“We often envision church renewal from the top down. Seeing the symptoms and outcome of a faltering church, the lea
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“We often envision church renewal from the top down. Seeing the symptoms and outcome of a faltering church, the leaders decide on a plan.” “We often mistakenlyenvision church renewal from the top down. Seeing the symptoms and outcome of a faltering church, the leaders decide on a plan.”
Life Cycle of a Congregation or a Denomination Yours? Mine ?
Birth Death
Decline Growth Birth Death
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“It's time we get dead serious about being truly missional . . . before we just get dead.”
How do we get missional? “It is our desire as a denomination to move from rule-centered leadership to principle-centered leadership in order to be more effective in becoming a movement of God . . . Principle-centered leadership sets people free to use their gifts and abilities as the Holy Spirit leads them. With this approach we hope to recapture some of the qualities of a movement of God that enhanced our effectiveness in the past.”
How do we get missional? “How does our historical form of congregationalism fit with our core value of servant leadership? We will create a task-force comprised of Faith and Doctrine and the Leadership Commission members.”
How do we get missional? “The mission of the Evangelical Congregational Church is to raise up healthy churches proclaiming Christ to a hurting world.” Servant Leadership: As demonstrated by the training and development of men and women for mission and ministry.
How do we get missional? “The most suited style of leadership for church renewal is that of the servant leader.”
Prime Maturity Aristocracy Adolescence Growth Bureaucracy Decline Infancy Death Birth
Saarinen develops a gene structure and assigns an identification letter to each gene. E P A I
E Stands for Energy It is an internal, energizing function that gets things started, a catalyst, can come from a leader or a movement
P Stands for Programs- this is external, services that respond to emerging and identifiable needs, ministries, functions, etc.
A Stands for Administration- goals, budgets, plans- the harmonizing function where things are drawn together in a common purpose and resources gathered to accomplish it
I Stands for Inclusion- relates to how persons are drawn in, assimilated, how are gifts used, how is conflict handled/resolved
Prime Maturity E P A I e P A I Aristocracy Adolescence e p A I E P a i Growth Bureaucracy Decline e p Ai Infancy E p a I Death Birth e p a i E p a i