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Application Security – The code analysis way

Application Security – The code analysis way. Maty Siman CTO Checkmarx. Agenda. Algorithms and code. Data Flow Graph. Represents the flow of data through code. Each LOC has its own vertex.

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Application Security – The code analysis way

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  1. Application Security – The code analysis way Maty Siman CTO Checkmarx

  2. Agenda • Algorithms and code

  3. Data Flow Graph • Represents the flow of data through code. • Each LOC has its own vertex. • Edge represents direct influence of data in the source vertex on the data in the destination vertex (therefore, assignment statements are source vertexes)

  4. Data Flow Graph (cont.) void main() { int j = 0; int i = 0; while (i < 10){ if (i == 3){ j=j*2; } j = j + i; i = i + 1; } printf ("%d\n", j); printf ("%d,n", i); }

  5. Interprocedure Data Flow Graph Void foo() { int a = calc(1); ++a; int b = calc(2) ++b; } Int calc(int i) { retrurn i*2; }

  6. Interprocedure Data Flow Graph Void foo() { int a = calc(1); ++a; int b = calc(2) ++b; } Int calc(int i) { retrurn i*2; }

  7. Tainted value propagation • Can be used for many vulnerabilities: • SQL Injection • XSS • Stored XSS • Second Order SQL Injection • Log forgery • Some types of race condition • LDAP Injection • Command injection • Directory traversal • … Input Data influencing on XXXX And not sanitized by YYYY

  8. But … • Parameters • Data members • Static variables • Events • Global • Generics • And many manymanymanymany more issues • Resolve - Code most compile? • Direct Access to the engine?

  9. And again - SQL Injection Parameterized queries SqlConnection con = (acquire connection) con.Open(); SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE name = @userName", con) cmd.Parameters.Add("@userName", userName); SqlDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader()

  10. more SQL Injection What about: data=input() if (isValid(data)) { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand ("SELECT * FROM users WHERE age = “ + data, con) }

  11. Control Dependence Graph • Enhances CFG. • Each LOC has its own vertex • Edge B is directed by edge A iff the execution if B depends on the execution of A

  12. Control Dependence Graph (cont.) void main() { int j = 0; int i = 0; while (i < 10){ if (i == 3){ j=j*2; } j = j + i; i = i + 1; } printf ("%d\n", j); printf ("%d,n", i); }

  13. What is the benefit of super-imposing graphs? bool b = true;if (b) { ExecuteCommand(x); }

  14. Slicing • Finding a relevant subset of the application void main() { int sum = 0; inti = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf (“%d\n”, sum); printf (“%d\n”, i); }

  15. Slicing • Finding a relevant subset of the application void main() { int sum = 0; inti = 1; while (i < 11) { sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } printf (“%d\n”, sum); printf (“%d\n”, i); }

  16. CDG Sum = 0 Start i = 1 While (i<11) Printf(sum) Printf(i) Sum +=i ++i

  17. DFG Sum = 0 i = 1 While (i<11) Printf(sum) Printf(i) Sum +=i ++i

  18. (DFG+CDG)’ Sum = 0 i = 1 While (i<11) Printf(sum) Printf(i) Sum +=i ++i

  19. (DFG+CDG)’ Sum = 0 i = 1 While (i<11) Printf(sum) Printf(i) Sum +=i ++i

  20. Some security string FixSql(string s) { string res = ""; if (...) res = ... return res; } void Execute(string s) { ExecuteReader(s); } void foo() { string s1,s2,s3; s1 = Input(); s2 = Input(); s3 = FixSql(s1); Execute(s3); Execute(s2); Execute(s1); s1 = s3;s2 = s1; Execute(s1); }

  21. Some security string FixSql(string s) { string res = ""; if (...) res = ... return res; } void Execute(string s) { ExecuteReader(s); } void foo() { string s1,s2,s3; s1 = Input(); s2 = Input(); s3 = FixSql(s1); Execute(s3); Execute(s2); Execute(s1); s1 = s3;s2 = s1; Execute(s1); } Backward slicing Backward slicing Backward slicing Backward slicing

  22. Some security string FixSql(string s) { string res = ""; if (...) res = ... return res; } void Execute(string s) { ExecuteReader(s); } void foo() { string s1,s2,s3; s1 = Input(); s2 = Input(); s3 = FixSql(s1); Execute(s3); Execute(s2); Execute(s1); s1 = s3;s2 = s1; Execute(s1); } Backward slicing Backward slicing Backward slicing Backward slicing

  23. Some security string FixSql(string s) { string res = ""; if (...) res = ... return res; } void Execute(string s) { ExecuteReader(s); } void foo() { string s1,s2,s3; s1 = Input(); s2 = Input(); s3 = FixSql(s1); Execute(s3); Execute(s2); Execute(s1); s1 = s3;s2 = s1; Execute(s1); } Forward slicing

  24. Some security string FixSql(string s) { string res = ""; if (...) res = ... return res; } void Execute(string s) { ExecuteReader(s); } void foo() { string s1,s2,s3; s1 = Input(); s2 = Input(); s3 = FixSql(s1); Execute(s3); Execute(s2); Execute(s1); s1 = s3;s2 = s1; Execute(s1); } Forward slicing

  25. Some security string FixSql(string s) { string res = ""; if (...) res = ... return res; } void Execute(string s) { ExecuteReader(s); } void foo() { string s1,s2,s3; s1 = Input(); s2 = Input(); s3 = FixSql(s1); Execute(s3); Execute(s2); Execute(s1); s1 = s3;s2 = s1; Execute(s1); } Chopping on “Execute”

  26. Some security string FixSql(string s) { string res = ""; if (...) res = ... return res; } void Execute(string s) { ExecuteReader(s); } void foo() { string s1,s2,s3; s1 = Input(); s2 = Input(); s3 = FixSql(s1); Execute(s3); Execute(s2); Execute(s1); s1 = s3;s2 = s1; Execute(s1); } Chopping on “Execute”

  27. Q&A Thank you Maty Simanmaty@checkmarx.com OWASP September 2008 27

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