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Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment. 20011/12 Learning &Teaching Briefing. Rob Mortimer Director of Student Education. Presentation content. Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment. Who’s who? What’s what? Reflections on last year
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment 20011/12 Learning &Teaching Briefing. Rob Mortimer Director of Student Education
Presentation content. Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • Who’s who? • What’s what? • Reflections on last year • NSS & programme survey results for last year • Looking ahead
1. Who’s who? Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment Director of Student Education (DSE): Rob Mortimer Director of Masters Education (DME): Anne Tallontire Director of Undergraduate Education (DUE): Jon Mound Academic Integrity Officer (AIO): Damian Howells
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment Pastoral Support Advisor: Yim Ling Siu International Student Team: tbc School Fieldwork Committee Chair: Andrew Ross Employability Team: Colin Pitts, Jared West, Rob Chapman, Louise Ellis, Katie Livesey, Rachael Spraggs, Phil Murphy.
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • Student Support Office (level 10). • School Student Education Manager: Esther Burton • quality assurance and L&T procedures across all programmes • Student Support Manager: Katrina Firth • student support, welfare and discipline • Taught Postgraduate Administrator: Shareen Kininmonth • PGT student support; Exams & QA; programme admin; induction • Undergraduate Administrator: Luisa Nanovo • UG Earth Science programmes; year abroad; exams; student support • Undergraduate Student Support Assistant: Lisa Beare • UG Environment programmes; year in industry; projects; attendance monitoring • Taught Postgraduate Assistant: Matthew Watson-Walker • PGT programmes; Exam papers; Exam marks; Module feedback. • Student Education Support Assistant: Bernice McBride • Timetabling; Module and programme catalogue; Plagiarism; Exam marks; SLTC; Fieldwork Committee. • Student Support Clerk: Rebecca Sellers • Reception; Hand-ins; Assessment deadlines; Module feedback; Fieldwork bookings.
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment Undergraduate Programme Leaders: BA Environment and Business - Rodrigo Lozano BA Environmental Management - Yim Ling Siu BSc Environmental Science - Steve Arnold BA Environmental Sustainability - Claire Quinn BSc Geological Sciences - Graham McLeod & Rob Chapman BSc Geophysical Sciences - Jon Mound BSc Meteorology and Climate Science - Andrew Ross + M level and industrial year abroad variants. From 2012 two BA programmes merged into: BSc Sustainability and Environmental Management – Claire Quinn
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment Taught Masters Programme Leaders: MSc Engineering Geology - Bill Murphy MSc Environmental Geochemistry/Geochemistry - Rob Newton MSc Exploration Geophysics - Roger Clark MSc Hydrogeology - Noelle Odling MRes Physics of the Earth & Atmosphere - Jim McQuaid & Greg Houseman MSc Structural Geology and Geophysics - Douglas Paton MSc Sustainability (Business, Env., & Corporate Responsibility) - Anne Tallontire MSc Sustainability (Climate Change) - Jouni Paavola MSc Sustainability (Ecological Economics) - Julia Steinberger MSc Sustainability (Env. Consultancy & Project Management) - Louise Ellis MSc Sustainability (Environment & Development) - Susie Sallu MSc Sustainability (Politics & Policy) - Jamie Van Alstine MRes Sustainability Research - John Barrett MSc Hydrogeology/Geochemistry/Environmental Geochemistry withdrawn from 2012
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • L&T reps: • to improve: • staff engagement and consistency in L&T • communication and dissemination of information • links between research and teaching • ESSI IGT • Cris Little Locko Neuberg • Graham McLeod Jon Mound • Rob Chapman Dan Morgan • SRI ICAS • John Barrett Steven Dobbie • Claire Quinn Steve Arnold • Susie Sallu Jim McQuaid
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment New Faculty VLE Technical Support Officer: Steven Clover Email address: S.Clover@leeds.ac.uk Telephone extension: 38667; Room: G.08 Lifton Villas https://vlebb.leeds.ac.uk/ Quick tip: making modules available: Control Panel > Customisation > Properties > Set Availability.
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment Change to Technical Support Team: Phil Murphy is now School Admissions Officer, so Gary Keech has sole responsibility for day to day Vis Lab teaching support. Gary is also the person to see if you want to use the Clickers or new audio/video recording equipment etc.
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment 2. What’s what? Internal webpage for Learning and Teaching: http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/internal-users/staff/learning-and-teaching/
School of Earth and EnvironmentMission: To lead internationally in research, to deliver a high quality and integrated programme of learning and teaching in Earth and Environmental Sciences and hence to beneficially impact society Research Learning and Teaching Enterprise and Knowledge Transfer Facilitate a culture of innovation by helping staff develop entrepreneurial values in research, teaching and EKT 1 4 Create learning opportunities for students to engage with earth and environmental research excellence 7 Achieve international recognition for delivering frontier research of global impact & influence Provide an exceptional student experience by delivering distinctive high quality modules & building academic communities 2 Develop & train dynamic researchers & research leaders in a collegiate research environment 5 8 Engage externally, informing public debate, aiding policy development and building new strategic partnerships 3 Grow and create research-led international strategic collaborations 6 Enhance student employability through building key skills & experience 9 Contribute to the enrichment of society on local to global scales …supported and enabled by …… A Time for a balance of academic activities B Efficient & strong support services and fair & transparent management systems C Financial sustainability to enable resource investment to deliver strategic priorities D Development of all staff linked to individual training needs & School objectives
3. Reflections on last year. Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • Last year’s L&T Themes: • 1. Assessment and feedback:- Clear set of aims and objectives for assessment- Marking criteria for assessment (to students)- Written comments &/or bespoke feedback sheet- Timely and useful feedback (inc. Feedforward) • big improvements in consistency of procedures, reflected by student feedback, including in surveys. • 2. Teaching Quality: • Module feedback and deadline information collated and followed up on. • Teaching Star Awards (see good practice guide at : http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/internal-users/staff/learning-and-teaching/) • better process, hopefully more supportive. • surveys show big improvement in teaching quality.
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • 3. Course organisation, support and guidance:- Office Hours and better email communication to manage expectations • Consistent personal tutoring using Leeds for Life • Strategic use of absence monitoring • Excellent feedback from students on office hours/communication • Improved consistency of personal tutoring • Effective absence monitoring • BIG THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR EFFORTS!
4. National Student Survey. Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • NSS matters because: • >70% response rate • Revealing indicator of professional standards • Public performance indicator • Our performance relative to our peers has implications for recruitment, especially in new fees era. • NSS demands individual responsibility from all teaching/support staff • Disproportionate impact on student judgments of a single poor experience.
National Student Survey 2011: SEE. Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment
National Student Survey 2011: SEE vs UoL Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • SO, AGAIN, A BIG THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR EFFORTS!
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment *Geophysical Sciences and Meterology & Climate Science: insufficient returns
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • Comparison with other institutions: • Geology: • We rank 6th out of 17, compared to 12th out of 19 last year. • Physical Geography and Environmental Science: • We rank 28th out of 55, compared to 48th out of 52 last year.
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment Geology:
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment Phys. Geog. & Env. Sci:
Detailed sub-category questions: biggest gains Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment 2. Staff have made the subject interesting +10 87% 4. The course is intellectually stimulating +10 88% 5. The criteria used in marking have been clear in advance +10 80% 6. Assessment arrangements and marking have been fair +13 78% 7. Feedback on my work has been prompt +13 56% 8. I have received detailed comments on my work +13 64% 9. Feedback on my work has helped clarify things I didn’t understand +19 63% 13. The timetable works efficiently as far as my activities are concerned +14 84% 21. As a result of my course I feel confident tackling unfamiliar problems+10 86% We’re up in every question except one: 17. I have been able to access general IT resources when I needed to 0 90%
Tally of Student comments Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment
UG Programme Survey: Year 1 Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment
UG Programme Survey: Year 2 Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment
5. Looking ahead. Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • New student intake • School priorities and initiatives for the coming year • University initiatives
I. New student intake: Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • 226 new undergraduates • 78 Geological Sciences • 53 Environmental Science • 33 Environment and Business • 26 Geophysical Sciences • 22 Environmental Management • 8 Environmental Sustainability • 6 Meteorology and Climate Science • + 1 resit student tbc (for Env Sci) • + 11 Geography-Geology students • + 44 Petroleum Engineering, and +4 into year 2.
c. 182 taught postgraduates Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • Best guess at time of writing: • 36 Sustainability (Env. Consultancy) • 30 Exploration Geophysics • 18 Structural Geology with Geophysics • 16 Sustainability (Environment & Development) • 14 Engineering Geology • 14 Sustainability (Business, Env. & Corporate Responsibility) • 14 Sustainability (Climate Change) • 11 Hydrogeology • 9 Environmental Geochemistry/Geochemistry • 7 Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere (MRes) • 7 Sustainability (Environmental Politics & Policy) • 5 Sustainability (Ecological Economics) • 1 Sustainability Research (MRes) • 0 Petroleum Geology and Geophysics (2 year Aramco sponsored)
II. School priorities and initiatives: Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment Assessment and feedback. Academic community building. Employability. Resources for L&T.
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment a. Assessment and Feedback. • Highly visual campaign on feedback still running. • For staff and students. • Key recommendations. • If you do one thing this year to improve your L&T, read the leaflet/poster and make sure your assessments and feedback include: • Clear set of aims and objectives for assessment • Marking criteria for assessment (to students) • Written comments &/or bespoke feedback sheet. • Timely and useful feedback (inc. Feedforward)
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment Feedback and assessment: suggestions. • Teach less, assess less, feedback more • Consider using one teaching session for feedback instead, and get the students involved... highly successful examples. • Remind students about portfolios and the power of reflection. • Manage student expectations... outline timing, style and format of feedback students can expect and remind them of their role in engaging with it. • Explain the difference between ‘bagging marks’ and gaining skills’ • Be wary of ‘gold-plating’
a. Assessment and Feedback. Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment Project is working: Other depts that have used our resources see similar improvements. But, the low overall scores and the NSS comments show there is more to do.
a. Assessment and Feedback. Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment Next phase of project: “Return, not retain”
“Return, not retain” http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/internal-users/staff/learning-and-teaching/returningcoursework/ Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • We will return all coursework where possible, with annotations/feedback plus any associated feedback sheets, to all UG and PGT students. • Students will compile their work into a portfolio to be handed in at the end of the year for the external examiners to look at. First year students will be asked to compile a portfolio but it will not be a requirement for them to submit this at the end of the year. • Increases feedback received • Allows reflection and feedforward • Fosters a more professional approach to studies • All SEE students plus Geog-Geol and Pet Eng on • SOEE modules.
“Return, not retain”: what staff need to do Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • Programme leaders: remind students in start of year meetings that we have a new procedure, and explain it (see http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/internal-users/staff/learning-and-teaching/returningcoursework/). • Module Leaders/Teaching Staff: • Include a template (example on web) in the module handbook that lists the different assessment components for the module that students can include in their portfolio as a module cover sheet and tick list. • Remind your students to retain their returned coursework in their portfolios and return this to the School at the end of the year. • Return all coursework + feedback to the office so we can return it to students. • Make sure work is either annotated with feedback (exactly what students tell us they want) or at least initialled, to ensure that no ‘refinement or improvement’ is undertaken between marking and handing in portfolios at the end of year. • Personal Tutors: remind students that they must organise their portfolios according to the instructions given, and encourage reflective practice.
“Return, not retain”: what staff need to do Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • What staff need to do: • Module Moderators • Prior to returning the work and feedback to the office, it must be checked by the module moderator, and any comments recorded on the module moderation form. This way, moderation will be done as the module progresses and will be finally signed off at the end. If the designated module moderator is not available to moderate, the module manager should ask an alternative member of staff to do this so as not to hold up the return of work to students. • As is the case now, the moderator should initial the 20% sample of work which has been reviewed. This should be a ‘light touch’ moderation, but comments are still required on the moderation form (to be amended). • NOTE: A piece of assessed coursework that counts for <20% of the final module assessment does not have to be moderated.
a. Assessment and Feedback. Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • Other initiatives: • More electronic (or dual) submission using Turnitin. • Leeds Building Capacity project on rapid audio and video feedback.
b. Academic community building: Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • Recent work to engage the students in building a strong sense of community, and in fostering a strong partnership between staff and students in learning and teaching, has been highly successful (e.g. Countdown project; Step up to Masters; Student Engagement Project; Student Experience Project; Feedback Project). Katie Livesey is the Student Experience Project Officer on this work. • Next stage is to embed this activity rather than rely on project money won by individual staff: • developing and implementing a student experience strategy, to better integrate students into the community, fostering a sense of belonging, and enhancing engagement. • support to the student societies and chapters of professional societies • student ambassadors • improved communication between School and students
c. Employability: Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • Always has been important. • KIS, new fees era, and economic climate make it even more so. • New team • New strategy and action plan • Reporting into STSEC and Faculty Employability Committee • New employability officer • Annual regional careers event for UGs (February 29th). • Revamped UG careers modules, following TESS project. • Individual modules: what can you add? • Useful contacts?
d. Resources for learning &teaching. Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • Lots of examples of things to showcase, e.g…. • Jacqui Houghton has >9000 hits on her YouTube videos on how to use stereonets. • Graham McLeod has set up Rockbase for 24/7 access to our specimen collection (need more sediments!) • Dan Morgan has worked with the OU to put Leeds rock thin sections on their Virtual Microscope. • Rodrigo Lozano piloted use of the Chronos e-learning sustainable development tool with second year Env and Bus students. • We have kit you can use: just ask Gary Keech. • Clickers, video and audio equipment. • Additional help: Georgina Orso (feedback intern); Steven Clover (VLE). • Collating a wish list of resources to support the student experience: • GPS; mapping tablets; sampling nets; software; pXRF; video microscope • Updating PCs in EVL
Other School reminders: Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment Handouts Policy: • Provide a concise handout with key information (e.g. learning objectives, key diagrams and summary points), NOT copies of all your lecture slides. • Put the slides (or your whole lecture with audio/video!) on the VLE if you want students to be able to review them. New code of practice on fieldwork: • Coming soon
Other School reminders: Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment Hand-ins: • 2pm Monday to Thursday. Clarification of resits and resit moderation: • Module leaders must include resit arrangements in module handbooks • first attempts and borderlines must be moderated using the much shorter form • Other resits just need the moderator to complete the tick list. http://www.see.leeds.ac.uk/internal-users/internal-users-from-old-site/learning-and-teaching/key-procedures-and-forms/
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • Absence Monitoring. • specific modules/activities chosen to target all students. • very important that you do it if asked • Lisa will email a class list to you. USE THIS ONE! • please record absences and return to Lisa QUICKLY • why not drop it off on the way back from your class? • Lisa will record on our attendance monitoring system and will also check student self-certification on the university system.
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • New module feedback procedure. • fully automated, online • Steven Clover will place questionnaire into each module VLE space, and will send an announcement to remind students to complete it • Staff may need to send an additional reminder • Questionnaire will be open from week 9 to week 11+1 • On completion of a module form, a student will be entered into a prize draw to win an iPad. More modules they do, more chance they have of winning. • Office will collate statistics and send as email to staff, with feedback comments appended.
Learning and Teaching School of Earth and Environment • Personal tutorials. • need to ensure consistent support • use Leeds for Life (training sessions available) • reinstated personal tutors as academic tutors for level 1 sem 1 • build relationship • welcome → support/advise → reference → alumnus • helps collegiality • I ♥ my tutor. • HTeaching Star AwardsH
Leeds for Life what it is ‘ An entitlement for all students which helps them integrate their academic and wider university experience and prepare for their future. ’ https://leedsforlife.leeds.ac.uk/login.aspx
Single log-in via the Portal • Interactive website with tailored information for students on opportunities and skills • Web-based templates for personal tutorials focusing on academic development, non-academic/well-being and professional development • Leeds for Life Foundation awards Phase 2 website
“Your tutees” tab • Photos • Transcript • Tutorial forms