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SOUTHERN UTE INDIAN TRIBE. DATABASE MANAGEMENT STORET PROJECT. Water Quality Program. Michiko Burns, WQP Manager Sylvian (Sal) Valdez, WQ Analyst Tami Sheldon, WQ Technician Trish Valdez, WQ Executive Assistant. WHY THE NEED FOR DATABASE MANAGEMENT?.

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  2. Water Quality Program Michiko Burns, WQP Manager Sylvian (Sal) Valdez, WQ Analyst Tami Sheldon, WQ Technician Trish Valdez, WQ Executive Assistant

  3. WHY THE NEED FOR DATABASE MANAGEMENT? • Seven major rivers cross the reservation • 24 Established sampling sites • 12+ years accumulated water quality data • 7+ years accumulated benthic data • Spreadsheet program limitations • Inability to complete statistical analysis

  4. Special Studies: Missionary Ridge Fire Complex Nutrients Macroinvertebrates/Habitat Algae Metals Sediment

  5. Wetland Monitoring Nutrients Metals Macroinvertebrates Chlorophyll a

  6. Nutrient WorkGroup • Nutrient Workgroup • Members include: EPA Region VI, EPA Region VIII, Southern Ute Tribe, Ute Mtn. Ute Tribe, State of Colorado, New Mexico, CDOW, and several environmental interest groups. • Nutrients • Habitat • Algae • Ash Free Dry Mass • Volatile Organic Matter • Sediment

  7. Data: Metals

  8. Data: Nutrients

  9. Major Accomplishments Phase I • Development of SIM-DE (SIM-Data Entry) • Development of Individual Data Warehouse • Began design of WebSIM • Setup remote StoRet hosting for the 27 Tribes of Region VIII • Creation of a SIM/StoRet compatible Tribal Spreadsheet for data collection and management • Migration of SUIT data into StoRet and the Individual Data Warehouse • Regional Training on Tribal Spreadsheet and Data Management

  10. Station Information Format

  11. Major Accomplishments Phase II • Creation and Implementation of WebSIM Application • On-Site Data Management Workshops • 16 of 27 Tribes Began Loading Data into Regional StoRet Database

  12. Phase II (cont…) • New Regional StoRet Web Portal including WebSIM, Individual and Regional Data Warehouse, and Tribal Contact Database • Creation of the Region VIII Tribal Management Site • Customize and Deploy Regional Copy of the National Data Warehouse

  13. Major and On-going Accomplishments Phase III • Continue On-Site Data Management Workshops • Complete Migration of all Region VIII Tribes Historic Data • Provide assistance for Region VIII Tribes for Current Data Submissions • Create a business plan • Streamline communication between the Data Warehouse and Local Data Management and Analysis Tools (imLink) • Investigate options to deploy the Regional StoRet as a Node on the National Environmental Information Exchange Network. (NEIEN)

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