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HiPath ProCenter Agile

HiPath ProCenter Agile. TELFOR 2004 HiPath Real T ime Aplikacije. Agenda. HiPath OpenScape demonstracija HiPath ProCentre Agil e 35 – 45 minuta. „ Druga generacija IP “ (2gIP) obezbeđuje prave alate za optimizaciju biznis procesa.

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HiPath ProCenter Agile

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  1. HiPath ProCenter Agile TELFOR 2004HiPath Real Time Aplikacije

  2. Agenda • HiPath OpenScape • demonstracija • HiPath ProCentre Agile • 35 – 45 minuta

  3. „Druga generacija IP “ (2gIP) obezbeđuje prave alate za optimizaciju biznis procesa. Future IP value creation will be based on business process productivity and -differentiation Future IP value creation will be based on business process productivity and -differentiation TM Value created Value Created IP Communications Applications IP Communications Applications Current focus of IP value creation is on operating cost reductions and improvement of asset efficiency Current focus of IP value creation is on operating cost reductions and improvement of asset efficiency IP Communications Infrastructure IP Communications Infrastructure Time Time Source: Siemens and Deloitte Consulting Research, 2002

  4. Modularni HiPath Portfolio optiClients, optiPoints & Portals Business Applications Business Applications HiPath MetaDirectory HiPath SIcurity HiPath MetaManagement & QoS HiPath MobileOffice HiPath ComScendo Other Applications HiPath OpenScape HiPath ProCenter HiPath Servers & Gateways HiPath Services HiPath je sveobuhvatni portfolio modularnog, multifunkcionalnog softvera, servisa i podržanog hardvera.

  5. Modularni HiPath Portfolio optiClients, optiPoints & Portals Business Applications Business Applications HiPath MetaDirectory HiPath SIcurity HiPath MetaManagement & QoS HiPath MobileOffice HiPath ComScendo Other Applications HiPath OpenScape HiPath ProCenter HiPath Servers & Gateways HiPath Services HiPath je sveobuhvatni portfolio modularnog, multifunkcionalnog softvera, servisa i podržanog hardvera.

  6. Vaš izazov…Komunikaciona dilema Pokušaji - 5 Poruke - 4 Prekidi - 2 Kompanija plaća previše IM 1 2 5 3 4 www.gatuplay.com

  7. Šta je OpenScape? Personal Productivity Application Workgroup Collaboration Application OpenScape Communication Broker Multi-Resource Collaboration Presence-Based Communications Open Application Architecture

  8. HiPath OpenScape Zašto Siemens? kreira inteligentne odnose između svih komunikacionih resursa u preduzeću, povećavajući produktivnost zaposlenih i komunikacionih servisa, obezbeđenjem raskošnih i uspešnih komunikacija na prvi poziv

  9. HiPath OpenScapeNajvažnije • Inteligentno upravljanje komunikacijama smanjuje broj transakcija i snižava komunikacione troškove • Unapređeni kontakt menadžment • Povećano zadovoljenje korisnika Za pojedinca • Govorni portal za mobilne korisnike • Maksimalna kontrola dostupnosti – čak i za mobilne korisnike • Jednostavno korišćenje Za timove • Brže zakazivanje i uspostavljanje konferencijskih poziva • Neposredne konferencije • Neposredna saradnja

  10. Real Time Communication Voice Video Wireless Messaging Voicemail E-mail Calendaring Text – IM, SMS HiPath OpenScape (Presence-based Real-time Multimodal Communications) IT and Web Services Kollaboration Conference Whiteboarding Document sharing Business Application Integration CRM ERP Andere HiPath OpenScapeNajvažnije HiPath OpenScape kreira inteligentne odnose između svih komunikacionih resursa u preduzeću, povećavajući produktivnost zaposlenih i komunikacionih servisa, obezbeđenjem raskošnih i uspešnih komunikacija na prvi poziv! Voice Video Wireless CRM ERP Other • Revolucionarno povećanje produktivnosti radnog mesta • Maksimalna efikasnost svakog zaposlenog

  11. PSTN or PBX Siemens SIP Phone PSTN/PBXGateway Conferencing Unit OpenScape arhitektura Siemens OpenScape Greenwich .NET server LAN Windows Messenger Client OpenScape Client The Leader in Real-time Communications 12

  12. OpenScape je nezavisan od sistema OpenScape SIP Gateway Siemens Avaya Nortel Cisco Other 100% - celokupno tržište The Leader in Real-time Communications 13

  13. User Presence Informacije o statusu učesnika Group Presence Device Aggregations

  14. Priority Call Routing When Out of Office IM Priority List When In Meeting Automatic Status Change When Screen Saver Active Alternate IM When PC in Screen Saver Mode Priority Call Routing When On Vacation Default for Incoming Call – When Available Default for Incoming Call – When Unavailable Default for Incoming Call – When Available Default for Outgoing Call – When UnAvailable Default for Incoming IM For an incoming call from a designated Priority Contact received when my presence status changes to Out of Office direct to Cell Phone Automatska informacija o promeni statusa Inteleigente relacije između statusa, uređaja i aktivnosti Notify me when Mark Baker is available for a voice call

  15. Višestruki govorni interfejsNapredne osobine za korisnike i goste Guest OpenScape User • Welcome to OpenScape. • Would you like to: • Listen to voice messages? • Change your Presence status? • Place a telephone call? • Send a voice message? • Start a collaboration session? • Access your email or calendar? • Review your task list? • Welcome to OpenScape. • Would you like to: • Leave a message? • Access team documents? • Join a scheduled conference? • Schedule a meeting with your contact?

  16. New Intelligence in Communications 17 Saradnja timova Glavne osobine • Uspostavljanje višekorisničke audio i multimedjalne prezentacije • Document Sharing • Touch Conference – koršćenje informacije o statusu da bi se pokrenula ad hoc multi-party conference kada su svi učesnici dostupni • Instant Conference – pojednostavljuje proces uspostavljanja multimedijalne konferencije • Conference View – prikazuje spisak učesnika u konferencijskom pozivu • Media Advance – prelazak sa aktivne govorne konferencije na multimedijalnu konferenciju

  17. Start Audio Conference

  18. Screen shot of the “my workgroups” portal with arrows pointing to the icons to the right of any working group. Start Web Conference

  19. start conference with selected contacts

  20. start web conference with selected contacts

  21. Launch Workgroup Portal

  22. SalesMarketingTeam

  23. SalesMarketingTeam

  24. SalesMarketingTeam

  25. SalesMarketingTeam

  26. HiPath OpenScape Lični Portal - Intuitivan interfejs za efikasne kontakte Buddy List Prikazuje prisutnost članova liste i preko kog medijuma su prisutni Portal za kolaboracione sesije

  27. Ključne vrednosti HiPath OpenScape: Kraj komunikacione dileme: • Otklanja sumnju u komunikacije u realnom vremenenu • Balansiranje dostupnosti / ometanja • Eliminiše redundantne komunikacione poslove • Smanjuje komunikacione i konferencijske troškove • Upotpunjuje biznis procese • Upravlja produktivnošću radne grupe bez narušavanja platforme preduzeća

  28. Strategic focus Presence, not in focus (e.g. JV) Snaga Siemens Com-a u svim oblastima komunikacija nas izdvaja od drugih MobilePhones MobileNetworks Fixed Networks* Enter-prise* Nenadmašan delokrug rešenja i servisa Tržišno učešće Differentiation * Incl. cordless phones, IP-phones, CPE (e.g. set-top-boxes) Weak presence 31

  29. Nenad Saković, dipl. ing. IC EN S Account ManagerTel: 011 30 70 206 Mob:064 81 70 206 e-mail: nenad.sakovic@siemens.com

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