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INTRODUCTION. 3rd ESO-British. FOOTWEAR. Useful vocabulary : - Your shoe laces are undone . - to lace something up ( phrasal verb ): to fasten shoes , boots or a piece of clothing by tying the laces. eg : She can lace up her shoes and she’s only 5!.
FOOTWEAR • Usefulvocabulary: -Yourshoelaces are undone. -to lace something up (phrasalverb): tofastenshoes, bootsor a piece of clothingbytyingthe laces. eg: She can lace up hershoes and she’sonly 5!
Loafer/’ləufəʳ/: A type of leathershoewithoutanyway of fasteningittothefoot. ** Italsomeans: a lazyperson.
(Chalote) (Hinojo) (Cebolleta) (Puerro) (Apio) (Ocra) (BrE: Aubergine)
(albaricoque) (Pomelo) (Grosella) (Mora) (Frambuesa)
(Rábano) (Remolacha) (Cebolleta) (Nabicol) (Chiribia) (alcachofa) (Nabo) (Calabacín)
Fattening: Descibes food that contains a lot of fat, sugar, etc. That would quickly make you fatter if you ate a lot of it. e.g. fattening food, such as cheese and chocolate.
(Perejil) (Cilantro)
(Cebolla de Hoja) (Tomillo) (Romero) (Eneldo) (Estragon) (Albahaca) (Laurel) (Salvia) (Cilantro) (Menta/Hierbabuena) (Perejil)
(Magnolia Virginiana) (Anis) (Cayena)
LANGUAGE BUILDER Intro Unit Geography Clothes and Accessories, Food and Adjectives
campo ribera puente Isla /’ailənd/ Capital /’kæpitəl/ Puntodestacado Cueva /’keiv/ Montaña /’mauntin/ Canal, cauce norte acantilados Sur /sauθ/ costa Oeste continente Cala Cove peak pico, cima este
Archipelago/a:ki’peləgou/ archipiélago bay bahía beach playa border frontera canal canal cape cabo capital capital cliff acantilado climate clima coast costa coastline costa, litoral continent continente country país delta delta demography demografía dune duna Earth Tierra equator ecuador estuary estuario fiord fiordo frontier frontera glacier glaciar gulf golfo harbour (GB), harbor (US) puerto hemisphere hemisferio hill colina iceberg iceberg island isla Isle Isla (en nombres de lugares) isobar isobara isotherm isoterma jungle selva, jungla lagoon laguna lake lago latitude latitud longitude longitud
map mapa physical map mapafísico political map mapapolítico road map mapa de carreteras / rutas street map mapa de calles marsh pantano meadow prado, pradera meridian meridiano mount monte mountain montaña mountain range cordillera north pole polo norte oasis oasis ocean océano parallel paralelo peak pico, cima peninsula península plain llanura, llano plateau meseta polar circle círculo polar pond laguna port puerto relief relieve river río rock peñón, roca savannah sabana sea mar shore costa soil tierra, suelo south pole polo sur strait estrecho stream arroyo, riachuelo torrent torrente tributary afluente tropic trópico Tropic of Cancer Trópico de Cáncer Tropic of Capricorn TrópicodeCapricornio valley valle waterfall catarata world mundo worldmap mapamundi cardinal point punto cardinal north norte northern Western Occidental
/blauz/ Tacones altos anillo blusa /botas/ capucha zapatos /bu:ts// vaqueros mangas pulsera /’brei.slət/ pintalabios Gafas de sol /kæp/ gorra maquillaje /’trau.zər/ vestido pantalones pendientes Mini falda chanclas collar
sea mar shore costa soil tierra, suelo south pole polo sur strait estrecho stream arroyo, riachuelo torrent torrente tributary afluente tropic trópico Tropic of Cancer Trópico de Cáncer Tropic of Capricorn Trópico de Capricornio valley valle waterfall catarata world mundo world map mapamundi cardinal point punto cardinal north norte northern septentrional, del norte south sur southern meridional, del sur east este eastern oriental, del este west oeste western occidental, del oeste moderno /’kæʒ.jul/ informal agrio /sauəʳ/ aceitoso cocinado /kukt/ picado Pasado de moda Estar de moda dulce Queengorda Práctico (suitable) De moda bitter amargo /’fo:rməl/ /ro:/ crudo /’fraid/ salado /’solty/ congelado Sensato, práctico (good judgement) sensitive: sensible, empático. Geek /gi:k/ a person who is boring and not fashionable
Geek /gi:k/ a person who is boring and not fashionable. geek does not have to be smart, a Geek is someone who is generaly not athletic, and enjoys Video Games; Comic Books; being on the internet, and etc. Hipster: someone who is very Influenced by the most recent ideas and fashions Nerd: A person, especially a man, who is not attractive and awkward or socially embarrasing. Posh: People from a high social class
FROM URBAN DICTIONARY. http://www.urbandictionary.com/. One of four titles used to classify someone based on their technical and social skills. The other three titles are nerd, dork, and normie. The difference between the four titles can be easily shown in table form: ................ Technical ...... Social Title ............ Skills ......... Skills ---------- ---------------- ------------ Normie ......... No ............. Yes Geek ........... Yes ............. Yes Nerd ............ Yes ............. No Dork ............ No .............. No Normie: A normal person. Blah. Geek: An outwardly normal person who has taken the time to learn technical skills. Geeks have as normal a social life as anyone, and usually the only way to tell if someone is a geek is if they inform you of their skills. Nerd: A socially awkward person who has learned technical skills due to the spare time they enjoy from being generally neglected. Their technical knowledge then leads normies to neglect them even further, leading to more development of their technical skills, more neglection, etc. This vicious cycle drives them even more into social oblivion. Dork: A person who, although also socially awkward, doesn't have the intelligence to fill the void with technical pursuits, like a nerd, and is forced to do mindless activities. Almost always alone. Usually with an XBox. Like playing Halo. All day. Every day. Not even understanding how the Xbox is making the pretty pictures on the screen. Very sad.
¿En quécursoestás? ¿Quéteparece el colegio? ¿Tienesalgúnhobyinteresante?? ¿Cuálestudeportefavorito? ¿Quétipo de persona eres? ¿Puedescontarnosalgosobretí?
¿Cómodiriasestapalabra en inglés? ¿Cómo se pronunciaestenombre? ¿Cuántotiempotenemos? ¿En quépáginaestá? ¿Puedesexplicaresto, porfavor? ¿Puedesrepetirlo, porfavor? ¿Puedotomarprestadotudiccionario? ¿Para cuándoes la tarea? ¿A quéhoraes el recreo? ¿Escuchaatentamente an lo repetiré?