1. Transforming Community Services Tim Evans
Chief Executive
2. Choosing best partners
3. Partners and criteria
5. Stakeholder Views
6. Outcome of Board/PEC discussion 19 May Consensus on decision of preferred partner/s gained from scoring against criteria and structured discussion
Preferred way forward agreed as the development of a new organisation from transfer of all PCT provided services to Royal Bolton Hospital.
This is subject to important conditions being met, which include:
Responsibility to work with Bolton Council on integration of specific services, starting with District Nursing and urgent/ intermediate care
Demonstration that the new organisation is community focused through removal of ‘hospital’ from the name
NHS Bolton remain the commissioner of services for Bolton people
7. Summary : Chosen Partner: Royal Bolton Hospital FT (RBH)
All services to go to RBH
Wigan Community Trust – no services
GM West Mental Health FT – no services
Bolton Council – to formally engage with RBH on integration of the following services:
Wave 1:
Urgent/intermediate Care (BCU, Intermediate care, Falls, Referral and Assessment Team, Early Supported Discharge Stroke Team)
Primary care support (District Nursing, Evening Service, Tissue Viability, Continence Nursing, End of Life/ Palliative Care, Active Case Management)
Wave 2: Childrens services
8. Benefits/ reasons for chosen option Creates single main provider for NHS services in Bolton
Clearer for patients
Less chance of duplication for patients, best chance for integration of services and improvement of care pathways
This is added to by the requirement to work formally with Bolton Council on integration of health and social care services
Adds a community and ‘close to home’ focus to current hospital organisation
Incentive to focus on health and healthcare of Bolton people
Wholesale shift of PCT provided services together gives best chance of preserving innovative and inclusive culture
9. How it relates to stakeholder views Most stakeholders felt strongly that NHS services in Bolton should be managed in Bolton
The development of a new provider, formed from RBH and PCT provided services was preferred by staff-side, Clinicians, GP representatives, LINk, and the Disability ETAG members
The addition of the requirement to work formally with Bolton Council to integrate certain services meets the suggestion by most stakeholders for more joint working
Senior Managers preferred partnership with Wigan Community Trust, but were keen to point out that any structure could continue to deliver excellent community healthcare for the people of Bolton with good management
GP representatives did not support management of GP focused services by RBH – formal review is proposed in 12 months
10. Next steps Immediate communication of Board decision to staff, interested partners and stakeholders
Sign up of NHS Bolton with preferred partner to new model with conditions (end June 2010)
Detailed planning and implementation of transfer of each service to be complete by end March 2011
Support services will be retained by NHS Bolton under service level agreement until appropriate arrangements agreed – for maximum of 3 years
NHS Bolton Board will entirely focus on strong NHS commissioning for Bolton people from April 2011
11. Board decision Board members are asked to support the following decision:
Royal Bolton Hospital is chosen as the preferred partner for integration of all PCT provided services
This is subject to specific important conditions being met
Conditions include the requirement to work with Bolton Council on integration of specific services