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ADVERB CLAUSES. Main Clause. Adverb Clause. We watched TV a lot Tickets cost more. w hen the Olympics were on. Because athletes earn so much. PLACEMENT AND PUNCTUATION. TYPES. Before I played basketball , The coach met with her players ,. I was a soccer player .
MainClause AdverbClause • Wewatched TV a lot • Ticketscostmore whentheOlympicswere on. Becauseathletesearnsomuch PLACEMENT AND PUNCTUATION
TYPES Before I playedbasketball, Thecoach met with her players, I was a soccerplayer. afterthegamewasover. AdverbClausesOf Time
I’veseenchildrenplayingsoccer • Anywhereyougo, everywhereI’vebeenoutsidethe U.S. sportsstarsarenationalheroes. AdverbClauses Of Place
Nowthattelevisioncoversthegames, He wasunabletoplay in the final game billions of people can seetheOlympics. as he had hurt his ankle. AdverbClauses Of Reason
Unlesstheticketscosttoomuch, • Onlyifshewinsthegoldmedal we’llgotothegamenextSaturday. willsheget a professionalcontract. AdverbClauses Of Condititon
Theywonthegame, • Althoughtheirteam is talented, thoughtheydidn’treallydeservethevictory. theyjustdidn’twin. AdverbClauses Of Contrast
1. Adverbclausesindicatehow, when, where, why, orunderwhatconditionsthingshappen;ortheyintroduce a contrast. • I wenthomewhenthegamewasover. • Shedroppedout of theracebecauseshewasinjured.
2. Adverbclauses of time indicatewhensomethinghappens. Theyareintroducedbyafter, as, as soon as, before, bythe time, once, since, until/ till, when, whenever, while, etc. • Theracewill start as soon as everyone is in places. • Wealwaysdrinkwaterbeforewe start a game.
3. Adverbclauses of placeindicatewheresomethinghappens. *Prefessionalsportsareplayedwheretherearebigstadiums. *Majorathletesare popular wherevertheygo.
4. Adverbclauses of reasonindicatewhysomethinghappens. Theyareintroducedby as, because, nowthat (=becausenow), since, etc. NOTE: Since and as areusedboth in adverbclauses of time and of reason. • Shewonthemedalbacauseshe had practicedtirelessly. • Since he didn’tregister intime, he can’tplay. • Barry has playedsportssince he enteredhighschool.(time –since= startingfromthatpoint)
5. Adverbclauses of conditionindicateunderwhatconditionssomethinghappens. Theyareintroducedbyevenif, if, onlyif, unless, etc. NOTE:Ifthesentencebeginswithonlyif, thesubjectandverb of themainclauseareinverted, and no comma is used. * You’llimproveifyoupracticedaily. • Evenif he practicesconstatly, he won’tmaketheteam. • OnlyifanotherathletedropsoutwillBettymaketheteam.
6. Adverbclauses of contrastmake a contrastwiththe idea expressed in theindependentclause. Theyareintroducedbyalthough, eventhough, though, whereas, while, etc. NOTE: While is usedtointroduceboth a clause of contrastand a clause of time. • He losttheracealthough he wasfavored. • Although / eventhough / though he is quiteyoung, he wasselectedfortheteam. • Whiletheylostthegame, theyplayedtheirbest.(contrast) • Weatewhilewewerewatchingthegame.(time)