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Day 4 Session 3: Health Impact Assessment (HIA). Dave Jenner (EMPHO) Adapted from Material provided by: Andrew Pratt (Plymouth PCT) Neil Bendel (Manchester Joint Health Unit) John Kemm (WMPHO). key features case-study how to find out more. HIA is….
Day 4 Session 3:Health Impact Assessment (HIA) Dave Jenner (EMPHO) Adapted from Material provided by: Andrew Pratt (Plymouth PCT) Neil Bendel (Manchester Joint Health Unit) John Kemm (WMPHO)
key features • case-study • how to find out more
HIA is… …a combination of procedures, methods & tools …that systematically judges the potential, & sometimes unintended, effects of a policy, programme or project … on both the health of a population, & the distribution of those effects within the population …HIA identifies appropriate actions to manage those effects International Association for Impact Assessment 2006
Assessing the impact of ahealth intervention Prospective = HIA Concurrent = Monitoring Retrospective = Evaluation
Applications of HIA • new urban housing scheme • proposed waste incinerator • new casino in Manchester • hospital vending machines policy • third runway at Heathrow • motorway widening • leisure centre charging policy • home energy efficiency scheme
Health Impact Assessment - Key Features • List all the aspects of the proposal that are likely to have an impact on the health of the population • Decide whether the identified impacts are positive (+) or negative (-), i.e. are they likely to make people’s health better or worse? • Identify when this impact is likely to occur, i.e. in the short, medium or long term? • Decide how certain you are that the impact will occur, i.e. is it definite, probable or speculative? • Note likely differential impacts on different groups (e.g. women, children, elderly people, BME communities, etc.) • identifying recommendations for maximising the positive and minimising the negative health impacts of the proposal.
Case-study: redevelopment of social housing • Devonport in Plymouth c5000 people • temporary ‘decanting’ of residents • rebuilding 448 dwellings • What might be the key issues?
NOT statutory but widely advocated • (Acheson) Inequalities in Health (1998) • Our Healthier Nation (DH 1999) • Article 152, EU Amsterdam Treaty (1999) • DH & NRU guidance (2002) • Securing Health (Wanless, Treasury, 2004) • Choosing Health (DH 2004) • Council for Science and Technology 2006
Welcome to the world of impact assessment! • Environmental Impact Assessment • Strategic Environmental Assessment • Sustainability Appraisals • Equality Impact Assessment • Integrated Impact assessment • Health Impact Assessment