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Visual Basic .NET. by Shaveta Jain. History of Visual Basic. Microsoft first released Visual Basic in 1987. first visual development tool from Microsoft to compete with C, C++, Pascal and other well-known programming languages. Visual Basic wasn't a hit at first until release 2.0
Visual Basic .NET by Shaveta Jain
History of Visual Basic • Microsoft first released Visual Basic in 1987. • first visual development tool from Microsoft • to compete with C, C++, Pascal and other well-known programming languages. • Visual Basic wasn't a hit at first until release 2.0 • slowly people discovered the potential of the language • with release 3.0 • it had become the fastest-growing programming language on the market.
What Is Visual Basic.Net • Visual Basic. NET is an extension of Visual Basic • Visual Basic .Net is a true object oriented language therefore supports: • Polymorphism, • Inheritance, • Abstraction • Encapsulation. • Visual Basic .NET was designed to take advantage of • the .NET Framework base classes • and runtime environment.
Versions of Visual Basic .NET • Visual Basic .NET 2002 (VB 7) • was released alongside Visual C# and ASP.NET in 2002. • Visual Basic .NET 2003 (VB 7.1) • was released with version 1.1 of the .NET Framework. • Visual Basic 2005 (VB 8.0) • the next iteration of Visual Basic .NET, • Visual Basic 2008 (VB 9.0) • will be released together with the Microsoft .NET Framework .3.5. • Visual Basic 'VBx' (VB 10.0) • also known as VBx, will offer support for the Dynamic Language Runtime.
Inheritance • Inheritance allows : • to build a hierarchy of related classes • and to reuse functionality defined in existing classes. • Implemented with the keyword “Inherits” • a class with the keyword "inherits”, is called a subclass • It automatically contains each and every member of its super class "virtually” • can have its own members too
Inheritance (contd) • single inheritance • a class can derive from only one base type. • VB .NET supports only single inheritance • multi-level inheritance • more than two levels of inheritance (in the form of a chain of classes). • all the members of all super classes would automatically be available within the sub class.
What is a Component? • Component is a compiled set of classes that support the services provided by the component. • the classes expose their services through the properties, methods, and events that comprise the component's interface • In-Process Components • built as DLLs • run within the process space of the host application • tend to run faster • Out-of-Process Components • have an EXE file name extension • run as independent processes outside of the client application • more stable than In-Process Components • sharable resources
Component Reuse • Facilities for Component Reuse: • By simply adding a reference to a COM component • it is instanced and called as though it is a .NET component • saves a huge amount of re-development time • .Net provides a good framework for code libraries • components can be easily adapted /modified by the programmer • Components are particularly useful for developing GUI’s • Degree of Component Reuse: • A whole application can be put together using the components itself
Class reuse • Visual Basic.Net is Object-Oriented thus involves objectsin some way or other • everything is based on the Object Class. • Controls, Forms, Modules, etc are all types of classes. • VB.Net comes with • thousands of built-in classes • which are ready to be used • kept in namespace called System • all other namespaces are based on this System namespace • namespaces can be included in the code with the keyword import followed by the namespace
Class Reuse (contd) • Some Namespaces and their use: • System: Includes essential classes and base classes for commonly used data types, events, exceptions and so onSystem.Collections: Includes classes and interfaces that define various collection of objects such as list, queues, hash tables, arrays, etcSystem.Data: Includes classes which lets us handle data from data sourcesSystem.Data.OleDb: Includes classes that support the OLEDB .NET providerSystem.Data.SqlClient: Includes classes that support the SQL Server .NET providerSystem.Diagnostics: Includes classes that allow to debug our application and to step through our codeSystem.Drawing: Provides access to drawing methodsSystem.Globalization: Includes classes that specify culture-related informationSystem.IO: Includes classes for data access with FilesSystem.Net: Provides interface to protocols used on the internetSystem.Reflection: Includes classes and interfaces that return information about types, methods and fieldsSystem.Security: Includes classes to support the structure of common language runtime security systemSystem.Threading: Includes classes and interfaces to supportmultithreadedapplicationsSystem.Web: Includes classes and interfaces that support browser-server communicationSystem.Web.Services: Includes classes that let us build and use Web ServicesSystem.Windows.Forms: Includes classes for creating Windows based formsSystem.XML: Includes classes for XML support
Information Hiding • reduces software development risk • by shifting the code's dependency on an uncertain implementation onto a well-defined interface. • ensures • no other class has knowledge about attributes and/or behavior of the hidden class • unless published explicitly (by the class).
Information Hiding (contd) • Information hiding in Visual Basic. Net • can be implemented using keywords public and private Private keyword : • Used for attributes and behaviors • hides them from the world outside of the class. Public keyword : • Used for properties and methods • other objects can access them • yet know nothing about their implementation.
Usability • Visual Basic .NET • the easiest, most productive language, and tool for rapidly building Windows and Web applications. • People with very little programming experience can also develop powerful Windows applications • Since the real hard code is already written • makes life far easier • so what could take days in other PLs can be done in hours with VB.
GUI Development • Developing GUI applications with VB is a 3-step approach: • Design the appearance of application • Assign property settings to the objects of the program • Write the code to direct specific tasks at runtime
GUI Development (contd) Toolbox Window • gives us access to all controls, components, etc.
GUI Development (contd)Properties Window • allows us to set properties for various objects at design time.
GUI Development (contd) Code design window • opens when we double-click on a form or any control • allows us to edit and write code.
Web Development • VB.Net supports web development • The IDE is capable of the following: • ASP .NET Web Application: • allows to create web-based applications using IIS. • can create web pages, • web services. • ASP .NET Web Service: - allows to create XML Web Services.
Reality-Cost • Visual Studio 2005 Express Edition Free • Visual Basic .Net 2003 Standard Edition $149.99- 179.99 • Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition $199.00- $299 • Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition $549.00- $ 799.00 • Various Visual Studio Team Editions for: • Database Professionals $2,309.00 • Software Architects $2299.00 • Software Developers$5469.00
Pros • Pros of Visual Basic. Net are • Can build applications very rapidly • full access to the capabilities available in .NET Framework 1.1. • can call components running on any platform using open Internet protocols • can develop mobile Web applications for Internet-enabled mobile devices • can create reusable, enterprise-class code using full object-oriented constructs. • also enables you to leverage your existing code assets
Cons • Microsoft supplies • an automated VB6-to-VB.NET converter with Visual Studio .NET • but cannot convert all code • VB7 has large runtime as compared to VB6 runtime • Large class library
Thank You All !!! • References: • http://www.aspfree.com/c/a/VB.NET/Inheritance-with-VB-NET-2005/ • http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=170719&rl=1 • http://support.microsoft.com/kb/307222 • http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dndotnet/html/componentsnet.asp • http://www.startvbdotnet.com/language/default.aspx • http://visualbasic.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://www.toa.com/pub/abstraction.txt • http://www.vbprofs.com/Articles/Visual_Basic_%10_.NET_Articles/_Common_Misconception_About_Object-Oriented_Programming/ • http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/VB.Net/Implementing-The-Google-Web-Service-In-VB.NET/ • http://www.microsoft.com/products/info/product.aspx?view=22&pcid=5e71f2b5-52a4-4ed7-bc15-a9dff1d4b655&crumb=catpage&catid=515c9859-958b-4433-b4f9-91f37258ca2f