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This article discusses the compilation and analysis of centroid and polygon datasets for European groundwater bodies. Recommendations are provided based on the availability and quality of the data from different member states.
Steps • Centroid dataset compilation and data check • Polygon data compilation and data check • Centroid and polygon data matching • National dataset analysis • Recommendations
Comparison of geometry features and attribute table records of the dataset
Article V centroids and polygon delivery status Point GWB available 17020 Polygon GWB available 16726
Conclusions • The polygon dataset compiled at ETC/Water can be used as a basis for future European groundwater body reference layer on the assumption that following requirements are met: • 1. Member states provide missing data or correct/verify datasets • Member states provide assignment of groundwater bodies to horizons, (document “Visualization of groundwater body reference layer”) • Member states identify uppermost groundwater bodies
Conclusions Belgium, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Hungary, Ireland, Luxembourg, Latvia, Netherlands, Sweden, Slovakia provided complete and matching official polygon and centroid datasets There are centroid dataset available for Austria and Slovenia; polygon datasets can be used if officially approved by those member states. Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal and Spain national polygon and centroid datasets need either correction or verification by member states United Kingdom has provided centroid data and should provide a polygon dataset. Bulgaria, Finland, Greece, Italy, Malta, and Romania have not provided any data and should be asked to provide national centroid and polygon datasets.