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Basic mobile user interfaceS. http://www.flickr.com/photos/ourcage/8343799386/. Titanium user interfaces. Each "window" is like a web page Within the window, you can lay out controls Several options for the layout Generally nice to avoid platform-specific code E.g., pixel distances.
Basic mobile user interfaceS http://www.flickr.com/photos/ourcage/8343799386/
Titanium user interfaces • Each "window" is like a web page • Within the window, you can lay out controls • Several options for the layout • Generally nice to avoid platform-specific code • E.g., pixel distances
Generic file layout in Titanium • Classic Titanium layout • Platform-independent code is in JS files • Platform-specific content is in subfolders • Newer Titanium layout • Subfolders for XML & JSON files
Minimalist UI var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ title : 'Very basic app', backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF' // you need to set a bg color }); varlbl = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text : 'Hello World', // you need to specify the text content color: '#000000' }); win.add(lbl); win.open();
Labels, text inputs, and buttons • Functions • Ti.UI.createLabel({text:""}) • Ti.UI.createTextField({value:"", autocapitalization:TEXT_AUTOCAPITALIZATION_WORDS, autocorrect:true, keyboardType:Titanium.UI.KEYBOARD_NUMBER_PAD}) • Ti.UI.createTextArea({value:""}) • Ti.UI.createButton({title:""}) • Handy parameters • borderStyle: Ti.UI.INPUT_BORDERSTYLE_ROUNDED • color: '#3333ff', backgroundColor:'#f0f0f0' • top: 10, left: 10, width: 200, height: 40 • font:{fontSize:12, fontWeight:'bold'}
Example UI (with hardcoded positions) var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ title : 'Very basic app', backgroundColor : '#FFFFFF' }); varlbl = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text : 'Your age:', color : '#000000', top : 10, left : 10 }); win.add(lbl); var txt = Ti.UI.createTextField({ // or TextArea to create a multi-line input value : '82', keyboardType : Titanium.UI.KEYBOARD_NUMBER_PAD, top : 10, left : 80 }); win.add(txt); win.open();
Example UI (with hardcoded positions) Hmmm. Position needs fine tuning!
The problem of varying devices • Mobile devices are wildly different • Size (horizontal & vertical) • Font sizes (pixels per character) • Hardcoded positions will break easily • Density pixel distances (e.g., '10dp') were an attempt to fix this (1 device independent pixel == 1 physical pixel on a 160 dpi screen), but even this is not fully adequate across different platforms.
Views: Creating a more robust layout • Windows have a layout • Windows can contain views • Which in turn have layouts • So you can create a nested hierarchy of views, each with its own tidy little layout • You can design your screen to automatically space controls out, regardless of their size
Views available to you • Absolute (aka "Composite") • Hardcoded positions, widths, height • Vertical • Controls are displayed top to bottom • Horizontal • Controls are displayed left to right • Table • Controls are displayed in rows and columns
Horizontal layout var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ title : 'Very basic app', backgroundColor : '#FFFFFF', layout: 'horizontal' }); varlbl = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text : 'Your age:', color : '#000000', width: Ti.UI.SIZE // this says, make it as wide as its content's size (auto-size) }); win.add(lbl); var txt = Ti.UI.createTextField({ value : '82', keyboardType : Titanium.UI.KEYBOARD_NUMBER_PAD, width: Ti.UI.SIZE // or you could specify a specific width (in pixels) – usually not good }); win.add(txt); // horizontal layout automatically slides this text field up to the preceding element's side win.open();
Horizontal layout You can set the left propertyof the text field here to give ita little bit of spacing.
Vertical layout var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ title : 'Very basic app', backgroundColor : '#FFFFFF', layout: 'vertical' }); varlbl = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text : 'Your age:', color : '#000000', height: Ti.UI.SIZE // or you could use a hard-coded value (not a good idea) /* and you can use left: 0 to align left, or right: 0 to align right */ }); win.add(lbl); var txt = Ti.UI.createTextField({ value : '82', keyboardType : Titanium.UI.KEYBOARD_NUMBER_PAD, height: Ti.UI.SIZE // or Ti.UI.FILL would mean "take up whatever space is available" }); win.add(txt); win.open();
Vertical layout Can set the text field's top to give a little space.
Another option: Table View • Each table is a collection of rows • Within each row, you can use… • Composite layout • Vertical layout • Horizontal layout
A TableView example (Part 1) var win = Ti.UI.createWindow({ title : 'Very basic app', backgroundColor : '#FFFFFF', layout : 'vertical' }); varlbl = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text : 'Some OSU Courses', color : '#FFFFFF', backgroundColor : '#c34500', // notice that you can set properties much like with CSS… just use camelcase fontWeight : 'bold', height : Ti.UI.SIZE, width : '100%', // here we want this label to spread all the way across the screen textAlign : 'center' // and we center our text content inside the label }); win.add(lbl); var courses = [ {id : 'CS361', title : 'Software Engineering I' }, {id : 'CS494',title : 'Web Development'}, {id : 'CS496',title : 'Cloud and Mobile Development'} ];
A TableViewexample (Part 2) varrows = []; for (vari = 0; i < courses.length; i++) { var row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({ layout : 'horizontal' }); // FYI, there's also a terser way to do this (with just a row title) when you only need a single string per row row.add(Ti.UI.createLabel({ height : Ti.UI.SIZE, width : Ti.UI.SIZE, text : courses[i].id, color : '#000000' })); row.add(Ti.UI.createLabel({ height : Ti.UI.SIZE, width : Ti.UI.SIZE, text : courses[i].title, color : '#000000', left: '5dp' })); rows.push(row); } vartableView = Titanium.UI.createTableView({ data : rows, backgroundColor: '#FFFFFF' }); win.add(tableView); win.open();
A quick walk through the new declarative app framework
Regarding the declarative framework • Goal is to structure apps similar to mobile web • Declare app structure with tags (like HTML) • Declare data structure (model) with JSON • Declare app behavior with JS • The material of this lecture still applies! • All the concepts (window/view/layout) still apply • All the imperative (non-declarative) code still applies. • Declarative is optional: you can mix declarative & imperative • Imperative is necessary for creating UIs dynamically.
Downsides of the new framework • Recently out of beta • Several tags don't seem to work reliably yet • Several tags have odd structure • Debugging is extraordinarily painful • Need to use command-line to use “fastdev” build—emulator reloads nearly completely on every build • Expect substantial improvements over time