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The IEP Process. IEP Meeting Invitation. Purpose, time and location Participants – Names optional but recommended Inform parents of their: Right to invite others who have knowledge or special expertise regarding their child
The IEP Process Georgia Department of Education Division for Special Education Services and Supports 1870 Twin Towers East Atlanta, Georgia 30334
IEP Meeting Invitation • Purpose, time and location • Participants – Names optional but recommended • Inform parents of their: • Right to invite others who have knowledge or special expertise regarding their child • Right to request that a BCW representative be invited to the meeting (preschool students)
IEP Meeting With Transition • Must indicate that a purpose of the meeting will be consideration of post-secondary goals and transition services. • Must include student whenever transition services are discussed. (May be invited at a younger age if determined appropriate by the IEP team) • Must include a representative of any agency likely to provide or pay for transition services (with consent of parent or student, age 18) • Department of Human Resources • Vocational Rehabilitation
Parent Participation • Take steps to ensure one or both parents are present for each IEP meeting (or afforded the opportunity to attend) • Notify of IEP meetings early enough to ensure an opportunity to attend • Schedule the meeting at a mutually agreed upon time and place
Parent Participation • When neither parent can attend, offer other methods to ensure parent participation (Individual or conference calls) • Meeting may be held without parents if they are unable to participate • Maintain record of attempts to arrange mutually agreeable time and place. Include phone calls, correspondence, home or work visits and the results. • Ensure that parents understand the IEP meeting and provide an interpreter for parents who are deaf or whose native language is not English
IEP Amendments • If the IEP needs to be changed after it’s been written, the parent and school may agree to make the changes without holding a meeting. • The school needs to provide a copy of the amendment to parents and any school personnel working with the child.
Excusing an IEP team member in whole or in part • Member’s area of curriculum or related services IS NOT being modified or discussed • Parent and school agree, in writing • Member’s area of curriculum or related services IS being modified or discussed • Parent consents to the excusal in writing and school consents • Member submits written input into the development of the IEP prior to the meeting
The IEP Team • Parents of the child • At least one of the child’s special education teachers or service providers • At least one of the child’s general education teachers • LEA representative • Qualified to provide or supervise special education • Knowledgeable of the general curriculum (QCC, GPS) • Knowledgeable of the LEA’s resources • Individual who can interpret instructional implication of evaluations (may be dual role) • The child with a disability, whenever appropriate • Individual determined by the LEA or by the parents to have knowledge or special expertise regarding the child
Regular Education Teachers’ Role • Participate to the extent appropriate in the development of the IEP, including the determination of: • Positive behavioral interventions and supports and other strategies • Supplementary aids and services, accommodations
IEP • Document team members in attendance • Parent signature is not required • Minutes are not required Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance • Results of initial/most recent evaluation and state and district assessments • Academic, developmental and functional strengths • Academic, developmental, and functional needs • Parental concerns regarding their child’s education • Impact of the disability on involvement and progress in general education (short term memory problems, poor organizational skills, and auditory and/or visual processing problems, fine and gross motor deficits)
IEP Considerations: Special factors • Behavior • Limited English proficiency • Blindness/visual impairment • Communication needs • Deaf or hard of hearing • *Assistive technology • *Alternative format for instructional materials (braille, large type, auditory, electronic text)
Transition and the IEP • Transition Plan • Discuss after the Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance • Use to guide the development of the rest of the IEP • Appropriate measurable goals based on age appropriate transition assessments related to: • Training/Education (required) • Employment (required) • Independent Living Skills (as appropriate)
Measurable Outcome Goals • Education/Training Goal • Measurable: • Harry will attend college. • Harry will participate in an on-the job training program in the area of auto body repair. • Not measurable: • Harry “may”, “wants to”, “should”…
Measurable Annual Goals/ Short Term Objectives • Goals must relate to needs identified in present levels • Goals must be measurable • “John will complete 7 of 10 homework assignments as measured by teacher record book.” • “Chris will compute addition and subtraction facts to 12 with 90% accuracy as measured by teacher made tests.” • Objectives only required for students taking the GAA • Objectives may be written for any student Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Student Supports • Individualized and specific accommodations • Accommodations for state and district assessments must be related to deficits and used in classroom testing on a regular basis • Testing accommodations need to be specified for each test and subtest • Student Assessment Handbook on GaDOE website Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Outside General Education Classroom Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Explanation • Why is student being removed from general education setting? • Explanation should be supported by the present levels of academic achievement and functional performance • Explanation should be specific – not a restatement of disability Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Extended School Year (ESY) • ESY must be available as necessary to provide a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) • IEP Team considers ESY for all students with disabilities • ESY may not be limited to specific disability areas or specific types, amounts, or duration of services • ESY services are provided at no cost • Transportation must be provided, if necessary
ESY • If ESY is required, the IEP team • Identifies which goals are being extended or modified to deliver FAPE • States the specific services needed, the amount of time for each, the beginning and ending date, the service provider, and the location
Transfer Students within Georgia • LEA must provide FAPE with services comparable to previous IEP until the LEA either: • Adopts the previous IEP OR • Develops, adopts, and implements a new IEP
Transfer Students from Out of State LEA must provide FAPE with services comparable to previous IEP until either: • Conducting an evaluation, if necessary OR • Developing, adopting, and implementing a new IEP Georgia Department of Education Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools
Records Transfer • New LEA • Take reasonable steps to promptly obtain special education records, including the IEP, from the previous LEA • Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) DOES NOT require prior written consent to disclose records to another school where the child seeks to enroll • Previous LEA • Take reasonable steps to promptly respond to to the records request (includes DJJ, DOC, etc.) Includes portfolio of GAA, if applicable
For additional information, contact: Georgia Department of Education Division for Special Education Services and Supports 1870 Twin Towers East Atlanta, Georgia 30334 404-656-3963 Website: http://www.gadoe.org/ci_exceptional.aspx