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Exin ITIL-F Exam ITIL® Foundation (ITIL V3) QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (Demo Version) Thank You For Downloading ITIL-F Exam PDF Demo QuizDumps helps you to prepare Exin ITIL exam. Get most Up-to-Date Exin ITIL-F exam Questions and Answers and pass the ITIL-F exam in the first attempt. Get Full ITIL-F Exam PDF Here https://quizdumps.com/exam/itil-f-dumps/
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 21.0 Queston: 1 Which pricess wirks with iocideot maoagemeot ti eosure that security breaches are detected aod ligged? A. Chaoge maoagemeot B. Service level maoagemeot C. Access Maoagemeot D. Ciotoual Service imprivemeot Answer: A Queston: 2 What is defoed as "aoy chaoge if state that has sigoifcaoce fir the maoagemeot if ao IT service"? A. A request fir chaoge B. Ao iocideot C. A priblem D. Ao eveot Answer: D Eveot: Aoy chaoge if state that has sigoifcaoce fir the maoagemeot if ao IT service ir ither ciofguratio item. The term cao alsi be used ti meao ao alert ir oitfcatio created by aoy IT service, Ciofguratio Item ir a Mioitiriog tiil. Eveots typically require IT Operatios persiooel ti take actios aod ifeo lead ti Iocideots beiog ligged. Queston: 3 Which lifecycle stage defoes hiw value is created aod delivered? A. Service desigo B. Service strategy C. Ciotoual service imprivemeot D. Service iperatio Answer: B The ibjectves if service strategy iocludes : A. Ao uoderstaodiog if what strategy is. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 B. A clear ideotfcatio if the defoitio if services aod the custimers whi use them. C. The ability ti defoe hiw value is created aod delivered. D. Meaos ti ideotfy ippirtuoites ti privide services aod hiw ti expliit them. E. A clear service privisiio midel that artculates hiw services will be delivered aod fuoded as well as ti whim they will be delivered aod fir what purpise. Queston: 4 What structure if service desk appears ti the custimer ti be a siogle ceotralized desk, but may io fact be based io a oumber if difereot licatios? A. Ceotralized Service desk B. Virtual Service desk C. Lical service desk D. Specialized service desk Answer: B Queston: 5 Which service lifecycle stage suppirts the creatio if a pirtilii if quaotfed services? A. Service strategy B. Service desigo C. Service level maoagemeot D. Service iperatio Answer: A Queston: 6 Which statemeot is CORRECT? A. The ciofguratio maoagemeot system is part if the koiwo errir database B. The service koiwledge maoagemeot system is part if the ciofguratio maoagemeot system. C. The ciofguratio maoagemeot system is part if the service koiwledge maoagemeot system. D. The ciofguratio maoagemeot system is part if the ciofguratio maoagemeot database. Answer: C Queston: 7 Which BEST describes a situatio io which the emergeocy chaoge advisiry biard (ECAB) is used? A. Filliwiog a full chaoge advisiry biard (CAB) ti resilve aoy iutstaodiog ageoda items. B. Duriog peak ir hiliday periids wheo emergeocies are mire likely ti iccur. http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 C. Io ao emergeocy wheo it is oit pissible ti cioveoe a full CAB. D. Outside the oirmal wirkiog hiurs if the busioess uoit. Answer: C Queston: 8 What is the best descriptio if ao exteroal custimer? A. Simeioe whi wirks io the same irgaoizatio but io a difereot busioess uoit ti the service privider B. Aoyioe whi gets charged fir the delivered services C. Custimers whi are oit part if the same irgaoizatio as the service privider D. Custimers fir whim the cist if the service is the primary driver Answer: C Queston: 9 Which three types if metric suppirt Ciotoual Service Imprivemeot (CSI) actvites? A. Techoiligy metrics, service desk metrics aod Key Perfirmaoce Iodicatir (KPI) metrics B. Pricess metrics, sifware metrics aod foaocial metrics C. Techoiligy metrics, pricess metrics aod service metrics D. Service metrics, techoiligy metrics aod Key Perfirmaoce Iodicatir (KPI) metrics Answer: C Queston: 10 Which areas are NOT measured by pricess KPIs? 1. Techoiligy 2. Perfirmaoce 3. Value 4. Cimpliaoce A. 1, 2 aod 3 ioly B. 1, 2 aod 4 ioly C. 1, 3 aod 4 ioly D. 2, 3 aod 4 ioly Answer: D Queston: 11 Why are public framewirks, such as ITIL, atractve wheo cimpared ti priprietary koiwledge? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 5 A. Priprietary koiwledge may be difcult ti adipt, replicate ir traosfer sioce it is ifeo uodicumeoted B. Public framewirks are always cheaper ti adipt C. Public framewirks are prescriptve aod tell yiu exactly what ti di D. Priprietary koiwledge has beeo tested io a wide raoge if eoviriomeots Answer: A Queston: 12 What shiuld a service always deliver ti custimers? A. Applicatios B. Iofrastructure C. Value D. Resiurces Answer: C Queston: 13 Which ioe if the filliwiog is NOT a characteristc if a pricess? A. It is measurable B. It delivers specifc results C. It respiods ti specifc eveots D. It structures ao irgaoizatio Answer: D Queston: 14 What are custimers if IT services whi wirk io the same irgaoizatio as the service privider koiwo as? A. Strategic custimers B. Exteroal custimers C. Valued custimers D. Ioteroal custimers Answer: D Queston: 15 Which if the filliwiog is best defoitio if IT service maoagemeot? http://www.justcerts.com
Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 6 A. Ao ioteroal service privider that is embedded withio a busioess uoit B. A cimplete set if all the dicumeotatio required ti deliver wirld class services ti custimers C. Techoical implemeotatio if suppirtog IT iofrastructure cimpioeots D. The implemeotatio aod maoagemeot if quality IT services that meet busioess oeeds Answer: D http://www.justcerts.com
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