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Lidars in Latin America: Current status. Dr. Juan Carlos Antuña Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de Camagüey, Instituto de Meteorología Camagüey, Cuba. Lidar Sites in Latin America. ALiNe : A merican Li dar Ne twork (Original acronym) Or LALiNet : L atin A merican Li dar Net work
Lidars in Latin America: Current status. Dr. Juan Carlos Antuña Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de Camagüey, Instituto de Meteorología Camagüey, Cuba II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
Lidar Sites in Latin America ALiNe: American Lidar Network (Original acronym) Or LALiNet: Latin American Lidar Network (Proposed by Dr. Flamant) II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
Status of the Lidar community in Latin America: • Limitating Conditions: • Disparity in the current lidar operating systems. • Different levels of expertise and qualification among its research and engineer staffs. • Very low level of local funding. • Favorable Conditions: • Existence of Universities and certain amount of research groups with young researchers and graduate students. • Existence of some teams with recognized expertise and experience at international level. • Spirit of cooperation between the existing lidar teams. II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
LATIN AMERICAN LIDARS: CURRENT CONDITIONS (1) • Geographical extent of Central and South America: • guarantees maximum regional latitudinal-longitudinal coverage in both hemispheres with coasts facing the Atlantic and the Pacific. ( 55°S in Chile to 30°N in Mexico; 34°W Brazil to 81°W in Peru) • Lidar teams existing or under development: • Argentina: 5 lidars operative • CEILAP: Centro Investigaciones en Láseres y Aplicaciones • Station Villa Martelli, Buenos Aires Province (34°33'S, 58°30'W) • Station Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz Province (51º36'S, 69º 19'W) • Brazil: 2 lidars operative • INPE: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais. • Upper Atmos. Research Group,São José do Campos (23°S, 46°W) • IPEN: Instituto de Pesquisas Energéticas e Nucleares. Centre for Laser & Applications -CLA, São Paulo (23°33'S, 46°44'W) • Bolivia: 1 lidar operative (2010) • UMSA: Universidad Mayor de San Andres. Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics- LAP, La Paz (15.5ºS, 68.1ºW) II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
LATIN AMERICAN LIDARS: CURRENT CONDITIONS (2) • Lidar teams existing or under development (cont.): • Colombia: 1 lidar operative (2010) • GLEO-UN: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín, Grupo de Láser y Espectroscopía Óptica (6.15ºN, 75.34ºW) • Puerto Rico: 3 lidars operatives • Arecibo Observatory, (18.35°N, 66.75°W) • Cuba: 1 lidar not operative • GOAC-INSMET: Instituto de Meteorología • Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de Camagüey, (21.4°N, 77.9°W) • MPLNET: 5 lidar sites • Bermuda (32.37°N, 64.69°W) • CRYSTAL_FACE, FL, US (25.65°N, 80.43°W) • Roosevelt_Roads, PR, (18.26°N, 65.60°W) • Ragged_Point, Barbados (13.17°N, 59.43°W) • Abracos_Hill, Brazil (10.77°S, 62.37°W) • Brazil: 2 water vapor Raman lidars will be installed (2010 & 2011) • Manaus (3.1°S, 60.0°W) • Porto Velho (30.0°S, 51.2°W) II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
LATIN AMERICAN LIDARS: CURRENT CONDITIONS (3) • Atmospheric variables measured by Latin American teams: • aerosols (tropospheric/stratospheric, biomass burning, etc.) • ozone (both tropospheric and stratospheric) • temperature (stratospheric and mesospheric) • water vapour (tropospheric) & mesospheric sodium layer. • Accumulated specialized know-how: • via in-house development; • by technology transfer from lidar teams in other parts of the world; • Developed the capabilities necessary for keeping the lidar operating and measuring. • Cooperative activities with lidar teams in the rest of the world: • Europe, Japan and the US, as well as with ESA, JICA and NASA • Maintaining a regular series of workshops on lidar: • Showing and demonstrating lidar applications and advances; • Important educational component with student attendance; • Regional and international experts participate as lecturers in the sessions dedicated to the students and young researchers. II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
Examples of local studies and applications of lidar measurements at IPEN, Brazil. Series of measurements of a mobile lidar in Sao Paolo state, Brazil (2009)
Main Results- Validation Campaign In the second half of the year 20009 measurements were conducted to evaluate the instrument and the meteorological information available MEDIDA LIDAR RIO CLARO 15/07/09
Biomass burning event in Sao Paolo state, Brazil. August, 28th 2010 MODIS image Transport of aerosols took place from the biomass burning place to the city. Some hospitals at SP doubled the admissions of people suffering from respiratory problems in the few days following the event. IPEN lidar Sao Paolo city II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
Current Efforts • Creation of a lidar network in Latin America: • A common goal among the few lidar teams in Latin America during recent years. • Seen as a process of integration of existing lidar projects and the establishment of new ones. • Critical part of this effort is to build on existing capabilities and to provide training to scientists at each of the existing and prospective sites for then to be able to operate their own observatories. • For that purpose: • Regular Workshops on Lidar measurements in Latin America have been conducted every two years from 2001. II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
WORKSHOP SERIES • Workshops on Lidar measurements in Latin America have been conducted every two years from 2001. • No. Dates City Country • I 6 - 8 March 2001 Camagüey Cuba • II 17-21 February 2003 Camagüey Cuba • III 11 - 15 July2005 Popayán Colombia • IV 17-23 June 2007 Ilhabela Brazil • V 30 Nov.- 3 Dec. 2009 Buenos Aires Argentina • Goals: • Promote communication and cooperation between scientists in lidar research in Latin America. • Plan future lidar research projects in the region. • Facilitate the education and capacity building of the students/young scientists related to lidar research • Web: http://www.lidar.camaguey.cu/wlmla/index.htm II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
Group Photo V WLMLA, Buenos Aires, Argentina (30 Nov.-3 Dec. 2009) II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
WORKSHOP SERIESRESULTS (1) Table 1: Attendees and presentations at each of the WLMLAs. Legend: LA: Latin America; RW: Rest of the World ST: Students OR: Oral PO: Posters (Oral presentations include lectures.) • Relevant Features: • Total of attendees & presentations show a general increasing trend. • Attendees from the RW increasing: rising international interest. • Students attending, around one third of the attendees. • Oral and poster presentations also show an increasing tendency. • Beginning with the III WLMLA, ( Popayan, Colombia, July 11th-15th, 2005) publication of papers presented at the workshops have been possible, in Pure and Applied Optics (OPA), official peer reviewed journal of the Spanish Optical Society. II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
WORKSHOP SERIESRESULTS (2) Other Practical results: Hardware & personnel training for the new lidar in Bolivia. (Contributed by ESA, Univ. Rome & GSFC-NASA) Facilitating training in Latin American or the Rest of the World: 2 colombians already finished PhD in GOA-UVA, Spain 1 brazilian on her PhD at UMBC, US 1 colombian postdoc working at IPEN, Brazil Publication of papers presented (III, IV & V WLMLA) in Pure and Applied Optics (OPA), peer reviewed Journal of theSpanish Optical Society. • Major acknowledgements: • Financial support from the II to the V WLMLA by ESA. • (Key role played by Dr. Errico Armandillo, who is the only non-Latin-American scientist attending all the 5 workshops already conducted.) • Financial support of the Atmospheric Optics Group of the University of Valladolid, for the publication of the papers in OPA. • (Personal effort and engagement of Dr. Angel de Frutos Barajas). II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
ACTIONS UNDER WAY (1) • In the current context our goals: • To maintain and increase the level of exchange and capacity building • To keep exploring all opportunities for creating a network • Possible affiliation to ALAGE (Asociación Latinoamericana de Geofísica Espacial) is under evaluation by the team leaders. • Participation in GALION will take place: • By individual lidar teams’ affiliations to GALION • By contributing with our experience in capacity building. • Individual & joint actions: • Lidar Division from CEILAP (CITEFA-CONICET), Argentina: • Lidar site Río Gallegos, conducting optimization of electronics for the DIAL ozone measurements, increasing its precision, - partial financial support by JICA. • Cooperation NIES and CNRS. Implementing new spectrometric box for 3 elastic and 3 inelastic channels to better characterize the aerosols. • Buenos Aires, new mobile Raman lidar being built in cooperation with NIES. • A six mirror lidar for future Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTA), is being designed. II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
ACTIONS UNDER WAY (2) • Individual & joint actions (Cont.): • IPEN lidar team (IPEN), São Paulo, Brazil: • Upgrade to 6 channel Raman system, N and H2O at 532 and 355 nm. • Beginning indirect aerosol hygroscopic growth project; continuation Raman lidar water vapor system calibration study & the tropospheric aerosol & biomass burning tracking measurements. • Joint proposal for studying Saharan dust in our region with the Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de Camagüey (Cuba). • Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de Camagüey (GOAC-INSMET), Cuba: • Exchanges w/ EARLINET for possible rebuilding of the old Russian system. Dr. Valentin Mitev have already conducted the evaluation of the status of the lidar systems. • Preliminary agreements for a camera lidar setup. II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
ACTIONS UNDER WAY (3) • Individual & joint actions (Cont.): Lidar Division from CEILAP (CITEFA-CONICET), Argentina, Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica de Camagüey (GOAC-INSMET), Cuba, Grupo de Óptica Atmosférica, Universidad de Valladolid, España. • Proposal submitted to AECID (Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo) for a one year support to conduct exchanges, visits & a meeting to prepare a proposal draft for creating RIBAMA (Red IBero-Americana de Mediciones de Aerosoles) • Building up on the exisiting sunphotometers in Latin America. • To complement the provision of data to AERONET with the development of local and regional expertise to use the data for research and services • To provide regional facilities for calibration (CEILAP, Buenos Aires, Argentina) and training & capacity building (GOAC, Camagüey, Cuba) • To facilitate and promote the research and development of applications of the synergy between sunphotometers & lidars II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
VI Workshop on LIDAR Measurements in Latin America Celebrating 10 years from the 1st Workshop. Universidad Mayor de San Andres, La Paz, Bolivia September 26-30, 2011 Lidar Course 26-28 September Workshop: 29-30 September Soon the Web page at: Web: http://www.lidar.camaguey.cu/wlmla/index.htm II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010
COMMITMENT Although the difficulties and limitations the lidar community in Latin America is committed to contribute to GALION. We envisage that contribution as mutually beneficially both for the development of GALION as well as to development and progress of the lidar community in Latin America. Thanks you! Acknowledgments: The core of this work was supported by the Cuban National Climate Change Research Program grant 01301177. II GALION Workshop, Geneva, 20-23 September 2010