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BUSINESS CASES. Cloud‐based Enterprise Information System Deployment. Cloud‐based Enterprise Information System Scaling. GEYSERS Use Cases. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION. Virtual Infrastructures for the VIO. Anycast network services. VI-N dynamic re- planning.
BUSINESS CASES • Cloud‐based Enterprise Information System Deployment • Cloud‐based Enterprise Information System Scaling GEYSERS UseCases TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION • Virtual Infrastructuresfor the VIO • Anycast network services VI-N dynamic re-planning ARCHITECTURAL COMPONENTS: ACTOR & ROLES: RESOURCES: • Physical Infrastructure Provider (PIP) • Network Control Plane (NCP) • LogicalInfrastructureCompositionLayer (LICL) • Service MiddlewareLayer (SML) • PhysicalInfrastructureLayer (PIL) PIP • IT Resources • Network Resources(with focus on opticallayer) • Virtual Infrastructure (VI) • PhysicalInfrastructure (PI) • Virtual Infrastructure Provider (VIP) VIP • Virtual Infrastructure Operator (VIO) VIO • Application Provider • (AP) AP
Physical Infrastructure Provider (PIP) • The economicalowner of the physical infrastructure.It is able topartition and lease its infrastructure through the LICL. • AplicationProvider (AP) • Manages and distributes software-based services and solutions to customers over a network infrastructure from one or more data centers. Actors & Roles • Virtual Infrastructure Provider (VIP) • Owns the administrative rights on the infrastructure (it can configure,administrate and operate it, on behalf of the economical owner, for planning the virtual infrastructure).It is ableto offer this virtual infrastructure as a service to the VIOs. PIP • Virtual Infrastructure Operator (VIO) • Operates on the top of the virtual infrastructures.It is able to configureand monitor the virtual resources and to operate them through its own control plane. The VIO typically provides services to the end‐users. VIP AP • Back to MENU VIO
IT Resources • GEYSERS considersprocessingpower and storage as fundamental IT resources. • PhysicalInfrastructure (PI) • Comprises IT resourcesinterconnectedthroughanoptical network. Resources • Network Resources • GEYSERS focuses on opticalcircuitswitchingtechnologies. • Virtual Infrastructure (VI) • It is a set of virtualresourcesinterconnectedtogether and managed by a single • administrativeentity. • Back to MENU
Network Control Plane(NCP) • PhysicalInfrastructureLayer(PIL) It is responsible for the on-demand selection of IT resources and the provisioning of network connectivity services associated to them. Architectural Components • LogicalInfrastructureCompositionLayer(LICL) Allows the virtualization of physical resources and the composition of virtual infrastructures. It is a convergence layer for coordinating the management of IT resources that belong to an aggregate service. • Service MiddlewareLayer (SML) It is composed of IT resources interconnected through optical networkresources. • Back to MENU
Usecasedetails Target audience: Application provider(SaaSProvider) willing to deploy a new service on a dedicatedinfrastructure Cloud‐based Enterprise Information System Deployment Storyline: An EIS is any software used by an organization to gather information from variousheterogeneous data sources and present it in a uniformed manner to differentusers based on their customization. This scenario describes a use case where anorganization decides to host an EIS externally on a Cloud Software as a Service(SaaS) provider. This provider relies on the resources provided by one or more ITand network infrastructure providers. The scenario describes how the setting upand operation of this hosted EIS should be enabled by the GEYSERS system. VIO AP PIP VIP Actors: Rolesinvolved: • Back to MENU NEW THIRD PARTIES NEW THIRD PARTIES
The AP intends to launch a new EIS service The AP deploys the EIS service on top of the provisioned VI The AP requests the combined network and IT infrastructure with services to operateit from the VIO. The AP provides the infrastructurespecificationbased on applicationconsumersrequirements. VI Service Created VI Service Request Cloud‐basedEnterprise Information System Deployment Application (EIS) Network + IT Services The VIO deploys the network + IT operation services on top of the VI and provides the completeVI service to the AP. VI Creation Request VI Created The VIO formulates a VI creationrequestin accordance to the receivedspecification and contacts the VIP. Virtual Infrastructure Virtual Resources The VIP selects a set of suitableVRs to compose the requested VI and contacts the involvedPIPs. VRsCreation Requests Eachinvolved PIP configures the underlyingphysicalinfrastructureentities in order to provide the requestedVRs to the VIP. Multi-domain Physical Infrastructure • Back to MENU
Usecasedetails Target audience: Application provider(SaaSProvider) Cloud‐based Enterprise Information System Scaling Storyline: The goal of this use case is to present the mechanism enabled by the GEYSERS system to adjust the infrastructure parameters to meet the current service performance requirements and keep the resources utilization at an optimal level. The Application Provider determines if the resources are under or over‐provisioned. According to the scaling rules defined by the provider (following negotiation with customer) the virtual and then physical resources (both IT and network) are reconfigured to avoid under or over provisioning. VIO AP PIP VIP Actors: Rolesinvolved: • Back to MENU NEW THIRD PARTIES NEW THIRD PARTIES
The AP intendsto improvethe performance of the service he offers by upscaling the infrastructure. The VIO re-configures the Network + IT operation service and informs the AP that the infrastructureupscalingiscompleted. VI Service Changed VI Upscaling Request The AP requests from the VIO the infrastructureupscalingbased on the analysis of the service performance and currentresourceutilization. Cloud‐based Enterprise Information System Scaling Application (EIS) Network + IT Services (updated) Network + IT Services The VIO issues the request for VI re‐planning to the VIP based on the receivedrequirements. VI Re-planning Request VI Re-planning Notification Virtual Infrastructure The VIP notifies the VIO oncethe VI ismodified. The VIP validates the request andconfirmsthat the requestedVI re‐planning will be performed. Virtual Resources VRs Re-planning Requests The VIPselectsa list of VRs capable ofsatisfying the VIO request. Next, the VIP issues the request to the involvedPIPs to instantiate appropriateVRsandattach themto the existing VI. Multi-domain Physical Infrastructure • Back to MENU
Virtual Infrastructuresforthe VIO Usecasedetails Target audience: Infrastructure owners/providers, infrastructure service providers, operators, telcos. Storyline: • The goal of this use case is to plan and create a reservation for a VI, which is compliant with the VI request sent by the VIO. • The VIO initiates the use case by requesting a VI to the VIP. Since the VIO provides unified IT+Net services to third parties, it may require a specific (virtual) infrastructure, tailored upon application provide needs. On its turn, the VIP coordinates the VI composition, which gathers infrastructure resources from the different PIPs. The VIP splits the VI request and translates it to specific Virtual Resources (VR) for each PIP. Finally, the PIP looks for the appropriate physical resources to partition and schedules the VRs instantiation for the requested start time. Notifications are sent by each role in order to close the loop of the service chain. VIO PIP VIP Actors: Rolesinvolved: • Back to MENU NEW THIRD PARTIES NEW THIRD PARTIES
Virtual Infrastructuresforthe VIO 4. VIP Notification VIP confirms the VI can be served and sends its ID and operation data. • 1. VI Request • VIP selects a set of PIPs that can provide VRs to satisfy the VI request. VI Manager / SML VI Request VIP Notification Upper LICL 3.PIP Notification PIPs confirm local VRs can be served and send their IDs and data. 2. VRs Request VIP requests each PIP for a set of interconnected VRs and links to other PIPs. PIP Notification VRsRequest Lower LICL-1 Lower LICL-2 Lower LICL-3 • Back to MENU Multi-domainPhysicalInfrastructure
Anycast network services Usecasedetails Target audience: Application providerswhorequireinnovative network services. Operatorsof virtualinfrastructuresofferingapplication-targetedservices. Storyline: The SML provides a specification for the service. Thisspecificationincludesboth the description of the IT capabilitiesinvolved in the aggregated service and the characterization of the network connectivityrequired to support the trafficamong the IT end-points. The NCP is in charge of the localization of the possible IT candidates, computation of the optimalpathbetween the different IT candidates and selection of the best one. Thisprocedureallows the NCP to globallyoptimizeboth the network and the IT resourceutilization. VIO AP VIP Actors: Rolesinvolved: • Back to MENU NEW THIRD PARTIES NEW THIRD PARTIES
Anycast network services Translation of IT service request in specification of IT capabilities (e.g. storage: X Gb) Application IT Service Request IT configuration Service Middleware Request of full anycast network service NIPS Request Full Anycast OK Joint computation of IT end-points and network path based on combined energy-aware network+IT criteria IT Config Network Control Plane + Network configuration Net Config Virtual Infrastructure • Back to MENU
Usecasedetails Target audience: Virtual infrastructureoperators and virtualinfrastructureproviderswhoareinterested in the optimization of the virtual network resourcesutilization. Storyline: The NCP is in charge for the optimization of the virtual network resourcesutilization. Thisisperformed by usingadvancedpathcomputationalgorithms, and by adapting the size of the virtual network according to the actualtrafficloadduringitslifecycle. The NCP automaticallyrequests to the LICL for the up-scalingor down-scaling of the rented network resources, during the operationphase. In order to make the decision, the NCP computesstatisticsabout the actual and/or the expected network resourceutilization in the medium and long term. The NCP requests the dynamicmodification of the virtual network infrastructureusing the re-planning service provided by the LICL. VI-N dynamic re-planning VIO AP VIP Actors: Rolesinvolved: • Back to MENU NEW THIRD PARTIES NEW THIRD PARTIES
Setof NIPS (Network+IT Provisioning Service) requests based on multiple application’s requests Application IT Service Request VI-N dynamic re-planning Service Middleware Net (+IT) path computation and net configuration for the requested services FAIL !!! OK OK No more networkresources available to serve incoming NIPS requests Ask for dynamic re-planning to increase VI-N capabilities NIPS Request Network Control Plane + Resource are now available for new services VI-N Re-planning Request Net Config VI-N re-planning Virtual Infrastructure • Back to MENU