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Culturally Relevant Church Planting. Switching from event-orienation. To valuing people. The Gospel proclaimed. Non-Christian. Non-Christian. Christian. Christian. The Gospel experienced. Weighing the four functions of a church. Worship (Service). Fellow-ship. Disciple-ship.
Switchingfromevent-orienation Tovaluingpeople The Gospel proclaimed Non-Christian Non-Christian Christian Christian The Gospel experienced
Weighingthefourfunctionsof a church Worship (Service) Fellow-ship Disciple-ship Mission
Bewareofthissubtledanger The dangeristoconfuse a churchservice (organisation) with a church (organism)
Context Analysis • Every personlives in a culture. Culture isdefinedas „a wayoflifeofpeople“. • Culture ismadeupofpresupositions, values, behavioralnorms, basicattitudesheldby a groupofpeople and thatinfluencetheir behavior. • Fourcirlesofculturalcontext: 1. Things webelieve, 2. Things wethink, 3. Things we do, 4. Things wehave.
Cultural Circles Things webelive Things wethink Things we do Things wehave
The material culture: Things thatpeoplehave • Whatthings do peoplehave? What do peoplewishtheyhad? Why? („Why“ leadsustotheirinterpretationofthings and thustheirvaluesystems) • Whatphysicalneedsarebeingmetbygovernment, communityactivists, churches? • Whatphysicalneedsarenotbeingmet?
The socialculture: Things thatpeople do • What behavior does the targetaudienceexhibit and why? • Whatchanges in behavior arediscernable? • Whatarepeople not doingthattheymightnormallyhavedonetwentyyearsago? • Where do wenoticethatpeoplearechallengedbyneed?
The cognitiveculture: The thingspeoplethink • WhatIdeas (1), attitudes (2), or values (3) liebehindpeople‘s behavior? • What do theywanttoget out oflife (hope)?
The religiousculture: The thingspeoplebelieve • Whatis the meaningoflifeheldbyouraudience? • Why do they (not) believe in God? • Who isGod in theiropinion?
Cultural Analysis: The Goal • Toloveisto understand. Understanding the peopleGodhascalledustolovemeansthatwehavegraspedtheirneeds, fears, and lonings. • Nowwecompareourfindingswithwhat the Bible/Gospel hastosaytoourculture. • Thisis the goal: Tomeet the needsofourculture in a waythatenablesthemtobesubmergedinto the realityofGod‘slove, and allowsthemtoclearly understand and respondto the Gospel.
Culturally relevant churchplanting The Gospel of Jesus Gifts in the team Needs in the community
Fourcrucialquestionsthatleadtopracticalimplimentation • Based upon ourculturalanalysis, what missional behavior will eachofusdisplayweekly? • Whatarewelearningfrom the peopleweareloving, serving and tryingtoreachfor Christ? • Where do weseeGod at work? • How well arewemakingdisciples?