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Grand Encampment. Coordinators. Duties of the Coordinators. Duties of the Coordinators. To be the representative (liaison officer) of Grand Encampment in their jurisdiction To facilitate communications between the Grand Encampment and the Grand Commandery, in both directions
Grand Encampment Coordinators
Duties of the Coordinators • To be the representative (liaison officer) of Grand Encampment in their jurisdiction • To facilitate communications between the Grand Encampment and the Grand Commandery, in both directions • To assist the Department Commander in communicating Grand Encampment’s programs to the Grand Commandery and in other manners as requested
Duties of the Coordinators • To assist the Right Eminent Grand Commanders and Grand Officers in disseminating information from the Grand Encampment to the Constituent Commanderies.
Duties of the Coordinators • Information about our Charities: • Knights Templar Eye Foundation • Knights Templar Educational Foundation • Holy Land Pilgrimage
Duties of the Coordinators • To attend and encourage attendance at: • Easter • Department Conferences • All Sir Knights but especially by required Officers. • Triennial Conclaves • Provide dates and details • Committee Activities • Provide information about what the committees are doing when notified
Duties of the Coordinators • To report any potential problems to the Department Commander immediately such as: • Officers not carrying out their prescribed duties • Officers that might be subject to removal • Sir Knights that might subject to suspension or expulsion by disciplinary process • Major financial problems
Duties of the Coordinators • To assist the Right Eminent Grand Commander and Officers in disseminating Grand Commandery programs to the Commanderies
Coordinators • Will be invested with the Knight Commander of the Temple if they do not already hold it
College of Honors • In order to more clearly define the original Decision at the 59th Triennial Conclave by S.K. William Henry Thornley, Jr., Grand Master, and to delineate what has become common practice, by this Decision, I do hereby create the College of Honors. • William Jackson Jones, GCT, GM, August 18, 2003 • Modified Ward, 2000; Koon, 2008; Goodwin, 2012
Purpose • To recognize Sir Knights for service to Templary, community, or humanity • KCT, KGC • To recognize non-Templars for service to Templary, community, or humanity • CT
Structure of College of Honors • Grand Master GEKT is GM of COH • Active Members of COH • GM, DGM, GG, GCG • Emeriti Members • PGMs, Grand Treasurer, Grand Recorder • All Active and Emeriti Members will hold the rank of Grand Cross Templar (GCT)
Administration • COH will appoint a Deputy (not more than two) for each Grand Commandery each Triennium • Any Active or Emeriti member of the COH will automatically become the Deputy
Deputy • GE Representative to administer Honors Program within jurisdiction • Using guidelines • Operated fairly • Not over utilized • Recognize worthy individuals
Deputy • Be part of the team…work with Department Commander, Coordinator, and Grand Commander to • Promote GE and GC programs • Disseminate information on • Charities • Easter Services • Department Conferences • Triennial Conclave • Attendance where possible
Selection of KCT • No preset criteria • Each Deputy is free to establish guidelines for his Grand Commandery • Nominations may be made by any holder • Deputy is free to accept or reject any nomination • Deputy will forward to COH (Grand Recorder) for approval and awarding
Selection of KCT • Department Commanders are holders by virtue of their office • Grand Commandery Coordinators are holders by virtue of their appointment • Selective…to maintain importance… • Possibly not more than 2 per cent of members • 5 per year for GC less than 7500 members • 10 per year for GC over 7500 members
Selection of CT • Holders, both CT and KCT may nominate to the Deputy • No numerical restriction • Submitted to COH (Grand Recorder) for approval and awarding
Selection of KGC • Awarded only for outstanding service • Nominations by any member of the College of Honors • Requires unanimous approval of the Active Members • Only 24 allow excepting Grand Encampment Officers (including Department Commanders)
Presentation of Awards • These awards are Grand Encampment awards and should be presented by the Grand Master or his representative with the assistance of the Deputy. • The presentation should take place a function where the most recognition may be given, such as an Annual Conclave Banquet
INVESTITURE • There is a recommended optional ceremony of investiture in the College of Honors Handbook. • The CT has no ceremony and should be just presented. • All holders of all honors should be recognized at the presentation of any award
Grand Encampment Coordinators
Section 1: Purpose The Official Purpose of the College of Honors is to administer, and govern the Honors Programs of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the USA. Particularly the Companion of the Temple, Knight Commander of the Temple (KCT), and the Knight Grand Cross of the Temple (KGC). The College will additionally oversee the Knight Templar Cross of Honor (KTCH) to insure that it is administered according to the Constitution.
Section 2: Structure The Grand Master of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar shall hold the Title of Grand Master of the College of Honors, and is the titular head of the College. The Active Members of the College of Honors shall consist of the Grand Master, Deputy Grand Master, Grand Generalissimo, and Grand Captain General, during the terms of their respective Offices. Membership in the College of Honors exists only so long as a Knight Templar is serving in one of the above-described Offices. No active member will ever be a “permanent” active member, except the Grand Master, whose membership in the College of Honors shall be considered Permanent by virtue of his election as Grand Master. The Emeriti Members of the College of Honors shall consist of all Past Grand Masters, who will be permanent members of the College of Honors. The Grand Recorder and Grand Treasurer shall be considered Emeriti Members of the College of Honors during their terms of office only, and their membership in the College of Honors shall terminate at the end of their tenure in office as Grand Treasurer or Grand Recorder. Only the Grand Master and Past Grand Masters will be considered Permanent Members of the College of Honors. All Active and Emeriti Members of the College of Honors will hold the rank and title of Grand Cross Templar (GCT). The title of GCT shall end, should the holder no longer be a Member of the College of Honors as described in the paragraph above. He shall revert to being a holder of the Knight Grand Cross of the Temple (KGC), should his tenure of office end before he becomes a Permanent Emeriti Member, or be elected Grand Master of the Grand Encampment. The jewel of a holder of the Grand Cross Templar (GCT) is pictured in this Decision.
There shall be no other holders, other than those listed above. The Grand Cross Templar (GCT) is a version of the KGC, denoting membership in the College of Honors only, and is of the same level as the KGC.
Section 3: Administration Each Triennium, the College of Honors will designate at least one, but no more than two Deputies for each Grand Commandery. Any Active Member of the College of Honors will act as Deputy in his Grand Commandery by virtue of his Active Membership. Any Emeriti Member of the College of Honor will act as Deputy in his Grand Commandery by virtue of his Emeriti Membership, unless there shall be an Active Member in his Grand Commandery, in which case, he would be Co-Deputy, with the Active Member serving as the Senior Deputy. In Grand Commanderies having more than two members of the College of Honors, all will serve as Co-Deputies, with any Active Member being the Senior Deputy. All Deputy selections except those listed above, shall be made by the Grand Master, and approved by a majority of the other Active Members of the College of Honors.
Section 4: Selection of Knights Commander of the Temple (KCT) Any holder of the KCT may make nominations for the Knight Commander of the Temple (KCT) to the Deputy for the Program in each Grand Commandery. Knights Commander of the Temple will be selected by the Deputies of each state, in accordance with the number allotted to each Grand Commandery, and forwarded to the College of Honors. Since this Honor is given for service to the Order, the Fraternity, Community, or Mankind, it will be left to the Deputy of each Jurisdiction to prioritize nominations within the guidelines given. The Deputy is also free to accept, or reject any nomination for the KCT, however a file should be maintained of who has been nominated in the past. The number of Knights Commander of the Temple selected for each Grand Commandery, annually was determined by a Decision made by S.K. James Morris Ward, Grand Master during the 61st Triennium. Five KCT’s may be awarded to Grand Commanderies with fewer than 7,500 members. Ten KCT’s may be awarded to Grand Commanderies with more than 7,500 members. Any Member of the College of Honors may nominate anyone, regardless of where they live for the Knight Commander of the Temple Award. Any Active or Emeriti Member of the College of Honors has the “Right of Veto” for any nomination for the Knight Commander of the Temple. This veto can only be overturned by a unanimous vote of the Active Members of the College of Honors. A nomination made by a Member of the College of Honors will not count toward the number of KCT’s allotted to any given Jurisdiction.
All Department Commanders, by virtue of their Office are Knights Commander of the Temple. Per the Original Decision by S.K. William Henry Thornley, Jr., Grand Master made during the 59th Triennium, and will not count toward the allocation of his Grand Commandery. All Grand Commandery Coordinators by virtue of their appointment are Knights Commander of the Temple. (Decision of David Dixon Goodwin, GCT, MEGM, August 15, 2012)
Section 5: Selection of Companions of the Temple Companions of the Temple may be nominated in the same manner as listed above, but are not subject to any numerical limitation. All nominations must be made through the Deputy or Deputies for the Program, with no exceptions. As with the Knight Commander of the Temple, any member of the College of Honors may nominate any suitable person for the Companion of the Temple with the same guidelines as listed for the Knight Commander of the Temple.
Section 6: Selection of Knights Grand Cross of the Temple (KGC) All elected Officers of the Grand Encampment are by virtue of their Office, Knights Grand Cross of the Temple (KGC), per the Decision creating the program by S.K. Thornley, cited in the above Section, and shall not count toward the total, as per the original Decision. Upon the Election of any Officer of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar of the USA, he will be presented the Knight Grand Cross of the Temple (KGC) following his Installation into Office, unless he is a current holder of the same. His patent, and Jewel will be presented at no cost to him, with the Honorarium being waived. Should a death occur in the elected line, and an appointment made to fill a vacancy, the same shall apply, with the KGC being presented at the Installation of the new Officer appointed by the Grand Master. Additional Knights Grand Cross of the Temple may be nominated by any member of the College of Honors, but must carry the unanimous approval of the Active Members. All Active Members must give their approval before any KGC may be awarded, either orally, or in writing. The total numbers of Knights Grand Cross is 24; not counting elected or appointed Officers of the Grand Encampment, per the original Decision by S.K. Thornley. The original Decision delineated “Officers or Past Officers of the Grand Encampment” would not count in the 24 total. Accordingly, Department, or Past Department Commander will not be counted toward the total of 24.
Section 7: Grand Recorder All nominations shall be sent to the Grand Recorder’s Office, and he will prepare the necessary patents, and send them for presentation at the direction of the Deputy. NO ONE except a Deputy may make a nomination for any of the Honors listed above, and the Grand Recorder does not have the power to grant any request not made through a Deputy.
Section 9: Investiture All Knights Commander of the Temple, elect, will be invested with the Knight Commander of the Temple at some appropriate occasion. A KCT Dinner, a special KCT Meeting, a Grand Commandery Conclave, or other function found suitable by the Deputy are appropriate. The Deputy of a Grand Commandery, or some holder of the Knight Commander of the Temple he so designates shall perform the Investiture. The following ceremony, or another appropriate ceremony of the Deputy’s choosing may be used. The investiture may be done in public, with ladies present. In a similar manner, all Companions of the Temple are to be Invested with the Honor, utilizing a format designated by the Deputy. The Investiture of Knights Grand Cross of the Temple, will be performed by the Grand Master of the College of Honors, or by a member of the College of Honors he so designates.
INVESTITURE KNIGHT COMMANDER of the TEMPLE Knights Commander of the Temple, ATTENTION. Knights, you will join me in the Lord’s Prayer. Sir Knights BE-SEATED. By virtue of the power in me vested. I declare the _______ College of Honors in session for the purpose of investing Seven Knights Templar with the honor and dignity of Knight Commander of the Temple. Sir Knight Marshall, you will escort the designates to the Altar. Sir Knights, you are one of a very small and select group of Knights Templar who have been deemed worthy of being invested with the rank and dignity of Knight Commander of the Temple. While your selection has in part been in recognition for service to the Masonic Fraternity, the Order of Knights Templar, or your efforts on
behalf of your fellow man, your selection also carries a high expectation of your continued service. For if a man ceases to strive toward a lofty plain, he will become like the flower, which withers, dies and is no more. With these thoughts in mind, you are not at the end, but rather at the beginning of your journey, a journey that will lead you along a better and nobler path than you may now imagine. Sir Knight, ____________, you will kneel at our altar, you will come to the sign of fidelity, and place your right hand over your heart in concurrence with your exemplar. This investiture calls for no obligation. The Grand College believes you have heeded well the obligations you have taken on your travels through our mystic Fraternity, lest you would not be in our presence here this evening. Will all Knights Commanders please rise, and witness this ceremony? I create thee Knight Commander of the Temple, and charge you to ever be a credit to the rank and title of the same. We now place in your hands the Templar Sword; you will hold it above your head with arms fully extended. As the weight of the sword, slowly tires your arms, ever remember the sacrifices made by our Masonic and Templar forefathers who struggled to make the world better for each of us. Remember also, that the sky is always darkest just before dawn, and that many a man would have reached his goal had he just held on a little longer. You may now return the sword to the altar, and please arise. Sir Knights, not at the altar, please be seated. Sir Knight Marshal, you will invest our new Knights Commander with the jewel. This Jewel is to be worn at all times while you are in uniform. It is to be worn with the ribbon under the collar, and the pendant resting on your tie. It may be worn in a similar manner with a tuxedo, suit, or sport coat, while in attendance at Templar or York Rite functions.
I congratulate you on your reception into the ranks of those Sir Knights who have received this honor before you and would ask that they greet you in an appropriate manner. Sir Knight Marshall, please return them to their place. The purpose, for which it was called to order having been accomplished, I declare the ________ College of Honors closed. For the sake of Convenience, the Decisions of Grand Master Thornley, and Ward are reprinted. Decision of S.K. William Henry Thornley, Jr., Grand Master, 59th Triennial, August 15, 1994:
Honors For many years the Grand Encampment has had no means of recognizing a member of the Order for continued service to the Order, service to Freemasonry, service to the community, or service to mankind. It was felt by the officers, both past and present, that some tangible means of recognizing that service should be available to the Grand Encampment, much the same as the honors that can be awarded for service in other Masonic Bodies. At the suggestion of the officers and other interested Templars, I was asked to design two awards: The Knight Commander of the Temple (KCT) and the Knight Grand Cross of the Temple (KGC). With the active and Past Grand Officers of the Grand Encampment acting as a cadre of Knights Grand Cross of the Temple, a minimum of five members of the Order were nominated in each of the Grand Commanderies, based on the requirements outlined above. They were then voted upon and those who passed the ballot invited to accept the nomination as Knight Commander of the Temple. These included candidates from each of the four categories. This was done several times during the past three years, each time including those Knights Commander of the Temple from each Grand Commandery who were already members. There is no actual limit to the number of Sir Knights who can be chosen to become Knights Commander of the Temple. They will hereafter be nominated by the Knights Commander of the Temple of the Grand Commandery to the body of Knights Grand Cross of the Temple, who will accept, reject, or add to those nominations. Anyone who requests the honor must be forever refused, and no one should disclose the nomination of anyone until it has been approved.
The number of Knights Grand Cross of the Temple is limited to twenty-four, excluding present and past Grand Encampment Officers. They shall make up the governing body. The honors will be given at no expense to the Grand Encampment and shall be self-sustaining. Because the Knight Commander of the Temple and the Knight Grand Cross of the Temple can only be awarded to members of the Order, it was felt a third recognition should be established, namely, Companion of the Temple. This award is made to anyone, regardless of sex or Masonic affiliation, who has done something to aid Templary, the Eye Foundation, Masonry, or humanity. The name of the individual to be honored, together with a letter of explanation, is sent to the body of Knights Grand Cross of the Temple in Chicago for their approval or rejection. The necessary fee must accompany the request.
Decision of James Morris Ward, Grand Master, 61st Triennial Conclave, August 14, 2000: Decision, 7 July, 2000 It is therefore suggested that the following guidelines are appropriate: For Grand Commanderies with 7,500 or fewer members, 5 nominations per year. For Grand Commanderies with greater than 7,500 members, 10 nominations per year. There does not appear to be a reason to limit the number of nominations for the Companion of the Temple Award.