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Essential File Structure Concepts: Stream, Field, Record Boundaries

Learn about stream files, field and record organization, buffer manipulation using classes, fixed-length buffers management, and object-oriented file structures. Explore methods for efficient data encapsulation and manipulation. Master stream file persistency and record organization techniques.

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Essential File Structure Concepts: Stream, Field, Record Boundaries

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  1. Chap4. Fundamental File Structure Concepts

  2. Chapter Objectives • Introduce file structure concepts dealing with • Stream files • Reading and writing fields and records • Field and record boundaries • Fixed-length and variable-length fields and records • Packing and unpacking records and buffers • Present an object-oriented approach to file structures • Methods of encapsulating object value and behavior in classes • Classes for buffer manipulation • Class hierarchy for buffer and file objects and operations • Inheritance and virtual functions • Template classes

  3. Contents 4.1 Field and Record Organization 4.2 Using Classes to Manipulate Buffers 4.3 Using Inheritance for Record Buffer Classes 4.4 Managing Fixed-Length, Fixed-Field Buffers 4.5 An Object-Oriented Class for Record Files

  4. A Stream file • File structure ==> Persistency ==> Programs outlive the data in files • Simple representation: a file organized as a stream of bytes • Simple, but Reverse Humpty-Dumpty problem • In case of putting all information as a byte of stream, there is no way to get it apart • Solution : Use field structure

  5. The Need of Field Concept Consider the function “write Person as a stream of bytes”! Ostream & operator << (ostream & outputFile, Person & p) { // insert (write) fields into stream outputFile << p.LastName << p.FirstName << p.Address << p.City << p.State << p.ZipCode; return outputFile; } (input) Mary Ames123 MapleStillwater, Ok 74074 Alan Mason90 EastgateAda, Ok 74820 (output) AmesMary123 MapleStillwaterOK74075MasonAlan90 Eastgate…..

  6. Field Organization • Field: The smallest logically meaningful unit of information in a file (not physical) • Field structures (4 methods) • Fix the length of fields • Begin each field with a length indicator • Separate the fields with delimiters • Use a “Keyword = value” expression Continued

  7. Four methods for organizing files Ames John 123 Maple Stillwater OK74075377-1808 Mason Alan 90 Eastgate Ada OK74820 (a) Field lengths fixed. Place blanks in the spaces where the phone number would go. Ames|John|123 Maple|Stillwater|OK|74075|377-1808| Mason|Alan|90 Eastgate|Ada|OK|74820|| (b) Delimiters are used to indicate the end of a field. Place the delimiter for the "empty"field immediately after the delimiter for the previous field. Ames|...|Stillwater|OK|74075|377-1808|#Mason|... 90Eastgate|Ada|OK|74820|#... (c) Place the field for business phone at the end of the record. If the end-of-record mark is encountered, assume that the field is missing. SURNAME=Ames|FIRSTNAME=John|STREET=123 Maple|...|ZIP=74075|PHONE=377-1808|#... (d) Use a keyword to identify each field each field. If the ketword is missing, the corresponding field is assumed to missing.

  8. RW files with Field Concept • Extraction operator for delimited fields into a Person object istream & operator >> (istream & stream, Person & p) { // read delimited fields from file char delim; stream.getline(p.LastName, 30, delim); if (strlen(p.LastName) == 0) return stream; stream.getline(p.FirstName,30,delim); stream.getline(p.Address,30,delim); ….. return stream; } ** By 부록 D.5 과 D.7 Last Name ‘Ames’ First Name ‘Mary’ Address ‘123 Maple’ ………. Last Name ‘Mason’ First Name ‘Alan’ ……...

  9. Record Organization • Record: a set of fields that belong together • Record organization(5 methods) • Make records a predictable number of bytes • (Fixed-length records) Fig4.5. (a)(b) • Make records a predictable number of fields Fig4.5. (c) • Begin each record with a length indicator Fig4.6. (a) • Use an index to keep track of addresses Fig4.6. (b) • Place a delimiter at the end of each record Fig4.6. (c)

  10. The method for organizing records (1) • Three ways of making the lengths of records constant and predictable • Fixed-length record w/ fixed-length fields • Fixed-length record w/ variable-length fields • Six fields per record Fig. 4.5

  11. The method for organizing records (2) • Record structure for variable record • with a length indicator • using a index file • with delimiter(#) 36 40 Fig. 4.6

  12. Write a var-length delimited buffer to a file(from memory to disk) Const int MaxBUfferSize = 200; int WritePerson(ostream & stream, Person & p) { char buffer [MaxBufferSize]; strcpy(buffer, p.LastName); strcat(buffer, “|”); strcat(buffer, p.FistName); strcat(buffer, “|”); ….. strcat(buffer,p.Zipcode); strcat(buffer, “|”); short length=strlen(buffer); stream.write (&length, sizeof(length)); stream.write(&buffer, length) } Figure 4.7 (pp 129)

  13. Reading Variable Records • Records preceded by lengths (variable length records) 40 Ames|Mary|123 Maple|Stillwater|OK|74075| 36 Mason|Alan|90 Eastgate|Ada|OK|74820 int ReadVariablePerson (istream & stream, Person & p) { // read a variable sized record from stream and store it in p short length; stream . read (&length, sizeof(lenth)); char * buffer = new char[length + 1]; // create a buffer space stream . read (buffer, length); buffer [ length] = 0; // treminate buffer with null istrstream strbuff (buffer); // create a string stream strbuff >> p; // use the istream extraction operator return 1; }

  14. Read-file using File Dump • File-dump gives us the ability to look inside a file at the actual bytes that are stored • Octal Dump: od -xc filename • e.g. The number 40, stored as ASCII characters and as a short integer Decimal value of Hex value stored ASCII number in bytes character form 34 30 '4' '0' (a) 40 stored as ASCII chars: 40 00 28 '\0' "(" 40 (b) 40 stored as a 2-byte integer:

  15. Using Classes to Manipulate Buffers • Examples of three C++ classes to encapsulate operation of buffer object • Function : Pack, Unpack, Read, Write • Output: pack into a buffer & write a buffer to a file • Input: read into a buffer from a file & unpack a buffer • ‘pack and unpack’ deals with only one field • DelimTextBufferclass for delimited fields • LengthTextBufferclass for length-based fields • FixedTextBuffer class for fixed-length fields • Appendix E : Full implementation

  16. Buffer Class for Deliminated Text Fields(1) • Variable-length buffer • Fields are represented as delimited text • Class DelimTextBuffer • { public: • DelimTextBuffer (char Delim = ‘|’, int maxBtytes = 1000); • int Read(istream & file); • int Write (ostream & file) const; • int Pack(const char * str, int size = -1); • int Unpack(char * str); • private: • char Delim; // delimiter character • char * Buffer; // character array to hold field values • int BufferSize; // current size of packed fields • int MaxBytes; // maximum # of characters in the buffer • int NextByte; // packing/unpacking position in buffer • };

  17. Init int DelimTextBuffer :: Init (char delim, int maxBytes) // construct with a maximum of maxFields { Delim = delim; DelimStr[0] = Delim; DelimStr[1] = 0; if (maxBytes < 0) maxBytes = 0; MaxBytes = maxBytes; Buffer = new char[MaxBytes]; BufferSize = 0; return 1; }

  18. Buffer Class for Deliminated Text Fields(2) int DelimTextBuffer::Unpack(char *str) // extract the value of the next field of the buffer { int len = -1; // length of packed string int start = NextByte; // first character to be unpacked for(int i = start; i < BufferSize; i++) if(Buffer[i] == Delim) {len = i-start; break;} if(len == -1) return FALSE; // delimiter not found NextByte += len + 1; if(NextByte > BufferSize) return FALSE; strncpy (str, &Buffer[start], len); str[len] = 0; // zero termination for string return TRUE; } Unpack() is extracking one field from a record in a buffer. Pack() method copies the characters of its argument to the buffer and then adds the delimiter characters.

  19. Pack int DelimTextBuffer :: Pack (const char * str, int size) { short len; // length of string to be packed if (size >= 0) len = size; else len = strlen (str); if (len > strlen(str)) return FALSE; // str is too short! int start = NextByte; // first character to be packed NextByte += len + 1; if (NextByte > MaxBytes) return FALSE; memcpy (&Buffer[start], str, len); Buffer [start+len] = Delim; // add delimeter BufferSize = NextByte; return TRUE; }

  20. Buffer Class for Deliminated Text Fields(3) • Read method of DelimTextBuffer • Clears the current buffer contents • Extracts the record size • Read the proper number of bytes into buffer • Set the buffer size int DelimTextBuffer::Read(istream & stream) { Clear(); stream.read((char *)&BufferSize, sizeof(BufferSize)); if (Stream.fail()) return FALSE; if (BufferSize > MaxBytes) return FALSE; // buffer overflow stream.read(Buffer, BufferSize); return stream.good(); }

  21. Write int DelimTextBuffer :: Write (ostream & stream) const { stream . write ((char*)&BufferSize, sizeof(BufferSize)); stream . write (Buffer, BufferSize); return stream . good (); }

  22. Extending Class Person with Buffer Operations class Person{public: char lastname[11]; char firstname[11]; … char zipcode[10]; // method … int Pack(DelimTextBuffer &buf) const; // buffer operation Pack ... } int Person::Pack(DelimTextBuffer &buf) const { // pack the fields into a DelimTextBuffer int result; result = buf.Pack(lastname); result = result && buf.Pack(firstname); … return result = result && buf.Pack(zipcode); } * pack deals with only one field!

  23. Buffer Classes for Length-Based Fields • Almost same as the deliminated field class (compare with the previous page) • Change in the implementations of the Pack and Unpack class LengthTextBuffer { public: LengthTextBuffer(int maxBytes = 1000); int Read(istream & file); int Write(ostream & file) const; int Pack(const char * field, int size = -1); int Unpack(char * field); private: char * Buffer; // character array to hold field values int BufferSize; // size of packed fields int MaxBytyes; // maximum # of characters in the buffer int NextByte; // packing/unpacking position in buffer };

  24. Init int LengthTextBuffer :: Init (int maxBytes) // construct with a maximum of maxFields { if (maxBytes < 0) maxBytes = 0; MaxBytes = maxBytes; Buffer = new char[MaxBytes]; Clear (); return 1; }

  25. Unpack int LengthTextBuffer :: Unpack (char * str) // extract the value of the next field of the buffer { short len; // length of packed string if (NextByte >= BufferSize) return FALSE; // no more fields int start = NextByte; // first character to be unpacked memcpy (&len, &Buffer[start], sizeof(short)); NextByte += len + sizeof(short); if (NextByte > BufferSize) return FALSE; strncpy (str, &Buffer[start+sizeof(short)], len); str [len] = 0; // zero termination for string return TRUE; }

  26. Pack int LengthTextBuffer :: Pack (const char * str, short size) // set the value of the next field of the buffer; // if size = -1 (default) use strlen(str) as length of field { short len; // length of string to be packed if (size >= 0) len = size; else len = strlen (str); if (len > strlen(str)) // str is too short! return FALSE; int start = NextByte; // first character to be packed NextByte += (len + sizeof(len)); if (NextByte > MaxBytes) return FALSE; memcpy (&Buffer[start], &len, sizeof(len)); strncpy (&Buffer[start+sizeof(len)], str, len); BufferSize = NextByte; return TRUE; }

  27. Read int LengthTextBuffer :: Read (istream & stream) { Clear (); // NextByte = 0; BufferSize = 0; stream . read((char *)&BufferSize, sizeof(BufferSize)); if (stream.fail()) return FALSE; if (BufferSize > MaxBytes) return FALSE; // buffer overflow stream . read (Buffer, BufferSize); return stream . good (); } int LengthTextBuffer :: Write (ostream & stream) const { stream . write ((char*)&BufferSize, sizeof(BufferSize)); stream . write (Buffer, BufferSize); return stream . good (); }

  28. Buffer Classes for Fixed-length Fields int Person::InitBuffer (FixedTextBuffer &buffer) { buffer.Init(6, 61); // 6필드, 61바이트 buffer.AddField (10); buffer.AddField (10); buffer.AddField (15); buffer.AddField (15); buffer.AddField (2); buffer.AddField (9); return 1; } Class FixedTextBuffer { public: FixedTextBuffer (int maxBytes = 1000); int AddField (int fieldSize); int Read(isteram * file); int Write(ostream *file) const; int Pack(const char * field); int Unpack (char * field); private: // character array to hold field values char * Buffer; // size of packed fields int BufferSize; // Max # of chars in the buffer int MaxBytes; // packing/unpacking position in buffer int NextByte; // array of field sizes int * FieldSizes; }

  29. Init int FixedTextBuffer :: Init (int maxFields, int maxChars) // construct with a maximum of maxFields { if (maxFields < 0) maxFields = 0; if (maxChars < 0) maxChars = 0; MaxFields = maxFields; MaxChars = maxChars; FieldSize = new int[MaxFields]; Buffer = new char[MaxChars]; BufferSize = 0; NumFields = 0; NextField = 0; Packing = TRUE; return 1; }

  30. AddField int FixedTextBuffer :: AddField (int fieldSize) { if (NumFields == MaxFields) return FALSE; if (BufferSize + fieldSize > MaxChars) return FALSE; FieldSize[NumFields] = fieldSize; NumFields ++; BufferSize += fieldSize; return TRUE; }

  31. Pack int FixedTextBuffer :: Pack (const char * str) // set the value of the next field of the buffer; { if (NextField == NumFields || !Packing) // buffer is full or not packing mode return FALSE; int len = strlen (str); int start = NextCharacter; // first byte to be packed int packSize = FieldSize[NextField]; // number bytes to be packed strncpy (&Buffer[start], str, packSize); NextCharacter += packSize; NextField ++; // if len < packSize, pad with blanks for (int i = start + packSize; i < NextCharacter; i ++) Buffer[start] = ' '; Buffer [NextCharacter] = 0; // make buffer look like a string if (NextField == NumFields) // buffer is full { Packing = FALSE; NextField = NextCharacter = 0; } return TRUE; }

  32. UnPack int FixedTextBuffer :: Unpack (char * str) // extract the value of the next field of the buffer { if (NextField == NumFields || Packing) // buffer is full or not unpacking mode return FALSE; int start = NextCharacter; // first byte to be unpacked int packSize = FieldSize[NextField]; // number bytes to be unpacked strncpy (str, &Buffer[start], packSize); str [packSize] = 0; // terminate string with zero NextCharacter += packSize; NextField ++; if (NextField == NumFields) Clear (); // all fields unpacked return TRUE; }

  33. Read & Write int FixedTextBuffer :: Read (istream & stream) { stream . read (Buffer, BufferSize); return stream . good (); } int FixedTextBuffer :: Write (ostream & stream) { stream . write (Buffer, BufferSize); return stream . good (); }

  34. Inheritance in the C++ Stream Classes class istream: virtual public ios { … class ostream: virtual public ios { … class iostream: virtual istream, public ostream { … class ifstream: public fstreambase, public istream { … class ostream: public fstreambase, public ostream {… class fstream: public fstreambase, public iostream { … Operations that work on base class objects also work on derived class objects

  35. Class Hierarchy for Record Buffer Objects(1) • Inheritance allows multiple classes share members and methods Appendix F : full implementation

  36. Class Hierarchy for Record Buffer Objects(2) class IOBuffer { public: IOBuffer (int maxBytes = 1000); // a MAX of maxByte virtual int Read (istream &) = 0; // read a buffer virtual int Write (ostream &) = 0; // write a buffer virtual int Pack (const void * field, int size = -1) = 0; virtual int Unpack (void * field, int maxbytes = -1) = 0; protected: char * Bufffer; // character array to hold field values int BufferSize; // sum of the sizes of packed fields int MaxBytes; // MAX # of characters in the buffer };

  37. Class Hierarchy for Record Buffer Objects(3) Class VariableLengthBuffer: public IOBuffer { public: VariableLengthBuffer (int MaxBytes = 1000); int Read (istream &); int Write (ostream &) const; int SizeOfBuffer () const; // return current size of buffer }; class DelimFieldBuffer: public VariableLengthBuffer { public: DelimFieldBuffer (char Delim = -1, int maxBytes = 1000); int Pack (const void *, int size = -1); int Unpack (void *field, int maxBytes = -1); protected: char Delim; };

  38. Managing Fixed-Length, Fixed-Field Buffers class FixedFieldBuffer: public FixedLengthBuffer { public: FixedFieldBuffer (int maxFields, int RecordSzie = 1000); FixedFieldBuffer (int maxFields, int *fieldSize); int AddField (int fieldSize); // define the next field int Pack(const void * field, int size = -1); int Unpack(void * field, int maxBytes = -1); int NumberOfFields () const; // return # of defined fields protected: int * FieldSzie; // array to hold field sizes int MaxFields; // MAX # of fields int NumFields; // actual # of defined fields };

  39. Object-Oriented Class for Record Files • So far, we defined buffer classes • Now, we encapsulate all of our file operations! class BufferFile // file with buffers { public: BufferFile (IOBuffer &); // create with a buffer int Open(char * fname, int MODE); // open an existing file int Create (char * fname, int MODE); // create a new file int Close(); int Rewind(); // reset to the first data record // Input and Output operations int Read(int recaddr = -1); int Write(int recaddr = -1); int Append(); // write the current buffer at the end of file protected: IOBuffer & Buffer; // reference to the file’s buffer fstream File; // the C++ stream of the file }; Usage: DelimFieldBuffer buffer; BufferFile file(buffer); file.open(myfile); file.Read(); buffer.Unpack(myobject);

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