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youtube.com Description Rules Chess Strategies is the place where newbies chess players turn to pro and win more games. My channel is all about teaching you insanely actionable CHESS STRATEGIES, giving rules of the thumb, analyzing recent games, expain the tactical motives, and positional aspects of the game. It is suitable for beginer chess players and you can find a varity of chess openings, tricks and traps that can boost your chess performans. So if you're intrested in "king of the board games" - chess, would like to improve, inform, and know more about it then make sure to subscribe to my channel right now. As you can see, my channel publishes videos very often with techniques, tactics, and strategies that I already studied and apply in my own games; thus, they will work for you as well. If that sounds like something that could help you and improve your chess strength then make sure to join me by subscribing! This is www.rules-chess-strategies.com official Facebook fan page. Read here all chess news; get a lot of free chess lessons. Like us / stay with us! :-) If you like to learn everything regarding chess then you are in the right place! I can teach you how to enjoy chess, have fun and win a lot of games! In the light of that, stay in touch with me or you can pay a title chess player 3 times more to teach you the same things... ;-) Chess is a brilliant board game which can help you improve your character and develop your mental skills! Download the free chess e-book and boost your game! Please visit here | https://www.youtube.com/redirect?even... Sicilian Defense is the most aggressive and the most popular opening choise against the first move 1.e4. If you would like to improve your chess then you should know how to deal with it. The good think about Blackmar Diemer Gambit and more specifically with the Halosar Trap you can avoid the opponent's opening preparation. This is important because he should play by his own and it's easy to make mistakes.
Personal Training program = http://www.rules-chess-strategies.com... This is a brilliant game because White sacrificed his Queen in order to create an attack. It was a positional sacrifice, based on his intuition! Enjoy the video and the comments of the professional trainer Angelos Kesaris. It's important to learn the chess traps in order to acoid them. Similalry, using opening traps from time to time you can trick your opponents and win easily. More spesifically you can win before the game started! I made a cool opening trap collection for you, so you can learn everything at once! the opening traps are the following: All Service:- 1. 2. Chess Openings | B01 Scandinavian Defense: Kloosterboer Gambit Chess Openings | How To Play The Open Sicilian Defense With White Blackmar Diemer Gambit | How To Play Halosar Trap The Most Brilliant Queen Sac in History of Chess Chess Openings | Top 10 Chess Traps 3. 4. 5. More Information: - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8jBMiHjCfIw