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Parachute and Bowling Activities. By Gary Palmer & Bryan Beverage. Cooperative Skills for the Parachute WV CSO’s. PE.3.1.1 throw an object in an underhand and overhand method. PE.3.1.2 catch a moving object. PE.3.1.3 dribble a ball with hands from a stationary position
Parachute and Bowling Activities By Gary Palmer & Bryan Beverage
Cooperative Skills for the ParachuteWV CSO’s • PE.3.1.1 throw an object in an underhand and overhand method. • PE.3.1.2 catch a moving object. • PE.3.1.3 dribble a ball with hands from a stationary position • PE.3.1.5 demonstrate directional movements of clockwise and counterclockwise • PE.3.1.7 perform rhythmic sequences using equipment. • PE.3.1.8 continuously strike an object (e.g., balloon with hand, ball with foot).
Cooperative Skills for the ParachuteWV CSO’s Continued • PE.4.1.7 perform simple sequences in time to music. • PE.4.2.1 demonstrate critical elements or components for the kick, catch, throw, dribble with hands, and jumping/landing. • PE.4.2.4 use appropriate practice to improve performance. • PE.4.5.3 work cooperatively and productively with a partner or small group.
NASPE Standards Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Objectives • SWBAT work in a small group cooperatively to perform simple parachute skills in sequence to music. • SWBAT use practice time to demonstrate and improve catching and throwing skills will utilizing a parachute.
Toe toucher Curl-up V-Sit Backward Pull Scooter Elevator Push ups Running in place Warm-up Exercise Activities
Lesson focusPerform simple parachute skills in sequence to music while working cooperatively Examples of Parachute Skills • Running, hoping, skipping in circles with parachute • Ripples with parachute • Dome with parachute • Mushroom • Mushroom release
Closing Activity Ideals for the Parachute • Team Ball • Poison Snake • Popcorn • Variations of Popcorn • Circular Dribble • Chute crawl • Routines to Music
Assessment Tools • Observational checklist for locomotor skills • Scoring Rubric for catching or throwing
Ideals for Inclusion • Use different locomotor skills • Partner the children up that have disabilities so everyone can participate. • Use bright colored balls or bigger balls such as beach balls.
Bowling CSO’s • PE.2.1.4 combine balance, transfer of weight, and rolling movements in a repeatable sequence • PE.3.1.1 throw an object in an underhand and overhand method. • PE.3.2.2 use specific feedback to improve performance • PE.4.1.4 combine traveling, balancing, and rolling actions with a change in level, direction or speed
NASPE Standards Standard 1: Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities. Standard 5: Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others in physical activity settings.
Bowling Intro • Important to remember- • Young children should just practice informal rolling • Actual bowling skills should come at a later age
What can you do? • If you don’t have a complete bowling alley at your disposal, there are many equipment variations that can be used Balls Hard Rubber Roam Volleyball Soccer Ball Pins Actual Pins Cones Milk Cartons People
What to teach • The 4-step approach is the accepted method to teach • 1. Feet together, ball held in both hands in front of body • 2. Step with left foot, allow ball to swing down alongside leg one way to the backswing • 3. Step with right foot, ball reaches height of backswing • 4. Step with left foot and bowl ball forward
Activities • Bowling one step • Got Milk? • Doing the Laundry • Through The Chute • Pick a Partner
Assessment • Self Assessment • Skills Rubric
Inclusion Tips • Bigger Balls • Partner Activities • Brighter Balls • Larger Targets • Bumper Bowling
Resources Used • Dynamic Physical Education for Elementary School Children by Robert P. Pangrazi • PE Central http://pecentral.org/lessonideas/SearchResults.asp