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Explore the partnership between Cyprus Delegation at CERN and the scientific community, including contributions to experiments, future plans, and benefits for various industries. Discover the vital role of the UCY-HEP Group and its impact on research and education.
Cyprus Delegation @CERN Cyprus Delegation @ CERN, P. Razis
UCY • “THANK YOU” to the CERN Management • for facilitating our efforts to enlarge the Cyprus Scientific Team • “WELCOME” to the Cyprus Delegation at CERN • Cyprus-CERN Committee • University of Cyprus • Cyprus University of Technology • European University Cyprus • Frederick University • University of Nicosia • Neapolis University • The Cyprus Institute • The Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics HEP Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
UCY Contents • Introduction, CERN • The UCY- HEP Group • Contributions to the L3 Experiment at LEP • Contributions to the CMS Experiment at LHC • New Contributions • Further Plans - Future Perspectives • Technical Protocols Cyprus-CERN • Conclusions HEP Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
UCY CERN: 1st cell of European integration, renowned Research Center Basic research:origin, structure & evolution of the Universe Applied research: high technology innovative products & services Education: production & dissemination of knowledge, CERN Schools, training, skills & new methodologies Nobel Prize discoveries (W±, Z, PWC, Higgs) www(global information system, hypertext, internet) Grid(Tier0, remote processing worldwide) Accelerators, Superconductivity, Magnets Isotopes, Medical Physics, Radiation Physics, New Materials Detectors–DAQ Electronics–ProcessorsWorldwide Collaboration: exchange of personnel & ideas, team work Knowledge Transfer and Procurement (contracts adjudicated) HEP Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
UCY 1. Study of the Atom atomic structure chemical/physical properties of matter atomic transitionsE/M radiation, spectra, lasers electrical chargeconductors, semiconductors, electronics telecommunications, computers, electronic appliances 2. Study of the Nucleus nuclear structure isotopes, medical diagnosis, archeometry changes Ε-Μ fission-fusion of nuclei, reactors, energy production particle radiation medical therapy, agriculture, industry nuclear factories, medical diagnosis and therapy, fusion HEP Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
UCY 3. Particle Studies Accelerators: 99% in applications: Medicine:radioisotopes, X-rays production, particle beam therapy Materials industry: integrated circuits, ions-implantations, alloys Chemistry/Biology/Solid state:synchrotron radiation, high intensity beams Food industry: food preservation,fighting against germs Agriculture/Oceanography:samples dating Superconductivity Industry: magnets, RFCs, high speed trains, minerals separation, carbon cleaning, superconducting materials in accelerators /energy storage Medicine:nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), tumors’ diagnosis & therapy, NMR tomography. HEP Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
UCY Detectors Industry:Geiger counters & scintillators, steel/carbon industry, food industry,defense systems Medicine: radiation detection, proportional chambers, tomography Solar Energy:Cerenkov counters, mirrors, solar panels Industry/Biology: bubble chambers technique for maps reading, cells recognition, detection of defected materials Electronicsnew standards (camac, fastbus),faster ADC’s, TDC’s, more accurate measurements Computers/Networksfaster/cheaper computers, larger memories, more efficient architectures, faster networks New applications accelerators for energy production and neutralization of radioactive waste HEP Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
UCY UCY-HEP Group University of Cyprus:founded in 1989 Physics BSc program started in 1993, MSc-PhD in 1999 UCY-HEP group: founded in 1992: • P. RazisProfessor, experiment • F. PtochosAssoc. Prof., experiment • E. Dimovasili, J. Mousa, Research Associates • A. Attikis, G. Mavromanolakis • Ch. Nicolaou Electronics Engineer • M. Constantinou Computer Engineer • E. Ioannou, D. Tsiakkouri, W. Ather, PhD Students • E. Erodotou, K. Christoforou, • M. Kolosova, S. Constantinou • Several MSc & BSc students Final Year Projects • Many ex-members Employed abroad HEP Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
UCY UCY-HEP Group • Since founding the Group: • 9 Postdoctoral Fellows • 13 PhD students • 3 Electronic Engineers • 14 MSc thesis students • 19 Local Research Collaborators • > 60 Final Year Projects students • Despite the: • lack of critical mass of people • insufficient support for PhD students • moderate infrastructure • difficulties to activate industry, companies, private sector • brain drain • lack of venture capital companies in Cyprus • lack of flexibility in procedures • Established a strong Group with international reputation HEP
LEP Program - L3 Experiment (1989-2000) e+ e- hadrons ECM= 90-209 GeV L= ~1032 cm-2 s-1 B= 0.5 Tesla LEP tunnel L3 Experiment Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
L3 Experiment (1989-2000) Contributions of UCY-HEP • 1. Alignment of the L3 Muon Spectrometer (Laser Beacon) • 2. Calibration of the L3 Muon Spectrometer (N2 Laser) • 3. Participation in Shifts and Test Beam runs • 4. Quality control of Muon Spectrometer Monitoring Systems • 5. Monte Carlo Simulation of rare events & exotic processes • 6. Analysis of new particle searches (rare and exotic decays) (Convenor) – Direct contribution on: • Z0lineshape particle matching • e+ e- Z eμ, μτ, eτe+ e- γγ (γ) • search for excited leptons search for Z’ • search for MSSM higgs search for neutralino Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
L3 Muon Spectrometer He-Ne Laser Beacon: Alignment N2 Laser: Calibration of Ud 16 50GeV μ 24 s 16 Laser light ionizes TMPD dopant Simulation of infinite Pμ 48μm 45μm ~30μm Torsion measured to:±25μrad ±10μm Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
L3 Results/Limits (1) Measurement of # of neutrino families indirectlyNν=2.98400.0082 (LEP) directlyNν=2.980.050.04 (L3) (2) Prediction of top quark mass mt (LEP) =1771119 GeV mt(CDF) =1741013 GeV Σήμερα: = 171.2 2.1 GeV (3) Measurment of Z0lineshape MZ =91.1898 0.0031 GeV ΓΖ =2.5024 0.0042GeV(4) Search for new particles MH>112 GeVMH>114.4 GeV Mh>86.0 GeV MSSM MH=129+74-49 MA>86.5 GeVSM higgs MH±>76.5 GeV (5) Search for excited particles me* > 100.1 GeVmνe*>99.3 GeV mμ* > 100.3 GeVmνμ* >99.4 GeV mτ* > 99.9 GeVmντ* >93.9 GeV Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
L3 Results/Limits (6) Search for Supersymmetric Dark Matter Neutralinos Χ01 , Χ02 , Χ03 , Χ04 Χ01= Lightest Supersymmetric Particle (LSP) mΧ01 > 32.5 GeVtanβ > 0.7 (7) Tests of QED / Rare Decays Br (Zμτ )<19 x 10-6 Br(Zπ0γ) <5.2x10-5 LFVBr (Zeτ )<13 x 10-6 Br(Zγγ) <5.2 x 10-5 Br(Zeμ ) <6 x 10-6Br(Zηγ) <7.6 x 10-5(8) Measurement of the W properties Mw = 80.2700.0460.031 GeV Γw = GeV Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
L3 Results/Limits m > 114.6 GeV Number of Neutrino Families Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
Results – All Experiments Running of αs= f (Energy Scale) Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
L3 Results/Limits Without Supersymmetry SUPERSYMMETRYsymmetry between matter particles (fermions) and particles transmitting theinteractions (bosons) With Supersymmetry Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
CMS LHCb ALICE ATLAS LHC Program-CMS Experiment CERN - LHC 27 km perimeter Lac Leman Genève Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
Physics Program atLHC Questionsaddressed by LHC 1.Origin of Mass 2.Most matter in Universe is Dark. What is it composed of ? 3.Antimatter is extinct from the Universe; Why ? 4. Search for Supersymmetry 5. Why is gravity so many orders of magnitude weaker that the other forces ? 6.Are there extra dimensions ? Related critical questions pending --- What is the origin of Dark Energy ? --- Are there parallel universes ?
best vacuum in the Universe pressure in the beam tube 10-13atm 27Km, 11000/sec,99.999999991% c fastest tracks in the Universe coldest placein the Universe temperature in the beam tube -271 οC hottest placein the Galaxy temperature of collisions109 x Sun center
CMS Experiment (1995-today) P-P Collisions ECM= 13 TeV L= 2x1034 cm-2 s-1 B= 3.8 Tesla Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
CMS Experiment (1995-today) P-P Collisions ECM= 13 TeV L= 2x1034 cm-2 s-1 B= 3.8 Tesla Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
CMS Detector Systems Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
CMS Experiment Contributions of UCY-HEP 1. Member of the Consortium for constructing the 5 Barrel Yoke Wheels and the Vacuum Tank of the CMS Magnet 2. Participation in the construction of the CMS ECAL 3. Calibration of the VFE electronics of the CMS ECAL 4. Algorithms for the correction of ECAL signal 5. Participation in Shifts&Beam Tests 6. Quality control of the CMS Tracker Data (Convenorship) 7. Monte Carlo Simulation LHC Computing GRID 8. Analysis Early Resonances, Heavy Flavor Physics, Bose-Einstein Correlations, searches for SM, MSSM & NMSSM higgs bosons, data ECAL/Tracking quality 9. Organizing Meetings & CERN Schools in Cyprus Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
UCY-HEP Contributions First wheel:CMSBarrel Yoke Disks (small angles) CMS Magnet Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
UCY-HEP Contributions Participation in the construction of ECAL Detector Calibration & Study of the VFE Cards: (a)Responsevs Radiation (b)Temperature and HV changes (c)Electronic Noise (d)Energy distribution (e)Signal Amplification (f)Quantum Efficiency (g)Collection Time (h)Light Production Collaboration with: CERN, Imperial College, Lyon, ETH Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis CMS ECAL
UCY-HEP Contributions CMS Week-Cyprus, 2008 Limassol
UCY-HEP Contributions CERN SCHOOL OF COMPUTING, 2013 Nicosia
UCY-HEP Contributions • Detector: • ECAL: data quality monitoring • Tracker: channels status, tracker calibration • Physics analysis: Participation in the first CMS/LHC results, data at 0.9 & 2.36 TeV • : tracking performance, dE/dx PID, MC tuning • Bose-Einstein correlations with low pT min. bias events • one of the first few CMS public analysis results • b-physics: • mixing using di-muons (tracking, reconstruction, efficiency, fakes, MC tuning and generation) • correlated production cross section • Target:prove/disprove the excess of multi-muon events reported by CDF using 7 TeV LHC data Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
UCY-HEP Contributions • Physics analysis: • Searchfor light CP-even NMSSM higgs: • Searchforwhere • Single top production and tagging using electrons • Measurementof theproduction cross section Goal:gain expertise with all lepton ids: electron, muon, tau tracking and b-tagging for next analysis efforts • Search for SM Higgs H γγ (simulation, ECAL resolution • improvement algorithms) • Establishment of High Performance Computer: • A High Performance Linux Cluster (HPLC) for Monte Carlo simulation and physics analysis Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
Search for theHiggs (Ηγγ) Hgg candidate Candidate for Ηγγ
Search for the Higgs (Ηγγ) Mass Resolution ΔmH/mH < 1% Irreducible background: qqγγ ggγγ isolated pair production Mainly reducible background: g + jet where “jet” = π0γγ Less than 15% of the irreducible background More than 5σ effect Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
UCY-HEP High Performance Computing MAIN FEATURES 3 master/128 slave nodes, 616 cores – another 400 cores Gigabit Ethernet network for inter-processor communications most nodes 2x1 Gbps Modularity, expandability, data transfer, storage and analysis Total Disk Capacity 39 TB 33
UCY-HEP: New Contributions • Physics analysis: • 3 new PhDs awarded based on 2016 data, √s= 13 TeV : • Search for charged Higgs boson ppH±(b)t M. Ather • (hadronic final states) • (2)Search for the exotic decay Hα α μμττE. Erodotou • (3) Search for the exotic decay Hα α bbττD. Tsiakkouri • Work on the CMS trigger: • Improvement of the Level 1 trigger of CMS for the HL-LHC phase of the Experiment to cope with the big increase in the number of minimum bias events per bunch crossing • Radiation Protection Expert: • Radiation Safety and coordination in Point 5 (CMS Experiment). Dr. E. Dimovasili Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
Further Plans - Future Perspectives • HL-LHC, CMS • Tracker upgrade: collaboration with Catania, ETH, Padova • High Granularity Calorimeter upgrade: collaboration with USA Inst. • Trigger upgrade: collaboration with Greek Universities (Ioannina, Athens, Demokritos National Lab) • R&D on dual readout calorimeter: collaboration with Fermilab and University of Udine • Expand collaboration with CERN: (P. Lecoq) and Frascati • Testing / development of crystals: SiPMs, possible spinoffs, involve engineering & material scientists • Collaboration on Electronics: • Flexible electronics, integrated circuits, radiation hard materials • Collaboration on LHC phenomenology: • Join existing theoretical projects • Activities to organize in Cyprus • CERN Accelerator School, Analysis Workshops • Develop testing stations for electronic modules Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
Further Plans – Future Perspectives • Medical Physics collaboration with CERN • HERMES Network (Greece, Cyprus, CERN): • universities, medical centers, companies ALREADY DEVELOPED • Expand collaboration with CERN: • development of detectors with better resolution • & higher granularity UNDER DEVELOPMENT • Collaboration on Cyprus Cyclotron: • promotion/implementation of Business Plan ALREADY DEVELOPED • Practical Testing of crystals, SiPMs and other • detectors with aim the better specifications for • diagnostic purposes and hadron therapy UNDER DEVELOPMENT • Collaboration with BoC Oncology Center: • Radiation Oncology, Diagnostics, PET scanner • Collaboration on Data Science: • Develop program on AI, Machine Learning • & Deep Learning UNDER DEVELOPMENT Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
Further Plans- Future Perspectives • Production of high-technology systems CNE Technology Ltd. Cyprus Sextupole magnets for the SESAME storage ring Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
Technical Protocol Cyprus-CERN (Physics) Participation of Universities and Scientific Institutions from Cyprus in the High-Energy Particle Physics Programme at CERN 12.1Scientific and technical personnel participating in the CMS Experiment 12.2Travel expenses and subsistence payments for participating in the CMS Experiment 12.3Participation in the Construction, Maintenance and Operation of the CMS Experiment 12.4 Expenditures for Materials, Services and Equipment at CERN 12.5Expenditures for Materials and Equipment in the Republic of Cyprus 12.6 Theoretical Physics funds 12.7 Other Physics Projects at CERN linked to High Energy Physics 12.8 Workshops – Schools Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
Technical Protocol Cyprus-CERN (Computing) • Participation of Universities and Scientific Institutions from Cyprus in the High-Performance Computing and Applications Programme at CERN • 12.1 Enabling Grids for E-sciencE • 12.2 LHC Computing Grid Project (LCG) • 12.3 CERN Openlab for DataGrid Applications • 12.4 Other projects at CERN linked to High-Performance • Computing • Technical Protocols must be updated, renewed • and supported in terms of funding and manpower Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
UCY Conclusions HEP • Strong program and opportunities to attract Cypriot researchers of diaspora and others • Some of our talented students pursue careers abroad • Need to establish Research Fellowships for PhD students • and more research positions • 4. Extend Technical Protocols of Cooperation with CERN (Physics, Computing) • 5. Joint organization with CERN of summer schools and conferences • 6. Potential for developing applications:detectors,electronics, monitoring/control systems, Grid computing, medical physics Z. Zenonos (Pisa), A. Petrides (Sweden, Australia), A. Alekou (Imperial, CERN), N. Eracleous (Aachen, CERN), C. Chadjivasiliou (Syracuse) Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
BACKUP MATERIAL Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis
UCY-HEP Contributions Reconstruction of Φ(1020)→K+K- • The Φ(1020) meson is reconstructed looking at its decay into two charged kaons: Φ→K+K- • K± are reconstructed in the CMS tracker • Event and track selection • “Minimum bias” events at s½=0.9 TeV • Standard track quality cuts • Formed pairs with opposite-curvature tracks identified as kaons • K compatibility requested only for tracks with p<1GeV • If at least one track fails the dE/dx cut, no peak is visible
UCY-HEP Contributions Φ(1020)→K+K- mass fit • Mass and resolution is in very good agreement respectively with PDG and simulation • Differences in S/B depend from bad MC reproduction of data – under investigation by CMS • Result in a public CMS note (CMS PAS TRK-10-001), a paper is in preparation Monte Carlo Simulation
UCY-HEP Contributions Bose-Einstein Correlation (BEC) • Probability for identical boson particles (signal) to have similar momenta is enhanced with respect to uncorrelated case (reference) due to Bose-Einstein statistics • Studied as a ratio R(Q) between the signal and a reference distribution • Q depends on the 4-momentum difference • between the two particles • Distorsions due to reference are treated using double ratios Rdata/RMC and looking at several reference samples (7 in our case) • We verified that BEC is only present for identical particles
UCY-HEP Contributions BEC – Results • BEC is seen as an enhancement of the ratio at low Q-values • The ratio is fitted assuming an exponential form of the correlation • Gaussian form (more used in literature) is very disfavored by our data • Some regions are excluded from the fit due to bad modeling of resonances in MC • The fit gives information on the size and shape of the particle-emitting region and on the strength of the correlation • These are the first measurements of the BEC in proton-proton collisions at 0.9 TeV and the first absolute measurement of BEC at 2.36 TeV
UCY-HEP Contributions BEC – Dependence on Charged Multiplicity • We found an interesting effect linking the parameters of BEC to the total charged multiplicity in the event • The radius r is found to increase significantly with Ntracks • This effect is present in 0.9 TeV and in 2.36 TeV data (not shown in figure) • This has already been measured by other experiments in the past, although it seems that there is no simple theoretical explantion for it • Results in a public CMS note (CMS PAS QCD-10-003) and a paper
Inclusive/Dijet Measurements in CMS (CMS paper to be published in June) DIS2012 29/03/2012 O.Kaya
G.Mavromanolakis, Data Quality and Detector Monitoring Systems for the CALICE R&D testbeam campaigns
Detector R&D and prototype testing at DESY, CERN, FNAL Detector R&D for particle flow calorimetry and dual readout techniques (potential technologies: micromegas, gem, heavy crystal fiber scintillators) CALICE R&D for particle flow calorimetry G.Mavromanolakis DIS2012 29/03/2012 O.Kaya
High Performance Linux Cluster, HPLC • Affiliated Faculty • Prof. PanosRazis • Prof. CharalambosTsertos • Assoc. Prof. FotiosPtochos • Current Research Staff • Dr. JehadMousa • Dr. Alexandros Attikis • Dr. Georgios Mavromanolakis • Dr. Evangelia Dimovasili • CharalambosNicolaou (Elec. Eng.) • PhD. Students • Mr. Aimilios Ioannou • Mr. Mohsan Waseem Ather • Mrs. Eleni Erodotou • Mrs. Marina Kolosova • Mrs. DemetraTsiakkouri • Mr. StratisPantelides • Mr. George Charitou • MSc. Students • Mrs. MikelaHaraki • Mrs. SotiroullaKonstantinou • Mrs. Marina Toumazou Cyprus Delegation@CERN, P. Razis 50