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There was an Industrial Revolution because the population increased …. 1.- People were willing to risk their money. 7 .- There was a “laissez-faire” policy , people should be left to get on with their lives. 2.- Britain had coal which was used to power the machines.
Therewasan Industrial Revolutionbecausethepopulationincreased… 1.- Peoplewerewillingtorisktheirmoney 7.- Therewas a “laissez-faire” policy, peopleshould be lefttogetonwiththeirlives 2.- Britainhadcoalwhichwasusedtopowerthe machines Industrial Revolution O R 6.- New machines wereinvented, as technology and scienceimproved Causes 3.- New roadswerebuild, helpingthetrade Population Growth 5.-New banks, peoplecouldborrowmoneytostarttheirfactories 4.-Farming improved, therewasenoughfoodtofeedthepopulation Thepopulationincreased so therewasan Industrial Revolution.
WorkingConditions And thelaws? Therewere no laws at allbecause of the“laissez-faire” policy, eachfactoryhadtheirownlaws & rules. This lead togreat abuse!!
TheChildren Treatment: Safety: Theyweretreatedcruelly, thepeoplewhichthechildrenservedyelled and beatedthem. A commonpunishmentwascalledthe “weighted”. Thisconsisted in tieing a weightto a workerneck and makehimwalkallaroundthefactory, so thechildrenwould “takeexample”. Therewas no safety at all, therewerelots of accidentsbecause of the machines. Millions of childrengotsevere injuries orsometimesdied. Children as young as 6 worked in the industrial revolution, withlittlepayorsometimesnot at all. Orphans: Orphansweretreatedlikeslaves. Factoriesofferedtheorphansfood, shelter and clothingbut at theendtheygavetheorphansthehardestwork and werethemostabused.
Sources • http://americanhistory.about.com/library/charts/blchartindrev.htm • http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_were_the_working_conditions_of_the_Industrial_Revolution#slide6 • http://www2.needham.k12.ma.us/nhs/cur/Baker_00/2002_p7/ak_p7/childlabor.html • http://www.kidskonnect.com/subjectindex/16-educational/history/271-industrial-revolution.html plus History Ring Binder!! Daniela de las Casas 2FC