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Understanding the Bible on Drinking: A Biblical Perspective

This presentation delves into the topic of drinking from a biblical standpoint, addressing arguments for and against social, moderate, and responsible drinking. It explores the difference between fermented and unfermented wine and examines various scriptures to shed light on the issue. The harmful effects of alcohol consumption are highlighted, and the importance of abstaining from alcohol to fulfill scriptural teachings is emphasized. The presentation also discusses how drinking influences others and the consequences of disregarding biblical principles regarding alcohol intake.

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Understanding the Bible on Drinking: A Biblical Perspective

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  1. Original Power PointByRichard Thetford www.thetfordcountry.comEdited with additions of scriptures/etcJack Wheeler – Clovis Ca.www.powerpointstojesus.com Email: jack@powerpointstojesus.com

  2. Worldliness Drinking • Drinking and Drunkenness is a big problem today • Drunkenness is a sin • Luke 21:34; Rom 13:13; Gal 5:21 • What about social drinking? • Moderate drinking? • Responsible drinking?

  3. Arguments made to try to justify drinking • Jesus turned water into wine, therefore drinking alcohol is alright • “Wine” not always an intoxicating beverage • “Wine” means fruit of the grape • Can be fermented, freshly squeezed, or still in the grape on the vine As the new wine is found in the cluster Isaiah 65:8

  4. “Wine” (Greek: Oinos) Fermented (Alcohol Content) Eph. 5:18 “drunk with wine” Unfermented (No Alcohol Content) Matt. 9:17 Mark 2:22 “new wine in new bottles”

  5. Arguments made to try to justify drinking • Timothy was told to drink a little wine, therefore I can also drink a little wine • Again, there is no Biblical proof that this was “fermented” wine • Suggested by Paul for Timothy’s medical condition • Cannot be used to justify drinking alcohol “but use a little wine for your stomach's sake” 1 Timothy 5:23

  6. Arguments made to try to justify drinking • Deacons are “not given to much wine”, therefore I can partake of wine – just not very much • Some make this passage assume that they can have “a little.” • Forbidding excess does not justify less • Ecclesiastes 7:17; Romans 6:12 “ not given to much wine” 1 Timothy 3:8

  7. Drinking IS Drunkenness • Most Christians agree that drunkenness is sinful – condemned by the Bible • Gal 5:19-21; 1 Cor 6:9-11; Eph 5:18 • Some argue “the Bible does not say that I sin by having just one drink” • Degrees of drunkenness • What is drunkenness? • Must one be “stone drunk” • to be considered drunk?

  8. Drinking IS Drunkenness • Social drinking is also drunkenness • Drunk, drunken, drunkenness • Greek word “methusko” • Signifies “to make drunk, or to grow drunk, or to become intoxicated” (W. E. Vine) • There are degrees of drunkenness • One is as drunk as the amount he drinks • If “4” beers makes one “stone drunk” • Then they are ¼ drunk after one beer! • One drink equals a percentage of drunkenness Prov 20:1 Luke 12:45; 1 Thessalonians 5:6-8

  9. Drinking IS Harmful • Alcohol • Is a poison • Is a narcotic – a drug • Proven to cause brain damage • As stewards we will take care of our body because we know it belongs to God “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

  10. Drinking IS Condemned “Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God. For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles--when we walked in lewdness, lusts, drunkenness, revelries, drinking parties, and abominable idolatries. 1 Peter 4:1-4

  11. Drinking IS Condemned • “banqueting” (KJV) “drinking parties • One cannot have a drinking party without drinking going on • One cannot become “stone drunk” unless one first takes a drink • The passage of 1 Peter 4:1-4 condemns all phases of drinking • We must be sober • “sober” is to be free from the influence of intoxicants (W. E. Vine) 1 Peter 5:8

  12. Drinking Influences Others • So called “moderate social drinking” is a major cause of recruiting new drinkers • Do not influence the drunk or alcoholic • Jesus warns: Matthew 18:7 woe to that man by whom the offense comes

  13. Scriptural principles violated by those who drink • A so called “social drinker” cannot be an influence for good toward believers or sinners • Matthew 5:13-16; 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22 • Can’t scripturally convince the “stone drunk” drunkard to cease his drunkenness while the “social drinker” holds to his own drinking! • Romans 13:14; 14:21

  14. Scriptural principles violated by those who drink • The drinker is intentionally and knowingly destroying his mind and body • 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 • One who drinks cannot abstain from fleshly lusts • 1 Peter 2:11

  15. Conclusion • In light of the TOTAL teaching of scripture on the attitudes and behavior: • Christians should show to the world, the responsible position is to avoid the use of alcohol altogether • Alcohol leads to unhappiness • Millions of homes stand as living monuments to the unhappy effect that liquor can have Alcohol kills everything that lives Alcohol preserves everything that is dead

  16. Conclusion • One who NEVER drinks: • Will NEVER get drunk • Will NEVER become an alcoholic • Will NEVER be responsible for the damage drinking causes to oneself and to others • Will NEVER become enslaved to that controlling habit • Will NEVER influence another person to drink • Will NEVER destroy their body by drinking • Will NEVER hurt Jesus and His church do all to the glory of God 1 Corinthians 10:31

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