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Monitoring Watershed Program Effectiveness

Learn about watershed project effectiveness monitoring, monitoring design steps, variables selection, and sample type choice. Understand the importance of frequency and duration of sampling for water quality projects.

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Monitoring Watershed Program Effectiveness

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  1. Monitoring Watershed Program Effectiveness Webcast Sponsored by EPA’s Watershed Academy April 10, 2008 Webcast at 2-4pm EST Don Meals, Tetra Tech Inc. Steve Dressing, Tetra Tech Inc.

  2. Assumptions • Project has correctly identified water quality problems and critical areas • Project has developed a good plan to solve the water quality problems • The 9 Key Elements* provide the basis for the plan • Audience is familiar with monitoring variables, basic sampling equipment, and sample analysis methods * See EPA’s 319 guidance for list of “9 Key Elements” of a watershed plan at: www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-WATER/2003/October/Day-23/w26755.htm

  3. Today’s Discussion • Emphasis is on watershed project effectiveness • Not assessment • Not individual BMP effectiveness • Not program delivery effectiveness • We will be presenting OPTIONS for your consideration • Not intended to be prescriptive • Project needs vary • Other options exist • We will not discuss volunteer monitoring • Can have an important role in projects • Role varies from project to project

  4. Basic Monitoring Concepts Purposes and Design

  5. Design Steps (USDA, 1996) • Identify problem • Form objectives • Monitoring design • Select scale (watershed) • Select variables • Choose sample type • Locate stations • Determine frequency • Design stations • Define collection/analysis methods • Define land use monitoring • Design data management

  6. 1. Identify Problem • Use impairment (e.g., fishery damaged) • Waterbody (e.g., stream) • Symptoms (e.g., depressed population) • Causes (e.g., sediment) • Sources (e.g., streambank erosion) 2. Form Objectives • Complementary Management & Monitoring Objectives • Management: Reduce annual P loading to lake by at least 15% in 5 years with nutrient management • Monitoring: Measure changes in annual P loading to lake and link to management actions

  7. 3. Monitoring Design • Depends on study objective • Select before project begins Designs NOT Recommended • Single Watershed Before/After • Vulnerable to climate variability • Difficult to attribute causes  BMPs or climate? • Side-by-Side Watersheds • Cannot attribute causes  BMPs or watershed differences?

  8. Recommended Designs

  9. Recommended Designs • Paired-Watershed • 2 watersheds and 2 treatment periods • Calibrate before implementing BMPs • Compare regression relationships between 2 watersheds from pre- and post-treatment periods • Upstream-Downstream • Paired t-test (above and below), • Non-parametric t-tests • Trend • Time plot, Regression, Nonparametric Seasonal Kendall test • Adjust trend data set for hydrologic influences Step 7: Watershed project effectiveness monitoring designs determine basic station locations.

  10. 5. Select Variables • Study objectives • Waterbody use/problem • Pollutant sources • Difficulty and cost of analysis • Sample covariates for full story • Flow for suspended sediment concentration and particulate P • Eutrophication • Algae + D.O. + temperature + nutrients + chlorophyll a • Fish • D.O., temperature, substrate, shade

  11. Which Form of N?

  12. Which Form of P?

  13. Which Form of N and P? • Total N and Total P for automated samplers • Preservation/holding time (H2SO4,<4 oC/28 days) • Keep it simple

  14. TSS or SSC? • SSC better for loads • TSS may underestimate suspended sediment by 25-34% • Problem is sub-sampling not laboratory analysis • USGS policy • TSS-SSC correlation improbable • TSS good for other purposes • Use appropriately • Document clearly Gray, J.R., et al. 2000. http://water.usgs.gov/osw/pubs/WRIR00-4191.pdf

  15. 6. Choose Sample Type • Selection Factors • Study objectives • Variable sampled • Bacteria → grab • Suspended sediment → integrated • Concentration or mass • Grab generally unsatisfactory for load • Load estimation

  16. 8. Determine Frequency and Duration of Sampling • Appropriate sample frequency/size varies with the objectives of the monitoring project: • Estimation of the mean • Detection of change

  17. Mean Estimation Determine the sampling frequency necessary to obtain an estimate of the mean for a water quality variable with a certain amount of confidence n = t2 s2 d2 where: n = the calculated sample size t = Student’s t at (n-1) degrees of freedom and a specified confidence level s = estimate of the population standard deviation d = acceptable difference of the estimate from the true mean (%)

  18. Mean estimation - example Based on historical monitoring data from Ramirez Brook, how many samples are needed to be within 10 and 20 percent of the true annual mean TP concentration? • Mean = 0.89 mg/L Std Dev.= 0.77 mg/L n = 165 • The difference (d) for 10% and 20% would be: d = 0.10 x 0.9 = 0.09 mg/L d = 0.20 x 0.9 = 0.18 mg/L • The t value for >120 d.f. at p = 0.05 is 1.96

  19. Mean estimation - example 73 samples/yr  mean TP concentration + 20% of the true mean, 281 samples/yr  mean TP concentration + 10%

  20. Mean estimation • Can work backwards to evaluate proposed frequency – knowing n, solve for d: • For monthly sampling: • 12 = (2.201)2 (0.77)2 d = 0.49  + 54% of true mean • (d)2 • For quarterly sampling: • 4 = (3.182)2 (0.77)2 d = 1.225  + 136% of true mean • (d)2

  21. Minimum Detectable Change If the monitoring objective is to detect and document a change in water quality due to implementation, selected sampling frequency should be able to detect the magnitude of the anticipated change within the natural variability of the system being monitored.

  22. Minimum Detectable Change Where: t = the student’s t value with (npre+npost-2) degrees of freedom (in this case selected at p=.05), n = the number of samples taken in the pre- and post- groups, and MSE = the mean square error in each period MSE = s2/n

  23. Minimum Detectable Change Example: Based on historical monitoring data from the Arod River, annual mean TSS concentration is 36.9 mg/L, with a standard deviation of 2.65 mg/L. Evaluate the minimum detectable change for weekly, monthly, and quarterly sampling 1 year before and 1 year after implementation of erosion control measures

  24. Minimum Detectable Change Weekly sampling (n = 52), MSE = 0.135 t for 102 d.f. at p = 0.05 is 1.982 MDC = 14% Monthly sampling (n = 12), MSE = 0.587 t for 22 d.f. at p = 0.05 is 2.074 MDC = 65% Quarterly sampling (n = 4), MSE = 1.325 t for 6 d.f. at p = 0.05 is 2.447 MDC = 199%

  25. Minimum Detectable Change • If a reduction of 25% in mean annual TSS concentration is a goal of an implementation project, a weekly sampling schedule could document such a change with statistical confidence, but monthly sampling could not. • A reduction of 65% or more in TSS concentration would need to occur to be detected by monthly sampling. • Quarterly sampling for TSS would be ineffective for this project

  26. Lag Time Issues in Watershed Projects Some watershed land treatment projects have reported little or no improvement in water quality after extensive implementation of best management practices (BMPs) in the watershed

  27. Lag time Lag time is the time elapsed between installation or adoption of land treatment and measurable improvement of water quality. Lag time varies by pollutant, problem being addressed, and waterbody type If lag time > monitoring period….. May not show definitive water quality results

  28. Planning And Implementation Measurement Components Time required for practice(s) to produce desired effect Time required for effect to be delivered to water resource Time required for water body to respond to effect = + +

  29. BMP Development Source Behavior Time Required for Practice to Produce Effect

  30. Delivery Path Nature of Pollutant Time Required for Effect to be Delivered

  31. Time Required for Waterbody to Respond Nature of Impairment Receiving water response

  32. Consider lag time in selection of BMPs Monitor small watersheds close to sources Dealing with lag time Characterize the watershed

  33. Dealing with lag time Use social indicators as intermediate check on progress  Are things moving in the right direction? Water quality can decline during implementation phase of projects, particularly with in-stream BMPs. Consider applying reduced sampling frequency of chemical/physical variables during implementation phase of project, accompanied by more frequent biological monitoring (up to 3x/year to explore seasonal impacts), reverting back to pre-implementation monitoring frequency after implementation is completed and functional. Not recommended for trend design.

  34. Questions? Steve A. Dressing, Senior Scientist, Tetra Tech Inc. Donald W. Meals, Senior Scientist, Tetra Tech Inc.

  35. Next Month’s Webcast Help Celebrate Wetlands Month by joining us for a Webcast on Wetlands on May 13, 2008, 2 - 4 pm EST See www.epa.gov/watershedwebcasts for more details

  36. 9. Design Stations • Determined by objectives and design • Redundancy, Simplicity, Quality • Stream discharge • Weirs → Flumes → Natural Channels • Avoid culverts • Stage-discharge relationship • Precipitation monitoring (covariate) • Event sampling • Document rainfall vs. normal year • Recording and non-recording rain gages • Location

  37. Measure Chemical Concentrations • Grab samples • Passive samplers (e.g., tipping buckets, Coshocton wheels) • Automated samplers (e.g., ISCO, Sigma) • Actuated sampling • Triggered to sample based on flow, stage, or precipitation

  38. Sample Biota • Plankton (vary with depth) • Periphyton • Macrophytes (large aquatic plants) • Macroinvertebrates • Most common for NPS • Fish USGS USGS

  39. 10. Define Collection/Analysis Methods • QAPP (Quality Assurance Project Plan) • Painful but highly beneficial • Project objectives • Hypotheses, experiments, and tests • Guidelines for data collection effort to achieve objectives • Covers each monitoring or measurement activity associated with a project • Get the right data to meet project objectives Open, Connected, and Social, 2008

  40. 11. Define Land Use Monitoring • Purposes • To measure progress of treatment • To assess pollutant generation • To help explain changes in water quality • Choose variables relevant to WQ problem and WQ variables • Sampling frequency depends on monitoring objectives and land management activity • Look for the unexpected

  41. 12. Design Data Management • Data acquisition • Develop a plan for obtaining data from different sources • Written agreements with cooperators • Data storage • GIS not always needed • Select software that works for all on team • EPA encourages states and other monitoring groups to put their data into STORET – EPA’s national repository for WQ data at: www.epa.gov/storet

  42. Reporting • Examine data frequently to spot problems before they grow • Report quarterly • Constantly inform all involved in project

  43. Monitoring Ecological Condition The Biological Condition Gradient: Biological Response to Increasing Levels of Stress Levels of Biological Condition Biological Condition 1 Natural structural, functional, and taxonomic integrity is preserved. Structure & function similar to natural community with some additional taxa & biomass; ecosystem level functions are fully maintained. 2 Evident changes in structure due to loss of some rare native taxa; shifts in relative abundance; ecosystem level functions fully maintained. 3 4 Moderate changes in structure due to replacement of sensitive ubiquitous taxa by more tolerant taxa; ecosystem functions largely maintained. 5 Sensitive taxa markedly diminished; conspicuously unbalanced distribution of major taxonomic groups; ecosystem function shows reduced complexity & redundancy. 6 Extreme changes in structure and ecosystem function; wholesale changes in taxonomic composition; extreme alterations from normal densities. Level of Exposure to Stressors • Watershed, habitat, flow regime and water chemistry as naturally occurs. Chemistry, habitat, and/or flow regime severely altered from natural conditions.

  44. Chemical, Physical, and Biological Integrity

  45. EPA Stressor Identification

  46. Using Biological Monitoring to Measure Project Effectiveness • Problem assessment with biological monitoring • Get the whole picture • Assess stressors as well as biological communities • Water chemistry (is Total N high? Total P?) • Land use (is soil erosion impacting bio communities?) • Set up potential for tracking small changes (e.g., move up biological condition gradient), not just step changes (e.g., nonsupport to support of uses) • Effectiveness monitoring • Monitor the biological communities • Monitor the stressors • At appropriate frequencies

  47. Questions? Steve A. Dressing, Senior Scientist, Tetra Tech Inc. Donald W. Meals, Senior Scientist, Tetra Tech Inc.

  48. Monitoring and Pollutant Load Estimation

  49. However, cannot measure flux directly, so calculate load as product of concentration and flow: Because we must almost always measure concentration in a series of discrete samples, estimation of load becomes sum of a set of products of flow and concentration:

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