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主页面. Unit 6 As His Name is, So is He!. Think: 1. How do names influence us? 2. What factors do you know western people consider in naming their children ? 3.What western name will you choose for your future baby? Why?. Before Reading-warm up. >> WARM-UP ACTIVITIES.
主页面 Unit 6 As His Name is, So is He!
Think: 1. How do names influence us? 2. What factors do you know western people consider in naming their children? 3.What western name will you choose for your future baby? Why? Before Reading-warm up >> WARM-UP ACTIVITIES
Pair Work: Make a dialog with your partner • based on those three questions. Before Reading-warm up >> WARM-UP ACTIVITIES • Oral Practice: Make a story on the topic “name” • based on the three questions above, • and try to share it with your classmates.
Listen and try to answer the following questions. Before Reading-understanding the text >> PRE-READING ACTIVITIES 1.What are some of the ways names can make a difference ? 2. What way can teachers be guilty of name prejudice ? 3. What does the writer suggest you do if your name does not suit you?
Names Before Reading-background information 1 >> Background Information The topic of this passage is about personal names in English speaking countries. As the writer states, personal names often have some stereotyped associations in a particular culture. To learn more about the history of personal names of European origin, check out the website at http://mcreynoldsms.org/etymology.htm. You can also visit http://www.behindthename.com, a website devoted to the etymology (词源) and history of first names of European origin.
Before Reading-background information 2 >> Background Information The Bible The Bible is the holy book of the Christians, consisting of the Old Testament and the New Testament. To learn about the origins and formation of the Bible, check out the websites at http://gbgm-umc.org/umw/bible and http://biblestudytools.net. The former also offers information concerning its interpretation and authority and tells how these are affected by our worldly views at any particular time in history. Each of these topics is also illustrated with online videos.
Before Reading-background information 3 >> Background Information Georgia State University Georgia State University, founded in 1913, is located in the heart of downtown Atlanta, Georgia, USA. The university has an enrollment of more than 27,000 undergraduate and graduate students in six colleges. For more information about the university, visithttp://www.gsu.edu.
Before Reading-background information 4 >> Background Information Temple University Temple University is a comprehensive public research university with more than 34,000 students. It has a distinguished faculty in 17 schools and colleges, including the university’s renowned Health Sciences Center. The university is based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, and has two international campuses in Japan and Italy. Refer tohttp://www.temple.edu for more information about Temple University.
>> Text Structure Analysis Global Reading-main idea
substitute vt. 代替,取代 n. 代替品,代替物;替身,替换的人It is wise of you to substitute well-trained workers for untrained ones in the assembly line. 在流水线上,你用受过训练的工人代替没有经过训练的人是很明智的。 They prefer to substitute experiment and observation for speculative(构思的)theories, but sometimes it is not feasible. 他们喜欢用实验和观察代替纯理论,但有时是不可行的。 NOTES: substitution n.;近义词 replace 搭配:substitute A for B 用A代替B a substitute for …的替代品 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > New Words
talent n. 天赋,才能 If you have great talents, industry will improve them; if you have but moderate abilities, industry will supply their deficiency. 如果你很有天赋,勤勉会使天赋更加完善;如果你能力一般,勤勉会补足其缺陷。 After I graduate, I will work somewhere where I can give full play to my talents, and where I am respected and offered favorable conditions to succeed. 毕业后我要到能充分施展才能的地方工作, 在那里我受到尊重, 并且会得到获得成功的最有利的条件。 NOTES: talented adj.;近义词gift 搭配:have a talent for 有…的天赋 a talented musician 有天赋的音乐家 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > New Words
approval n. 同意,赞同;赞扬,赞许;批准,认可 The other employees contested his right to dismiss Mike without the approval of the manager. 其他职员对他未经经理同意就解雇迈克,提出争议。 His parents gave their approval for his doing part-time jobs, but reminded him not to neglect his studies. 他的父母同意他去做兼职工作,但提醒他不要耽误学习。 NOTES:approve v. ; disapprove v. ; disapproval n. 搭配:give one’s approval for 同意 show approval of/for 表示同意 have one’s approval 得到某人的同意 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > New Words
reserve v. 保留,预定 n. 保留,储备We believe your adventurous experience in your voyage on the sea without reserve. 我们绝对相信你在海上航行时的冒险经历。 If you are not on a package tour during the peak tourist time, you must reserve tickets and hotel rooms in advance. 如果在旅游高峰时不参加旅行团,你必须提前预订好票和旅馆房间。 NOTES: reservation n. 保留;限制;预定;预约; reserved adj. 保守的,拘谨的 同根词 serve, deserve, conserve, preserve, observe 搭配:in reserve 备用的 without reserve 无保留地; 无条件地 reserve a table/seat 订座位 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > New Words
qualify v. 使胜任,使具有资格,使合格To qualify as a romantic poet, you are supposed to develop a capacity for being keenly observant of nature. 要想成为一名浪漫的诗人,你应该培养敏锐地观察大自然的能力。 Four years of education in a normal university qualified him as a teacher/for the job of teaching. 四年师范大学的学习使他具备教师的资格(使他有资格当老师)。 NOTES: qualified adj. ; qualification n. 搭配:qualify as 称职担任某职位 qualify for sth. 称职做某事 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > New Words
prominent adj. 突出的,杰出的;突起的,凸出的In school, the children of prominent or successful parent seem to enjoy certain privilege. 在学校里,杰出人物或成功人士的子女似乎享受某种特权。 Tele-Communication plays a prominent part in modern society. 电讯业在现在社会起着非常重要的作用。 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > New Words
refine vt. 精炼,精制,提纯;使优美,使完善Older cars inevitably lack the latest safety features and need refining. 旧式汽车/老款汽车无疑缺乏最新的安全性能,需要完善。 Oil is refined to remove naturally occurring impurities. 石油经过精炼去除了因自然原因而产生的杂质。 NOTES: refined adj. ; refinement n.; refinery n. 炼油厂,提炼厂; 同根词define, confine Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > New Words
extent n. 宽度,广度,长度;程度,限度;范围 The notion that money is the root of all evil is convincing to some extent. 认为钱是万恶根源的观念在一定程度上是有说服力的。 What impressed me was that my roommates were all supporting me to their full extent whenever I ran into trouble. 给我留下深刻印象的是, 无论什么时候我遇到麻烦,室友们都全力以赴地支持我。 NOTES: to a certain /some/ a great extent 在一定/某种/很大程度上 to the / such an extent that …竟然到…的地步; 如此…以至于 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > New Words
award vt. 授予,给予,颁发 ;裁定(通常指官方或法院根据有关规定把钱财等奖给或判给某人) n. 奖,奖金,奖学金He received honors and awards from the government because of his great contribution to agricultural production. 由于他对农业生产的巨大贡献,他得到了政府授予的荣誉和奖励。 $50,000 was the amount the court awarded to him as the victim of the traffic accident. 5万美元是法庭判给他这个交通事故受害者的赔偿数额. NOTES: 同根词reward, ward; 近义词reward 搭配:award sth. to sb. (for sth.) 或award sb. sth. (for sth.) 因某事奖赏某人某物 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > New Words
application n. 1) official request 申请,请求 2) act of putting a theory, discovery, etc. to practical use 应用,运用 Free information will be sent out an application to the office. 可向公司函索免费资料。 Students learned the practical application of the theory. 学生们学着把理论知识应用到实际中去。 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > New Words
acquaintance n. 1. person whom one knows but who is not a close friend 2. (often slight) knowledge of sb./sth. He has a wide circle of acquaintances. 他交际甚广。He has some little acquaintance with the Japanese language. 他略懂一些日语。 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > New Words
attach sth. to sth. 使某物与某物相关联 Last year we attached great importance to the domestic market, which brought us a surprising increase in our profit at home. 去年我们很重视国内市场,这种重视给我们带来了国内市场利润的极大增加。 The social demands for college graduates with high ability of foreign languages inspired more and more students to attach importance to English study. 社会对具有较高外语能力的大学毕业生的需求激励越来越多的学生重视英语学习。 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > Useful Expressions and Phrases
be guilty of 对…有罪责的 We must assume him to be innocent until he is proved guilty of the crime. 尚未证实他有罪,我们就得假定他是清白的。 American justice works on the premise that an accused person is innocent until he’s proved guilty of a crime. 美国司法制度的运作前提是被告被证明有罪之前都是无罪的。 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > Useful Expressions and Phrases
take charge of take control and become responsible for someone or something 负责管理,对…负责 It is of great necessity that the club should choose a responsible member to take charge of its money . 俱乐部挑选一名负责可靠的会员管理财务是非常必要的。 Mrs. Johnson is taking charge of our class at present. 约翰生太太现在负责管理我们班。 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > Useful Expressions and Phrases
be ill at ease =be not relaxed, be uncomfortable He appeared ill at ease at the part.他在晚会上显得很拘谨 She feels ill at ease in strange surroundings. 她在陌生的环境中感觉不自在 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > Useful Expressions and Phrases
turn down =refuse to accept an offer or request They offered her a job but she turned it down. 他们向她提供了职位,但是她拒绝了。 I’m not going to turn down an invitation to go to New York. 我不会拒绝去纽约的邀请。 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > Useful Expressions and Phrases
1. Despite… / For all…, sb. did manage to do sth.. Even so, sb. else refuses to…, doing sth. else instead.尽管······,某人设法做了某事。即使如此,他人仍拒绝······,而是······ Despite the low salary and bad working conditions, he did manage to finish his task perfectly. Even so, the boss refuses to get him promoted, treating him unfairly instead. 尽管薪金低,工作条件差,他还是圆满地完成了任务。即使如此,老板也没有提拔他,而是不公正地对待他。 Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > Sentence Structure
2. If I were…, sb./sth. would have done …if I were a more refined Arthur or Adrian, the name would have appeared complete. (L.29) If I were him, I would have fought with that vicious man. 如果我稍微明智点, 我应该能料到这次尝试会失败。 If I were any wiser, I would have expected the failure of this attempt. Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > Sentence Structure
3. Though most of us…, we’re all…to some extent. Though most of us would like to think ourselves free from such prejudiced notions, we’re all guilty of name stereotyping to some extent. (L.38) 虽然我们大多数人看上去很高兴,其实大家在某种程度上都有些失望。 Though most of us seemed happy, we were all disappointed to some extent. Detailed Reading-language points • >> Language Point > Sentence Structure
After Reading-guided practice • >> Guided Practice • feel like • subtitle… for… • feel comfortable with… • attach…to… • be guilty of • take charge of • be ill at ease • turn down • 想要,喜欢 • 用……替代…… • 对……感到舒服 • 使某物与某物相关联 • 对…有罪责的 • 负责,掌握 • 不自在,困窘 • 拒绝
Group Work:Please retell the story with the words and phrases given below. • Reference After Reading-story telling • >> Story Telling name, woman, make a difference, former name, suit, middle name, scientists, magazine, at a part
After Reading-story telling • >> Story Telling > Reference This writer describes ways names can make a difference. One woman didn’t like her former name because it didn’t suit her appearance or elegant manner and made her think she should be a cook. When she used her middle name for her first, she felt more comfortable with herself, other people started to take her more seriously and gave her added confidence. So some social scientists say that what you’re called can affect your life. One prominent magazine consistently refused to print the writer’s name because his name made him more qualified to be a baseball player than an art critic. Other names would have been printed completely. At a party, another woman was ill at ease because the man whom she wanted the writer to introduce her to was the same person she had turned down for a blind date because of his name.
Topic: People’s name can influence us. Specific Details: 1. people’s name often suggest something in our mind even before meeting him/her in person. 2. Children with name like…, …. those with bad name like…., …. 3. When we are choosing a name, we should…. Essay Writing After Reading-assignment • >> Assignment HINTS: general statement supported by specific details 120-200 words
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