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Learn about concurrent programming in Java, utilizing threads, monitors, and critical sections. Understand mutual exclusion, implementing threads, and monitoring techniques. Dive into examples like JVM, garbage collection, and GUI listeners. Explore dining philosopher and producer/consumer problems. Discover state diagrams, object class methods, and issues like deadlock and starvation. Enhance your Java programming skills with this comprehensive guide.
Definitions • Concurrent program – Program that executes multiple instructions at the same time. • Process– An executing program (the running JVM for Java programs) • Thread – A sequence of executing instructions. A single process can concurrently execute many threads. • Critical Section – A resource or area of code that must be protected from simultaneous access by multiple threads. • Mutual Exclusion – The mechanism for protecting a critical section. • Monitor – A language construct in Java that utilizes the synchronized reserved word to enforce mutual exclusion.
Examples of Concurrency • JVM • Garbage Collection reclaiming memory of unused objects • GUI Listeners that respond to user or program events Note: In these examples, each thread is executing instructions at the same time.
Implementing a thread in Java • Signature line: There are two alternatives: • Create a class that extends Thread. • Add implements Runnable to an existing class line . • Implement a run method with the following signature: public void run() • Reference and instantiate the thread • Thread thread = new Thread(this) • Thread thread = new Thread(new RunnableClass()); • Start the thread (thread.start()). • The thread ends when it returns from the run method.
Thread Example See: demos/ThreadExtendsDemo.java, demos/ThreadRunnableDemo Sample Output: 1111222334445551223334455 Note: The order of execution depends on when threads are scheduled to run
Critical Sections and Mutual Exclusion • Critical Section:A sequence of instructions that once started by a thread must be completed by that thread before some other thread starts into the sequence. • Mutual Exclusion:A technique that allows only one thread at a time into a critical section. • The Producer/Consumer and Dining Philosopher problems are classical computer science problems used to illustrate critical sections and mutual exclusion • Our text has a producer consumer example • Lab 7 implements the dining philosopher problem See demos/ThreadSharedData*.java
Monitors A mutual exclusion technique built into the language syntax • Java • Every object that may be written by more than one thread needs a monitor (roughly analogous to a key to a lock). • Keyword synchronized creates a monitor. • Only one thread at a time can enter a synchronized block • A monitor ‘locks’ a particular object while a block of code executes. The monitor ensures no thread enters the block if another thread is executing instructions in that block. • Example • private synchronized int add(int a) { int ret = this.x; this.x = this.x + a; return ret;} • Guarantees a thread will be able to read x, add a to x, store x, and return the value read without any other thread intervening. • If this.x is 3, without synchronization, t[hread]0 could read 3, t1 read 3, add 2, store and return 5, then t0 add 1 (to 3) and store and return 4. Note the sum would be 4, but it should be 6.
Wait Ready Sleep Run Dead Thread States • Ready: A thread is ready to execute • Run: The thread is executing. • Wait: A thread cannot execute until the monitor it is waiting on receives a call to notify() or notifyAll().. • Sleep: thread called sleep(). It must be interrupted (by another thread or by its sleep timer running out) in order to continue. • Dead: run method finished State Diagram
Object Class Monitor Methods • wait() – Move this thread to the wait state • notify() – Move one waiting thread from the wait to ready state. The programmer has no control over which thread gets chosen • notifyAll() – Move all waiting threads from the wait to the ready state.
Other Thread Methods The word ‘thread’ refers to one of two things: • A running set of instructions or • A java object whose class implements Runnable It is handy to think of the Runnable object as ‘running’ the instructions. • Give up control: sleep(long milliseconds), • Wait for a started thread to die: join(), join(long milliseconds) • Get current thread object:Thread.currentThread() • Check to see if (usually the current) thread has been interrupted:isInterrupted() • Name of thread: getName(), setName(String name) • Retrieve or set a thread’s Priority: getPriority(), setPriority() • See if a thread is alive:isAlive()
Think Hungry Eat Famished Starved State Diagram P1 P0 C0 Lab Assignment C1 C4 P2 C2 P4 C3 • Dining Philosopher Problem • Five philosophers • Requires two chopsticks to eat • Alternates between eat, think, hungry, famished, and starve • Never puts down a chopstick until finishes eating P3 Implementation hints Instantiate philosopher array of five threads Instantiate array of five chopsticks
Dining Philosopher Issues: • Deadlock: The application cannot continue because it gets into a state where resources cannot be released or obtained • Starvation: Some threads never get a chance to execute • Critical Sections: The program must limit the number of threads executing a part of an algorithm