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How advertisers gain information about the marketplace and apply their findings. Chapter. Research: Gathering Information for Advertising Planning. Chapter 7 Objectives. Discuss how research locates market segments and identifies markets. Explain the basic steps in the research process.
How advertisers gain information about the marketplace and apply their findings Chapter Research: Gathering Information for Advertising Planning
Chapter 7 Objectives Discuss how research locates market segments and identifies markets Explain the basic steps in the research process Explain the methods used in qualitative and quantitative research Differentiate formal/ informal research and primary/secondary data Explain the concepts of reliability and validity Recognize important issues in creating surveys Explain the challenges international advertisers face collecting data Debate the pros and cons of ad testing
Consumer Needs& Market Segments Recruit NewCustomers Product Development Retain CurrentCustomers Assess Effectiveness Financial Planning Regain LostCustomers Quality Control Need for Research:What is Marketing Research? Purposes Functions
Need for Research:What is Marketing Research? ACNielsen adfor its market research services
Applying Advertising Research Insert ex. 7-2, p. 212, Research Categories Position = centered horiz., 1.5” vertical Size = 8.3” WIDE Resolution: 300 dpi
Product Concept Media Selection Target Audience Selection Message-Element Selection Applying Advertising Research Strategy Research
Insert ex. 7-3, p. 216, Media Categories Position = centered horiz., 3.1” vertical Size = 8.3” WIDE Resolution: 300 dpi Maintain animation Applying Advertising Research:Pretesting and Posttesting Testing helpsmake importantdecisions about Merchandise Markets Motives Messages Media Results
Primary Data Internal Secondary Data External Qualitative Quantitative Steps in the Research Process 1. Analyze Situation & Define Problem 2. Conduct Informal (Exploratory) Research 3. Establish Research Objectives 4. Conduct Formal Research 5. Interpret & Report Findings
In-Depth Interviews Projective Techniques FocusGroups Steps in the Research Process:Qualitative Methods
Steps in the Research Process:Qualitative Methods Bissell’s “Life Testimonials” ad campaign used anthropological research to identify market segments
Experiment Survey Observation Steps in the Research Process:Quantitative Methods
Steps in the Research Process:Quantitative Methods Envirosell’s video observation of shopping habits
Direct Questioning AttitudeTests Central Location Tests RecallTests ClutterTests InquiryTests SalesTests Steps in the Research Process:Testing Methods Pretesting Posttesting
SamplingMethod Validity QuestionnaireDevelopment Reliability Data Tabulation& Analysis InternationalData Collection Issues in Advertising Research QuantitativeResearchConsiderations
Issues in Advertising Research Reliability/validity diagram Insert ex. 7-8, p. 227 Reliability/validity diagram Position = 2.9” horiz., 1.5” vertical Size = 4.6” TALL Resolution = 300 dpi
Issues inAd Research Insert ex. 7-9, p. 230 Personal Questionnaire Position = 0.35” horiz., 0.4” vertical Size = 4.6” WIDE Resolution = 300 dpi Personal Questionnaire