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SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH IN ELDERLY PEOPLE: ETHICAL ISSUES OF NEGLIGENCE João Apóstolo, & Susana Duarte. Patrícia Malaquias 1 , Joana Silva 1 João Apóstolo 2 , & Susana Duarte 2 . 1 4th year student of the Bachelor of Nursing, Nursing School of Coimbra 2 T. INTRODUCTION
SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH IN ELDERLY PEOPLE: ETHICAL ISSUES OF NEGLIGENCE João Apóstolo, & Susana Duarte. Patrícia Malaquias1, Joana Silva1 João Apóstolo2, & Susana Duarte2. 14th year student of the Bachelor of Nursing, Nursing School of Coimbra 2 T INTRODUCTION Developingduringtheentirelifecycle, sexualityispartofhumanidentity, andisaninternalfactorthatmotivatesthesearchandexperienceofpleasure (Moraes andVitalle, 2012, p.49). Withageing, theelderlybelievethey are asexualbeings, neglectingthecareoftheir sexual andreproductivehealth. In that way, what actions from the ethical point of view should a nurse take to promote an healthy sexuality in the elderly? Can this dimension be neglected in elderly? What health professionals have been doing in this matter? Aims: How the sexual and reproductive health of the elderly is neglected and recognize from the ethical point of view, which should be the nurse actions to promote an healthy sexuality in the elderly. Data Bases: Scielo e EBSCO. Boleans: sexual and reproductive health, sexuality, nursing, ethic, negligence and elderly Metodology: PICOD. RESULTS Elder neglect is a main public health problem.As a nurse we should identify in an earlier way and report this kind of cases and our intervention is ethically and legally required. Actually most of the cases are not identified and reported (idem). Sexual health should be addressed in a positive way (WHO, 2010, p.10). We have to enhance the safe and enjoyable experiences that must be free of coercion, discrimination and violence (idem).Sexualityissomethingthataccompaniesusthroughoutlifefromthemomentwe are bornuntilwe die. DISCUSSion Promotingsexual andreproductivehealthinvolvespromotingthe use ofstrategiesthatempowersexuallyhumans (Lamontet al., 2012, p.7). Elderly have the need for sexual expression and intimacy (Mahieu, Elssen and Gastmans, 2011, p.1141). As nurses in an ethical level, our intervention should undergo in an early identification of different situations. CONCLUSION Nurses have a predominant action, promoting sexuality of the elderly. As nurses we must also promote sessions to clarify and inform health for the elderly. In this way we enable the empowerment of the population. We also must be available to help or withdraw doubts, ensuring that sexuality is lived in its fullness. REFERENCES MORAES, S.; VITALLE, M. - Direitos sexuais e reprodutivos na adolescência.Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. [Online]. Vol. 58, n.º 1 (2012), p.48-52.[Consulted 5 de April 2013]. Available in WWW: <URL: http://www.scielo.br/pdf/ramb/v58n1/v58n1a14.pdf> ISSN 0104-4230. WHO - Measuring sexual health: Conceptual and practical considerations and related indicators. [online]. Geneva: WHO, 2010, p.15. [Consulted 5 April 2013]. Available in WWW: <URL: http://whqlibdoc.who.int/hq/2010/who_rhr_10.12_eng.pdf> LAMONT, J.[el al.] - Female sexual health consensus clinical guidelines. JournalOfObstetricsAndGynaecology Canada: JOGC- [online]. Vol. 34, n.º 8 (2012), p.S1-S56. [Consulted 5 de April 2013]. Available WWW: <URL: http://sogc.org/guidelines/documents/gui279CPG1208F_000.pdf> ISSN:1701 2163 MAHIEU, L.;ELSSEN, K. and GASTMANS, C. – Nurses’ perceptions of sexuality in institutionalized elderly: A literature review. International Journal of Nursing Studies.[online]. 2011, vol. 48, p. 1140-1154. [Consulted 29 March 2013]. Available in WWW: <URL: http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0020748911002331/1-s2.0-S0020748911002331-main.pdf?_tid=2d823d1e-b678-11e2-8382-00000aab0f26&acdnat=1367863985_77d1c77264b4e3ca2332d831587678ec>.