed Kochia Green foxtail Russian thistle Manitoba Canada thistle Kochia Redroot pigweed Common ragweed Wild mustard Top Weeds in South Dakota and Manitoba: 2008

  38. Incidence of Broadleaf Weeds South Dakota 2006, 2007 & 2008

  39. Incidence of Grassy Weeds South Dakota 2006, 2007 & 2008

  40. Incidence of Weeds Observed in Manitoba

  41. Kansas weeds Palmer Amaranth Kochia Puncture vine Volunteer Grain Devils Claw Colorado Weeds Russian thistle Redroot pigweed Puncture vine Lanceleaf sage Cocklebur Top Weeds Observed: 2008

  42. Incidence of Weeds in Kansas

  43. Incidence of Weeds in Colorado

  44. 2008 Sunflower Survey Sponsored by the National Sunflower Association

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