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Aspiring Senior Leadership Programme. Aspiring Senior Leadership programme
Aspiring Senior Leadership programme • The programme targets staff seeking to become senior school leaders. The programme would take between six and 12 months to complete, using a work-based approach which would incorporate evidence based research, analysis and evaluation. The outcomes of this process could then lead on to participants shaping wider school based strategy. • Participants will complete 1 or 2 modules which could typically focus on themes which link very broadly to roles on Leadership; for example,… • Curriculum development • Achievement for all • Closing the gap • Using data and evidence to improve performance • Leading staff and effective teams • Leading change for improvement • Leadership in diverse contexts • School improvement through effective partnerships • These areas, of course, act as broad themes for particular members of Leadership. Underneath these there are many and varied areas of possible research that participants may wish to identify and pursue. The foci could be as specific as Pupil Voice, Review Days, etc., but with a view to the wider school context, rather than the familiar territory of their curriculum area or day to day pastoral responsibilities. • Aims • To gain experience / insight into the role of whole school leadership. • To gain an insight into tackling whole school approaches by carrying out two key areas of action research. • Learn from an effective role model. • Reflect on key behaviours of highly effective leaders and identify how to develop personal skills • Practice and development of leadership in different contexts. • To consider and tackle specific school improvement priorities. • Too see a process through and to implement a strategy based on research or base of evidence. • To evaluate the action taken/ strategy implemented • To provide the Middle Leaders with sufficient experience to inform their application for the NPQSL course.
Process • The following process can take place in two stages. The first would shape whether the Middle Leader could go through to the second based. The completion of the second stage would be shaped by the quality of their research and an evaluation of their proposed strategy to target/ address their key findings. The Middle Leader may only wish to complete Stage 1 as this is part of a self evaluative process during which they consider the skills and qualities that are required for Senior Leadership. The key objective here is for the Middle Leader to be provided with the opportunity to see something through; not just the proposal or launch of a project. During the following process there would be selected opportunities for Middle Leaders to join Leadership meetings where appropriate to their research or strategy. • Time • 2-3 terms if undertaking stages 1 and 2. • The Role of the Senior Leader • Initial meeting to discuss proposal • 2 follow up meetings to discuss process and outcomes. • Stage 1 • Middle Leaders should choose 1/ 2 areas of leadership which interest them. • They will be attached to a particular member of senior leadership. Discussion between the Middle Leader and the member of senior leadership would take place as above. The Senior Leader would provide initial guidance and any necessary shaping to the project to target key questions/ areas for consideration. • Agree focus/foci. • Middle Leader to conduct research project and create evidence base/ outcomes/ conclusions • Middle Leader to present outcomes/ analysis/ conclusions to Leadership. • Propose possible actions. • Stage 2 • In response to the Middle Leader’s proposed actions Leadership to agree that the Middle Leader to follow up with as pilot strategy. • Middle Leader to implement their strategy. • Middle Leader to carry out evaluation of the pilot strategy. • Middle Leader to present back to Leadership for their consideration as to whether the project could be further rolled out across the school. • Outcomes • Implementation of action/ strategy beyond the pilot project where the Middle Leader’s evaluation presents possible avenues for school improvement. • Build self-awareness and improve personal leadership skills. • Career development in terms of training of staff for future leadership. • Middle Leader experiences key aspects senior leadership • Selection of staff for the Senior Leadership training (NPQSL).