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DialogNewsEdge. Toby Cook. News – What do you need to know?. Agenda 1 a. Who buys news? b. Why? (we’ll look who and why together) c. What do they buy? 2 a. What do we have? b. How can we apply our services to the “news” market?. But first…. An alternative agenda!.
DialogNewsEdge Toby Cook
News – What do you need to know? Agenda 1 a. Who buys news? b. Why? (we’ll look who and why together) c. What do they buy? 2 a. What do we have? b. How can we apply our services to the “news” market?
But first…. An alternative agenda! Let’s keep this informal Ask any questions when they arise – the answer will be more useful to you that way. My aim is to equip you to do four things; • Ask all the right questions • Know everything that YOU need to know (which isn’t everything – we have support!) • Be able to apply this knowledge to the clients situation • Impart this knowledge to others
Who buys news? The ENTERPRISE PYRAMID We’ve all seen the diagram of the Enterprise Pyramid. It gets rolled out at sales conferences, product launches, corporate capabilities presentations. It’s in all our “corporate” sales presentation. But, has anyone ever taken the time to look at it, think about what it shows and why we use it…?
Power-Users Business critical news delivered to key users. Power-Users Departments Specific industry news to individuals, groups or departments. Increasingly Embedded Increasingly critical to business Departments Sales Finance Marketing General Population General business news across internet, extranet or intranet General Population Number of Users The famous “Enterprise Pyramid” – What does it show?
Who buys news? The Enterprise Pyramid has shown us that there are basically three main “types” of customer for news; • Individual users • Groups of users • Enterprise buyers
Who buys news? Individual users We’ve all sold news to individuals. These include individuals in the following roles; • Researchers and Information professionals. • Sales • Marketing • HR • Etc etc etc Why would each of these want news?
Who buys news? Groups of users We’ve probably all sold news to groups of users, as well. A group of users may be a team of researchers all requiring individual access. Five users of NewsRoom is a “group”, right? Yes – but… Importantly, a group may require “group access” to something other than a stand-alone product. For instance a group may be a whole department such as sales or it may be a “community” or “domain”… So we need to know more than just who. We need to know about how and where they need the news? What is the “ideal world” solution for the group?
Who buys news? Enterprise Buyers “No one person ever bought NewsEdge” The best (by which I mean BIGGEST!) sales are those to an Enterprise. This is where a company buys news to distribute to either everyone in the firm or to several “groups of users”. These sales are UNLIKELY to be signed by the end user, or even their department. Often several departments will have to “buy-in” to the service before the “Enterprise” will buy the service. The down side – VERY long sell-in (months or probably years from first contact) The up-side – HUGE revenue in the order of your annual or quarterly target.
Who buys news? Implication? We want to be doing the Enterprise deals as often as possible. That means getting in front of multiple departments. That means understanding multiple needs across the Enterprise. That means understanding the Enterprise. That is why we use the Enterprise Pyramid.
What do they buy? We’ve looked at who – and a bit of why – but now for the what? There are many ways to answer that question… We could ask if they buy news direct from the IP as a full source, like ft.com We could ask if they buy news from a general mass aggregator (like ourselves, Factiva or Lexis Nexis) We could ask if they buy news from a specialist industry creator/aggregator like MergerMarkets.com or the like. However, lets look at exactly what it is they want to access…
Translating the clients answers Q: “What news do you need?” A: “We use Factiva.” How many times has that been the way a conversation goes? And how much does it actually tell us? Remember - Factiva can provide near-real-time news, enhanced news, full-feed news, stand-alone UI, enterprise feeds… but all with different services – JUST LIKE WE DO. So knowing that the client uses “Factiva” is a bit like knowing that Michael Schumacher drives a car made by the Fiat group… It may be true – but it doesn’t tell us anything we need to know.
What do they buy? In order to fully understand the needs of a client we must map them to the following criteria. • Archive: Do they need access to an archive? An archive of what? Going back how far? (then of course who?) • Enhancement: Is the raw news with a search capability enough? Do they need the news to be refined in any way and “pushed” at them. The difference between push and pull is VERY important….. Eg Editors Picks • Currency: How current does the content have to be? Up to the day? Up to the hour? Up to the minute? Faster? These three sets of questions are vital when we come to mapping our solution!
Who – Why – What? We’ve seen that there are certain questions – certain things – that we need to know. Another way of looking at it is that there is a matrix of questions/answers and ideally we need to fill in as much of the matrix as possible…. Archive Enhancement Currency Individuals ………. ………. ………. Groups ………. ………. ………. Enterprise ………. ………. ………. Notice – I have deliberately avoided using “Dialog” or “NewsEdge” terminology because our clients will not be familiar with it.
Understanding what’s out there… How do the following competitors fit into this matrix? Archive Enhancement Currency Individuals ………. ………. ………. Groups ………. ………. ………. Enterprise ………. ………. ………. Factiva? Lexis Nexis? Ft.com?
Understanding our services Every news service that we deliver is made of of three elements. Vary just those three elements and you can make any of our news services. These elements are; CONTENT + TAXONOMY + TECHNOLOGY Understand three components = Everything you need
Understanding our services – BIN News Content There five basic content sets that between them feed all the new BIN suite of products* • EXTERNAL – Editors Picks to the web, Breaking News in eContent. • INTERNAL REVIEWED/EDITORS PICKS – Editors Picks in everything else (eContent internal, DNE, XOD, Feeds, Portals, etc) • INTERNAL SOURCES – DNE, Active Feeds, Portals • NEWSROOM – NR, DNE NR, Portals NR. • PREMIUM – DNE, Active Feed, Portals * There are other sub-sets and slight variations but this covers 90%
Understanding our services - Taxonomy The new suite of products and services that make up our “news offering” are all based around a standard taxonomy. Taxonomy Definition - A scheme that partitions a body of knowledge and defines the relationships among the pieces. It is used for classifying and understanding the body of knowledge.
Understanding our services - Taxonomy Therefore, if you understand the basics of how our Taxonomy works with Content you understand.. Smart Terms Editors Picks Editors Alerts Editors Updates Active Feeds Smart Wire Etc Etc Etc….
Taxonomy Understand the difference between the electronic process of refinery and the human review process of refinery. (Discussion/diagram)
Understanding our services BIN Technology There are two types of technology that can be applied in any solution. • User Interface (stand-alone product/service). These include NewsRoom, Dialog NewsEdge etc 2. Integration Tools These include Feeds, Active Feeds, XOD, Portals, eContent
Understanding our services BIN Technology User Interface or UI’s These give individuals or groups of individuals access to our services (without them needing anything more than a PC with internet connectivity). (You could think of DNE as being a pre-built Portal solution). Advantages = Ease of role-out, in-built functionality, stability, support, etc. The most common example of a competitor UI in the news arena is of course….
Understanding our services BIN Technology Integration Tools/Solutions These are any of our technologies that are designed to allow our content to be integrated into the clients systems. These are generally web-based systems, such as…. Internet sites : open to the public Extranet sites: open to clients/partners Intranet sites: restricted to employees NB. Content to Internet & Extranet is EXTERNAL only.
Technology – Topic Feeds Topic Feeds – Do just what they say (Topic=Editors Pick). They allow clients to get the data contained in a set of Editors Picks (either content set) in the following standard formats HTML, SGML or XML. The content is delivered in a file via FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Topic Feeds are daily because of the content set.
Technology - eContent eContent (aka eLogic because eLogic is the company who host the service on our behalf). Integrates into web environment in HTML (with JavaScript) using embedded URL’s (thus a hosted service – ie does not reside on clients web servers). Allows integration of Breaking News, Editors Picks, Search, My Topics, ReachOut Mail, Company Capsule.
Technology – Active Feeds Active Feeds (PUSH or PULL) – complicated but VERY GOOD. Both Active Feeds are in XML. Work independent of source set PUSH – Aka Active Feed/RtCR (Real-time Content Refinery) Java based (NOT JavaScript). Require client programmer if using the ToolKit version (“client” version available). Includes sample programs. Programmer must RTFM or there will be tears! PULL – Aka XOD (XML On Demand). Ie when the clients application “demands” (eg pulls) the content they will get XML. HTTP based API. Yes, XOD is an API. (application Programming Interface). News pulled via searches submitted as URL strings. These are complicated for the client to build but provide excellent results and potential.
Technology - Portals Think of Portals as being a way to deliver the components that make up DNE in an independent manner straight into a clients web environment. Editors Picks, Editors Alerts, Searches, Archive, Weather, Company Capsule etc. We can (more or less) make it work in any “portal” environment.
Editors’ Picks • Expert editors hand-select and prioritize articles once per day • Individual user personalization • Click to real-time updates • 2,000+ narrowly defined business topics • 30-day archive
Saved Search • Premium licensed publications • Aggregated content sets • Real-time • 90-day archive • Individual user personalization
Company Information • News, quotes, charts, financials, SEC filings • and company profiles • Individual user selects companies to monitor • 40+ global indices • Ad-hoc company search
News – The questions? Recap Ask – Who? What? Where? Answer = Content + Taxonomy + Technology
Thank you Toby Cook