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Located at the end of a boulevard with hundred of years old linden trees, Curtea de Arges Monastery is the most important pilgrimage and prayer place in the county of Arges, with the “ Assumption of the Virgin ” as its dedication day.
Located at the end of a boulevard with hundred of years old linden trees, Curtea de Arges Monastery is the most important pilgrimage and prayer place in the county of Arges, with the “Assumption of the Virgin” as its dedication day. Founded in the time of voivode Neagoe Basarab, between 1512 and 1517, the monastery is a part of the most famous Romanian legend, “The legend of master Manole”. Known also as the Episcopal Church, because it was an Episcopal See between 1739 and 1748, the house of worship is 18 meters length, 10 meters wide and 25 meters high. As a curiosity, the naos and the pronaos are not separated by a door, but by the frame of a door, placed between two columns.
Coonsidering all the monuments of the residence of the Wallachian princes in Arges, the church founded by the pious prince Neagoe Basarab (1512-1521) is one of the most important contructions of art and religious architecture. The inscriptions, the documents of the time and also the writngs of foreign travellers are very high on the architectural harmony and equilibrium of Prince Neagoe's church saying "it is one of the wonders of the world". Begun in 1514 by Neagoe Basarab's will to have a wonderful monument built, the church was erected on the very place of the first Metropolitanate of Wallachia, under Prince's supervision and following master Manole's advice, being built in stone of Albesti, marble and mosaic brought from Constantinople. Although unfinished, in 1517 the Prince founder decided the Monastery of Curtea de Arges to be consacrated on the Assumption of the Virgin - its dedication day - with great pomp in the presence of outstanding Orthodox religious personalities, led by the Ecumenic Patriarch Theolipt of Constantinople.
On the occasion the the consecration in August 1517, Gavriil Protul made his first description of the Arges Monastery whose beauty he thought surpassed that of Sion and St. Sofia of emperor Justinian. • After its consecration, Neagoe Basarab kept on paying a great attention to this church, having the new monastery in Arges embellished with a surrounding wall, cells, a refectory, a belfry, making it, as Gavriil Protul said "resemble God's paradise". In 1521, when the founder passed away, his body was buried in the pronaos, which thus became a princely necropolis. Radu from Afumati (1522-1529) did everything that had still to be done for the church, as by his marriage to Ruxandra, Neagoe Basarab's daughter, he had taken over not only the rights, but also the duties of founder of the monastery. Thus, by his orders, on 18th September 1526, painter Dobromir finished the painting of the church. • The documents of the following centuries certify more important restorations of the church and the whole monastery during the reigns of Princes Matei Basarab (1632-1654) and Serban Cantacuzino (1678-1688). Finally, from 1875-1885, the restoration by architect Andre Lecomte du Nouy (1844-1914) ssaved the monument from destruction. This restoration entailed a new painting of the monument by F. Nicolle, Ch. Renouard and Nicolae Constantinescu, thus the precious fresco by Dobromir of Targoviste being lost. Nevertheless, a few fragments can still be seen at the Art Museum of the Romania and in the Collection comprising objects of religious art of the monastery
It is worth mentioning that in 1793, when the Diocese of Arges was set up, Neagoe Basarab's foundation became episcopal residence, a rank kept till 1979.