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The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

The Bullet-Proof Non Profit. John Couleur NPower Arizona November 2003. What this presentation will talk about What is business continuity planning? What are the costs associated with not planning for disasters? What are some of the key elements of a DR/BC plan?

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The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

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  1. The Bullet-Proof Non Profit John Couleur NPower Arizona November 2003

  2. What this presentation will talk about What is business continuity planning? What are the costs associated with not planning for disasters? What are some of the key elements of a DR/BC plan? What are some good resources? What this presentation will not talk about How to do a NT backup What would you like to discuss? The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

  3. What is the difference between Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity planning? Disaster recovery In the IS context, disaster recovery is the restoration of computing and telecommunications services after an event has disrupted those services. The event might be something huge—like an earthquake or the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, which killed thousands and affected everything from telephones to the New York Stock Exchange—or something comparatively small, like malfunctioning software caused by a computer virus. Business continuity planning Business continuity planning (also called contingency planning) determines how a company will keep functioning until its normal facilities are restored after a disruptive event. This encompasses how employees will be contacted, where they will go and how they will keep doing their jobs The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

  4. What is the cost of not planning for disaster? The Northeast blackout of 2003 cost $1B One in three U.S. businesses would lose critical data or operational capabilities if struck by a disaster – Gartner 2003 While reports vary, as many as 40 percent of small businesses do not reopen after a major disaster like a flood – American Red Cross 43% of the businesses suffering a disaster never recover - London study May 03 The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

  5. How prepared are businesses for disasters? More than 60 percent of IT departments did not have formal plans and procedures in place to deal with the blackout - Info Tech Research Although more than 76 percent of companies surveyed said that the 2003 blackout had an impact on their organization, most of them admitted that they were not sufficiently prepared - Info Tech Research About 30% of companies lack a formal disaster recovery strategy, and 64% of companies say their data backup and disaster recovery plans have significant vulnerabilities – Imation 2003 The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

  6. The four steps to a successful Business Continuity plan Assess Document Plan Manage The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

  7. Assess Identify the risks Determine the vulnerability Analyze the impact to the business Probability and Cost “A ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” Reduce the risk whenever possible The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

  8. Half of the 877 IT directors interviewed for the research cited human-related issues -- accidental errors and malicious behavior -- as the main threat to the security of their business. Almost two-thirds also cited hardware failure, while 59 per cent said software failure and viruses are a significant threat – Veritas 2003 The Risk list Electronic security Viruses Hardware failure Fire Power outages Physical security Flood Storms Civil unrest Sabotage Labor disputes The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

  9. Document Business requirements Systems and software The other stuff Non computer generated forms Contact information of staff, vendors and customers The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

  10. Plan Response and Recovery priorities Roles and responsibilities during and after the emergency Alternatives Office space? Computers? The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

  11. Manage Train Test 87% of companies have a formal data backup and storage plan implemented, but 32% of those companies reported not testing their plans on a regular basis - Imation Review and Update The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

  12. Partnering with outside vendors to reduce risk ASP’s Hot sites Online backups Cold sites Offsite storage The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

  13. Some Good sites Sample DR plans Fema http://www.fema.gov/library/bizindex.shtm MIT http://web.mit.edu/security/www/pubplan.htm http://www.drj.com/new2dr/samples.htm Writing an outsourcing contract http://continuitycentral.com/feature002.htm If you want to believe that the problem can be solved by spending $199 http://www.securityauditor.net/drp/ The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

  14. From the bunker.net “We offer our ex NATO nuclear bunker for use in a disaster recovery plan. We can provide hosting support and secure data storage for white hot sites” The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

  15. Questions The Bullet-Proof Non Profit

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